The Official "Does It Work?" Poll

Share dose experiences

How does I-Doser work for you?

I have felt the effects almost every time.
Some doses work, some don't.
Only a select few doses have worked for me.
I have felt the effects with only one dose.
It is a complete Placebo - I never felt anything.
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Post by Ness »

People will never fail to amaze with their faulty logic, especially when it comes to drugs. People assume things and such. Sigh.
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Post by The-Full-Range »

I tried a blind test of a dose. It turned out to be divinorum. Anyways, I tested a random one, without reading the description, and guess what? Nothing happened. I'll try the same test again later with another random dose, but none of those kinds of doses work for me. Pot, Meth, and Trip didn't do anything, but Peyote did have a mild effect. I'm a bit new to this, but I'm pretty sure it helps the dose A LOT if you know what to expect.

Cocaine really pumped me up
Content reall worked too.
Alcohol was thefirst one I tried, and just blew me away.
Multiple O was the bomb! :D
French Roast worked, but not as well as cocaine.
Peyote hd a mild high that lased for about an hour.
Marijuana, Crystal Meth, Trips, Divinorum.... nothing.
Heroine worked but I think I was just relaxed from having my eyes shut for 30 minuts and expecting to feel relaxed.
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Post by Ness »

So, you picked a random dose which turned out to be one thats never worked for you and nothing happened. How does this prove anything?
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Post by Digi »

Ive only tried ... 2 so far..

MultipleO - worked like a fucking charm..... :D
French Roast - Stayed up all night listened to it first thing in the morning.... kept me up for 30 -45 mins....
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Post by pickleishopeless »

even if only a few of these work ive saved myself money, the lsd dose gets me feeling really trippy or a short period and i love it. I dont like long trips anyway so i was extremely happy with this, and since ive spent less than 10 dollars and 1 lsd hit in my area costs around 10 dollars ive decided this was a good decision

A-Bomb- this provided me with the best feeling i have ever felt in my life, it was as if i was flying and glowing and it was what i would call simply amazing

Frenchh roast- this woke me up, it did its job

Nitrous-this was my first one so i wasnt sure what to expect, this didnt achieve much of a result

content-i felt... i dont know how to describe it, not good, not bad, it was like there were no problems yet i wasnt happy
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Post by jthm_guitarist »

Last edited by jthm_guitarist on Sat May 20, 2017 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ScRaPaZz »

all i have to say is that you know that all are not going to work a 100%, but its better than killing yourself with the real thing.
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Post by SerialSon »

I tried two of these last night for the first time (Orgasm and Out of Body). Orgasm nearly got me there, and it might've succeeded if I hadn't kept getting distracted by subtle external noises. I definitely will be returning to that one!

Out of Body had a distinct effect on me physiologically, but I didn't actually leave my body. My hands were a little jittery after that one ended, and for about 20 minutes I felt like I was fluctuating between being awake and semi-conscious--y'know, that state right before you actually fall asleep, where things seem surreal but you don't really care or notice too much if you're not paying attention.

Tonight I think I'm gonna go crazy and try the marijuana and peyote, and maybe astral as well since most people seem to find that more effective than Out of Body.

I didn't think this stuff would really work on me before I tried it, but now I'm pretty convinced that it's for real to a respectable degree. It's hard for me to believe it's nothing more than a placebo effect, because I've tried sound-based products like these before that were touted to enhance creativity and concentration, but they didn't do a damned thing for me, even though at the time I was actually convinced that they would.

Ah well...I'm glad I gave this a go, as it's pretty much akin to discovering an entirely new world of possibilities to explore. :D
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Re: The Official "Does It Work?" Poll

Post by lbr9600 »

idoser wrote:I-Doser went through years of research and development, and a good amount of that time was spent on testing and polls. We found, through our own research, that I-Doser is 90% effective, with only a small percentage of people who felt no effects at all.

Now that our products are in the wild, it's time for you to tell us how it has worked for you.

how do i do this? i dont understand how i start listening
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Post by Reapzor »

It's not working for me :lol:
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Post by Reaper10 »

300th Vote!
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Post by dick.haggard »

Hakkersszz wrote:
punchm wrote:Blabla Also the doses are way to long, blabla.
Try nitrious, only 10 minutes. And works like a bloody charm
i'm giving it a shot as i type this... i'll let you know how it works for me. :)
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Headphone Quality (+meta-enhancer)

Post by rimlapper »

A little research on entrainment theory reveals everything you get out of it without special headphones is basically gravy.
That being said, even with 10 dollar headphones, some have effect to varying extents, albeit subliminal in many cases.
As a general rule, the brain+ program boosted my measured Iq 14 points using 10 dollar headphones...used before other doses, enhances their effects if used before them
if a given .drg file doesn't work for you, play brain + a time or two...the anti-anxiety and anti-depressant files are particularly potent with this combination..
I have gone from a skeptic to a believer that with further refinement this methodology has mental health therapy potential...
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Re: hmm

Post by rimlapper »

majo88 wrote:I really like it..

makes me feel verrry niicce..

I'm listening to the ecstacy one right now. :D

I was wondering-

would it be better to leave a 3D audio accelerator on or off?
With it on, it bleeds noise from left into right, and vice versa.
with it off, it clears up- leaving both channels completely independent.

I feel more of an effect with the 3D accelerator ON.
Which way *should* be more effective, theoretically?

Can I get an official IDoser resonse on this one? :-o
theoretically, with entrainment, the reason you need headphones is that it utilizes "cross-chatter from the two hemi-spheres of your brain to create a holographic effect...but if you are one of the rare few that gets a better effect otherwise (this would mean you are one of the rare few with fully intergrated hemispheres of your brain) you could possibly play the thing on hi-fidelity external speakers and get the full effect (but nobody around you would get any benefit whatsoever...)
I am not an official on this however, just research-based amareur 2-cents...
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Post by Peanut-Guy »

Nope, i tried:

A-bomb: No effects
Peyote: No effects
Out-Of-Body: only a weird feeling at my whole body for maybe a minute, but didn't the supposed thing
French-roast: I don't realy think that worked..

Tonight i'll try some other doses
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