My Experiences

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My Experiences

Post by achtung »

Hello everyone, this is my first post and I'm going to go into detail about my first few doses.

1st Dose: Astral Projection

I didn't know which one to try first and it was about 11 last night so I picked one for sleep. Astral Projection. I had no expectations. I was even a bit skeptical. But wow, this was a great first dose. At about a quarter of the way through I was feeling funny. I was very relaxed, but had a strange sensation of my eyes pulsating up and down in my head.

I developed a very strong itch on my thigh about halfway through the dose. I tried to move my hand but found that I could not. I wished strongly for the itch to go away, but it didn't. At this point my hands and legs were seemingly missing. I could feel them, but I couldn't move them. I tried once more and picked up my arm. It felt as though I was controlling my body's arm with spiritual strings or something.

After I scratched, I was perfectly lucid. This was, however, the best effect I have gotten from a dose.

2nd Dose: Demerol

This was right after the Astral Projection dose. My head was expanding and contracting. I was glued to the bed. I was really tired though and stopped the dose halfway through.

3rd Dose: French Roast

I did this one this morning before school. I felt a little more awake, but the feeling didn't last long.

4th Dose: Trip

I might not have had a good environment for this because I felt nothing.

5th Dose: Inhalant

First things first, NEVER DO THIS DOSE. At about 35% there were really demonic beeps. I didn't feel anything from the first part I listened to. I through my headphones off when the beeps started. I completely lost it for a minute. My face was tingling and my hands were shaking.

I'm wondering what dose to try next. I might go with Marijuana or Cocaine. I really wanted to do a hallucinogen but I don't know if I'm ready for it.

Also, please let me know if there are any more like Inhalant so I can avoid them.
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Post by ChristopherE »

Maybe you shouldn't do so many at once? Lol. But nice, dude.
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Post by achtung »

Well I dunno. I guess you're right. I was just in a rush to get a good effect. I had a really weird one last night with Lucid Dream.

I was tired and I wanted to see if Lucid Dream would make me have a lucid dream. Well, I had a very strange experience. It started off fine. Chilled out. I was relaxed. About 10 minutes in I started having strange feelings. At one point it felt like I was flying out of my bed at a high speed. A little bit later it felt as though my bed was raising and falling, sort of like being in an elevator.

When there were only maybe 7 minutes left I started spinning. Really hard core spinning. I opened my eyes and the whole room was spinning. It was starting to make me sick so I closed my eyes and hung on. It felt kind of cool for a little bit, but my head and stomach started feeling strange and I turned it off.

I didn't remember my dream, so I guess it didn't work like it should have, but it was the most exciting effect I've had from any of the doses. I recommend it pretty highly.
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Post by ChristopherE »

You don't have to remember lucid dreams and it's quite easy to accomplish them. Read my post in the lucid dream forum about how to obtain a lucid dream.

What you experienced kind of reminded me when I was both drunk and high once. Everything was spinning and I couldn't move my body and everytime I shifted my eyes to get back into focus, the world would start spinning again.

It's all fun but I've yet to buy any i-dose products. I may buy some soon but I'll stick with the samples for now.
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Post by achtung »

I just did Vico. It was pretty interesting. I was mellowed out pretty well on the low part. My face and legs were twitching a bit though. Once it started to raise in pitch I was going crazy. My heart was really thumping in my chest. My arms were completely gone. Wasn't even aware of them.

It was an intense experience.
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Post by ChristopherE »

I just did Black Sunshine then A-Bomb. Neither really did much for me.
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Post by achtung »

I want to try one today, but I'm not sure what to do...

I could try Trip again
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Post by achtung »

Today I tried Trip again. Better results this time. If I opened my eyes and then closed them, there'd be weird lightning bolts behind my eyes. And if I stared at the ceiling for a while I'd start to see little specks of light.

Better than last time.
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Post by saintspader »


I did trip last night on the 15 minute music pack.

I'll tell you what, i was so fucked up I only need to say part of it.

My doors tried to Eat me. Thats all i need to say. I was that fucked up.

And i got attacked by demons...So Yeah Trip was amazly scary/fun. I love it.
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Post by achtung »

15 minute music pack?

(I'm about to try Bufo)Toad)
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Post by achtung »

Okay. No real effects from Bufo)Toad. Oh well.
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Re: My Experiences

Post by gtxo »

achtung wrote: 5th Dose: Inhalant

First things first, NEVER DO THIS DOSE. At about 35% there were really demonic beeps. I didn't feel anything from the first part I listened to. I through my headphones off when the beeps started. I completely lost it for a minute. My face was tingling and my hands were shaking.

I'm wondering what dose to try next. I might go with Marijuana or Cocaine. I really wanted to do a hallucinogen but I don't know if I'm ready for it.

Also, please let me know if there are any more like Inhalant so I can avoid them.
well... whats wrong with demonic beeps? this is ONLY in your mind. pass it and you wont hear that again... thats all what I can advice... :)

Q: Then why all heard this demonic beeps?
A: Because all read this forum because interested in inhalants... and all said: demonic beeeeeps... and its memorized into your mind about inhalant.
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Post by benjo »

whether or not the beeps are demonic, why would you freak out and quit the dose instead of listening to it and getting the effects intended?
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Post by wormomrow »

I take it you've never listened to inhalant before, benjo. It cranks the volume like tenfold and then it gets to this alien-sounding scary noise. I listened to it my first time in bed at like 11:00 and 35% in the noises started i ripped the headphones out. I was so scared just from that weird noise that i couldn't sleep for like an hour

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Post by benjo »

no, i haven't yet heard inhalent. maybe if i can save up enough money then i will.
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