Desperate call for help

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Desperate call for help

Post by wouter »

HI I'm using I-doser for three months now.
And I dont feel any effects from the dose.

I tryed every night one ore two doses:
-frensch roast

And it still dont work :(

What I do

-laying stil in my bed
-removing al thoughts out of my brain (almost silence)
-conentrating on the sounds
-eyes closed in a dark room
-No distractions at all
-very high quality headphones

Here comes the strange part I let a friend listen to alchohol (it was his first time) and it had immidiately an effect on him.

Why not on me :(

Please tell me I want it to work on me aswel

PS:I tryed hand of god by a friend of me and it didnt do anything.
And yes my I-doser is legal
Headpone is stereo

:( if you could help me, than I would be very :D

(sorry for the bad enlish i'm dutch)
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Post by D13G0 »

it's because you don't think it will work.. Next time, you have to imagine you already feel the effects and then you won't have to imagine anymore.. KNOW its working.
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Post by ghmm »

Shoot3r101 wrote:So, its a placebo?
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Post by sharperguy »

Shoot3r101 wrote:So, its a placebo?
I'm guessing that if you think its not going to work then it could act as an "anti-placebo", where it cancels out the effects because you think it isn't going to work.

Also it is my opinion that the doses are enchanced by the placebo effect anyway
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Post by Ness »

Ugh. People who have never used a substance can not understand the true power of the mind. You can completely cancel out the psychoactive (and to a lesser degree physical) aspects of a chemical if you're in the wrong mindset when you take it. I mean completely. You can take ecstasy and not feel a damn thing if you're not in the right state of mind when you take it. And that is with chemicals. Imagine how much more of an impact mind set will have on something that is literally all in the mind.
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Post by Lifted »

Ness wrote:Ugh. People who have never used a substance can not understand the true power of the mind. You can completely cancel out the psychoactive (and to a lesser degree physical) aspects of a chemical if you're in the wrong mindset when you take it. I mean completely. You can take ecstasy and not feel a damn thing if you're not in the right state of mind when you take it. And that is with chemicals. Imagine how much more of an impact mind set will have on something that is literally all in the mind.
Completely true, 'cause I have done Ex couple of times, and because of Adrenaline, and other factors it didn't work AT ALL.

Even though those pills worked before, and after that occassion.

Mind is the most powerful thing we got
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Post by Shades »

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Post by crystalsoul »

true that, the mind is most powerful thing out there.

ive only done weed a few times but when i got high, i would sometimes just sorta get my brain back into reality and i wouldent feel any effects from it. then i would sit there for a sec and snap back into it
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Post by LittleBrown »

May be listening one dose in a row 2x times will work. Also, try stand up and go to the street after taking any kind of mind changer if you wanna notice something. The street can make activate ability of your mind see something because of lots of distractions and oxygen. I red that works on some kind of people. Try 2 different doses at a row. Try listening with open eyes. Try everything. If this wont work anyways, well, then it wont I think. But dont be sad because of that-)
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Post by allceltictx »

OK, here's what I suggest:

Buy "Theta" - it's one of the "pure" doses. My mind/body is sort of stubborn with these doses as well, but the pure doses give me an experience every time.

So FIRST, buy theta, and do it. Theta makes you VERY relaxed, and in a trance like state. Then, lay in bed with your eyes closed for a few moments after theta. get up and walk around a bit, and I'll bet you feel it.

SECOND - Right after theta, put in one of the other doses and do the dose. See how you feel after that dose. I can tell you that the doses which bring you to deep meditation-like states will get you ready to experience other doses. It sort of "opens the doors."

Try this and let me know how it works. Good luck!
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Post by pointless132 »

Ness wrote:Ugh. People who have never used a substance can not understand the true power of the mind. You can completely cancel out the psychoactive (and to a lesser degree physical) aspects of a chemical if you're in the wrong mindset when you take it. I mean completely. You can take ecstasy and not feel a damn thing if you're not in the right state of mind when you take it. And that is with chemicals. Imagine how much more of an impact mind set will have on something that is literally all in the mind.
Ummmm, i would have to completely disagree on you with this statement. If you took ecstasy im pretty damn sure you will start to laugh uncontrollably no matter how hard you try to maintain. Same goes for every other intoxicating substance on this planet unless you got a very big tolerance. The story is different when it comes to tolerance but even when you do have a big tolerance your still going to NOTICE the effects but not enjoy it as much as you did back then when you got really messed up. And also for some drugs when your in that "wrong mindset" your still going to take the effects in as a bad trip.
But, as a seasoned toker, if you tell yourself your not high while your high it can be pretty effective as long as your tolerance is up there.
As for OP, i have the same exact problem. People say you have to imagine the effects but thats a placebo. People tell me to take all these other doses but still i have no luck. If nothing works then people will tell you your immune.
Is there anyone out there that is over the age of 18 and have done some drugs that can get this to work and feel effects? Id like to know if there is someone that fits that description that does this.
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fit the description

Post by krazzee »

Well i'm 23, an avid drug user, and I have gotten I-Doser to work since my very first dose.

However I think I have an unfair advantage over some because I have practiced meditation every day for the last 4 years since I was 19 and I can trance out and isolate the beats in my head faster than any of my friends.

I also know the effects of most drugs, and how they should feel, so I can sometimes anticipate the feelings I should get (with exception to serious ones like heroin and meth, I have done opiates and such, but mainly hallucinogens and pills.)

Not exactly sure how to get it to work with you though, you have tried and listed all the points I would have said.

And in regards to Pointless132, actually, Ness is right. The human brain could completely over-ride any drug effect or feeling in the body if opened up and trained enough, I believe.

Look at some monks in various countries who through sheer meditation and force of will, have altered their brain to completely block out pain, whether smashed over the head with a brick, or having hardened bamboo sticks snapped over their stomach and back.

The human mind is capable of absolutely anything, and reality is just as you view it. Now I won't say you can just will yourself to fly, but if enough years (and I mean many, many, many years) were spent to focus your brain and every part of your being on one specific thing, like the monks do with pain, you could easily overwrite the effects of drugs on your body, though it would completely disable the thrill that comes with drugs then, but it is possible.

And yes, Ness is completely right in that the wrong mind-set can offset a drug even without a practiced mind.

I had a similar experience like that, I was young, about 14, and was going to smoke some pot, when parents called the house phone saying they were coming back early. I became so paranoid and terrified of them finding out, that even after I finished the bowl (yes, I really didn't want to waste it,) the high was completely negated by my mindset and attitude of paranoia and fear.

Hope this helps/is informative.
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Post by pointless132 »

again krazzee, i said if your tolerance is good you have a better chance of being able to maintain. Im not saying its impossible to block out drugs but i find it near impossible especially with drugs like ecstasy unless your used to it, which is probably not going to happen unless you do it everyday.
About that monk argument, yes they can do that but they have trained to do it. These kids on idoser are just kids, not monks that can cancel out drugs like nothin.
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