"Red Static" = HPPD! must read

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Post by Hakkersszz »

I got those floaters, but everyone has them...
Its because of some TINY dirt in the eye fluid if im right.

Anyways, back to the main subject...
If its in the head its cureable... everything (99.9%)in the head can be cured...
And im sure this is one of those 99.9%
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Post by thehotghost »

seriously? you think everything in the head can be cured? uh uh. you could go so far as to say 99.9% of things in the head can be MANAGED. a lot can be cured. some things CANNOT. anyways lately i've noticed that my red static is slowly starting to fade and i notice it less and less which is good. if you do some reaserch you'll find that HPPD can naturally cure itself over a period of time if drug use is stopped. however this does not happen in all cases.
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Post by nwa »

did you smokecrack before the dose maybe thats why lol J/K

i think it go away soon enough dont think it can lst forever maybe it jus triggered your tripping more
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Post by bensod123 »

Lol? that can happen if you have the REAL drug. and not lising to a sound.
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Post by Tech-N9NE »

i have the same thing i think almost all humans have this shit maybe some different ones, also moving dots in the air can also be the bacteria thats on your eyes, and its true cus all parts of ur body are full of bacteria even if you shower 10 times a day there will always be that damn bacteria but you never see them which makes it unnoticeable for most people. ask the doctor ask the president(if u have one), but guys dont worry about these floaters etc. only that red static seems kinda strange, ask your doctor.
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Post by punchm »

LOL wow i had this 2 weeks ago, i was on my balcony looking in the sky, when i started to focus all/most of my attention to the air, i started seeing the
white snowy looking spots and i thought i tapped into a new visual state and i played around with my vision, i made my eyes un focused and it would go away and when focused come back, it was kinda cool, but i dont have it permanently, heck i dont even know if i can do it again lol.
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Post by jwbbphoenix »

I an 16 years old and have had this 'condition' as long as I can remember. It used to bother me during late childhood as I was approaching the age where you question your own appearance more. I didn't know what they were, so I went to an optician. He told me that sometimes it's perfectly natural to have the condition. It is not serious and may just fade away after many years. I don't remember clearly, but I remember him mentioning something about a connection between the fluid in the mother's womb and the condition from childbirth.

It doesn't bother me at all anymore, as I just accept it. Before I found out what it was, I actually assumed everyone had it.

I usually get it more when I am dehydrated, or just got up in the morning and sat upright before allowing my bloodstream to adjust to the sudden change in posture, which resulted in a short burst of a large amount of it.
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Post by justme »

I've also had these floaters, i always assumed everyone did. Anyway, i've also encountered another effect. once as i was just staring at the sky one afternoon i noticed lots of bright white specks of light like dust. The only time I've ever experienced anything simmilar to that was when i was on shrooms, but when this happened i had not taken any for months.
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Post by AliveAtLast »

lmao i got something like that from Trip. It was so great, but it would definately be pissing me off if i had to live with it forever. Especially since it was red... that would suck :P
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Post by kr3wskater »

The people saying that theyve seen stuff when looking at the sky, that's not because of idoser or anything else, it happens whenever you look at blue light.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_field ... phenomenon
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Post by sharperguy »

what you mean this isn't normal??
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Post by kr3wskater »

it IS normal
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Post by Eskimo »

mikael wrote:
Purrtyful wrote:I've had something similar to that for a couple of years now.. only I am not sure if it's the same thing so I'll describe it and whoever has it please tell me if it's the same? o.O

I see little dots of light only they're not red, they're white. It's not like TV static, more like when you hit a cushion and dust comes up only they're tiny dots of light and they 'appear' to go as far as the eye can see and even when my eyes aren't moving, the static still is.

Anything like yours? I've never been able to find an explanation but that HPPD sounds pretty close.. visual snow :P

*Edit: OMG I love you, I love you!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Visualsnow-80.jpg That's exactly what I seeee :D

Maybe im wrong, But do you mean this?
I think i got the same, but dont much people have this?
I have seen this frequently through out my life, and never had a clue what they were. Thanks for the link.
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Post by ChloeNothing »

Hm. Yeah, I've done LSD, Mushrooms and MDMA. Every time I would do them my vision would get a little worse. Now I see rainbows emanating from television sets/any light in the dark. I see dots, patterns fall around me from time to time especially if I stare at something long enough. Sometimes the ceiling will shift and shadows that shouldn't exist pop up all the damn time. If I'm reading for an extended period of time I'll see patterns of lines dropping down out of the air. Yep. I guess you could say it keeps reality in check, or lack of.
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