The "Crystal Meth" was insane !

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The "Crystal Meth" was insane !

Post by JaevL »

In the middle of the "song" i felt i could controll the main sound, up and down - down and up. It was so cool! Did anybody else feel the same?
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Post by Roon »

I felt I could control the speed of the pulses/Waves...
It was amazing... other than the fact I fell face first on the floor afterwards
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Post by nwa »

Roon wrote:I felt I could control the speed of the pulses/Waves...
It was amazing... other than the fact I fell face first on the floor afterwards
LMAOoooo i passed out from the A-Bomb and fell on the floor also, i guess the program can be a little bit dangerous lol

Post by pjott »

* Creating A Whole Inferno Of The Case *
World Laws wrote: § 42.4
- We herby declare the software application for Windowsâ„¢ 95/98/98SE/2000/XP/Vistaâ„¢ "I-Doser" (And all other versions) illegal to use
all over the world.
This is a dangerous program that could cause your teeth to fall out, eyes turn
blue and most importand and dangerous of all: Hitting your dog/cat/pet on
the way down to the floor while passing out.

If someone attemp to use this program/software, the person shall serve 21
years in jail (where they have no dentist) and $4 000 USD in speed-ticket.
... OK I'm sick.
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Post by idoser »

Never heard of such a thing. Please supply a link.

Post by pjott »

I was just joking man :P

I'm just seing it in front of my eyes...

Hehe.. Well...

As far as I am conzerned, drugs are getting illegal because this and that.
I-Doser does _NOT_ include ANY of the same "side-effects" or anything
like that, so I-Doser has come to stay.

The day you quit develop on it, I'll continiue on it.
I-Doser for life!
.. Peace :|
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Post by Chris-Norway »

Hehe den var bra laga :D

English: That was good made :D
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Post by tweak »

oh yeah, i was trying the meth and heard these high pitch sounds that I was able to control up and down until they sounded like police sirens..then I started freakin.
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Post by sombreroflo »

ble dritt redd når jeg leste det XD
went really scared when reading it XD
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Re: The "Crystal Meth" was insane !

Post by Jb3783 »

OMG I had the best experience 2night I did my first one(hand of god) and didn't feel anything, but crystal meth is the best so far, I heard doors creaking and people on a train eating and laughing, it was really weird the people and cracks were coming from the fuzzy background and then near the end the waves/pulses sounded like bells going really fast. And now I feel great and refreshed!
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