Voices behind the sounds

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Post by Muloc7253 »

"Auditory pareidolia is a situation created when the brain incorrectly interprets random patterns as being familiar patterns.[36] In the case of EVP it could result in an observer interpreting random noise on an audio recording as being the familiar sound of a human voice.[34][37] The propensity for an apparent voice heard in white noise recordings to be in a language understood well by those researching it, rather than in an unfamiliar language, has been cited as evidence of this,[34] and a broad class of phenomena referred to by author Joe Banks as Rorschach Audio has been described as a global explanation for all manifestations of EVP.[38] [39] [40] [41]

Skeptics such as David Federlein, Chris French, Terrence Hines and Michael Shermer say that EVP are usually recorded by raising the "noise floor" - the electrical noise created by all electrical devices - in order to create white noise. When this noise is filtered, it can be made to produce noises which sound like speech. Federlein says that this is no different from using a wah pedal on a guitar, which is a focused sweep filter which moves around the spectrum and creates open vowel sounds. This, according to Federlein, sounds exactly like some EVP. This, in combination with such things as cross modulation of radio stations or faulty ground loops can cause the impression of paranormal voices.[4] The human brain evolved to recognize patterns, and if a person listens to enough noise the brain will detect words, even when there is no intelligent source for them.[42][43] Expectation also plays an important part in making people believe they are hearing voices in random noise.[44]

Apophenia is related to, but distinct from pareidolia.[45] Apophenia is defined as "the spontaneous finding of connections or meaning in things which are random, unconnected or meaningless", and has been put forward as a possible explanation.[46]"
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Post by imsobored »

ok- i really cant say i'm an expert on binaural beats, but i will say this-

i really do not believe that there are voices. people on this forum have heard bells, fireworks, and the like behind it. i just hear the pink noise.

if you are not strong enough in YOUR mindset to retain your mindset even if they ARE using subliminal(sp) messaging, then thats too bad for you. i myself havent experienced a difference in my mindset, just like master(insert numbers here.).

but if you dont want to use i-doser, fine. get out. we clearly dont want to agree with you, and will therefore not listen.

gates of hades and hand of god are very experimental. thats why they tell you 50 friggen times that its NOT FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION or that it is for VERY EXPERIENCED USERS ONLY. i myself have used GoH and HoG, and have never experienced anything worse than a sense of impending doom during GoH that stopped about a minute after i took my headphones off. after HoG, i felt as if i could not move, but then again, i had no desire anyways, and when i really felt the need to move, my limbs simply felt heavy as if i just woke up from a deep sleep.

sometimes i think that the i-doser officials make the doses out to be stronger than they actually are, but then again maybe im not recieving full effect. thats the only conspiracy theory i have about i-doser.
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Post by ethan1134 »

Yeah i don't know how there's even a debate here...the track is just tones, if you hear voices it means
1. there are people where you are
2. the dose is working it
3. you torrented/pirated it and someone took the time to put voices in...weird and not worth it lol
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Post by Dancinglollipop »

I was listening to Opium, and kept hearing the Slow Rider rift. Why? Because I was playing it on Guitar Hero a few hours prior.

There was probably a chord in the track that triggered a sensory-memory from your short-term memory and thus you kept hearing "voices".
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Post by MegaMontana »

Although I can't say with 100% assurance this is from idoser, I'm pretty sure there is some kind of correlation.

I'm sure others may have experienced it as well since trying idoser. At night, before I'm going to bed, probably a hour or so before when I'm just lying down or in the kitchen getting something, I'll hear very faint voices, kind of like a radio not tuned in right or a T.V (I assure nothing is on when this happens) and it's just like chatter, like a group of people talking, like a freaking party or something. It only happens for maybe 30 or so seconds and it's nothing frightening , just weird. This usually happens around 2-4 am and sometimes it sounds like it's coming from outside, but there's never anyone outside or any cars.

Maybe it's a coincidence that this has stared happening the last month or so? A little after I stopped using idoser. I don't think so. Maybe someone else can come in and confirm this kind of experience?
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Post by BlazedGanja »

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Post by Rapture333 »

Strange isn't it? I remember listening to Content a few days ago. I just finished listening to some techno. And when I listened carefuly enough I could here beats in my head... Techno D&B and I could here it making a mallodic beat in the background, I felt like I could control this beat and I did, and I shifted and made it into a very nice mellodic tune. I dont know about you, but what I heard wasn't voices; it was definitly something, that's for sure, but it also seemed like it was in fact in my head. Or, I was able to control it. I'm not sure I'd need to listen ounce more.
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

Just want to clear something up for you montana. It is ILLEGAL to SELL picture or audio that has any subliminal message of any kind in it. Not saying you should sue I-Doser, i'm just saying you are making a BIG accusation. You seriously need a break.

Oh and them weird voices you hear? I believe that's called telepathy which can be triggered from some doses...only selected few believe in telepathy, I do, and everyone is telepathic in some way. You just need to develope it. I for one is in the middle of puberty meaning i'm in a part of life where my brain is still developing so it will be easier for me to learn.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my wall of text, I havent posted in a while, but blah blah blah :lol:

Last edited by UltimaWarrior on Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rocker666 »

UltimaWarrior wrote:Just want to clear something up for you montana. It is ILLEGAL to SELL picture or audio that has any subliminal message of any kind in it. Not saying you should sure I-Doser, i'm just saying you are making a BIG accusation. You seriously need a break.

Oh and them weird voices you hear? I believe that's called telepathy which can be triggered from some doses...only selected few believe in telepathy, I do, and everyone is telepathic in some way. You just need to develope it. I for one is in the middle of puberty meaning i'm in a part of life where my brain is still developing so it will be easier for me to learn.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my wall of text, I havent posted in a while, but blah blah blah :lol:

Good words from you, how old are you?
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

Rocker666 wrote:Good words from you, how old are you?
13 and proud to be a young doser.
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Post by justakitten »

From a technical standpoint it's pretty much impossible for the dose files or even the software to contain actual voices... the file sizes are just too small. The only way to work in subliminal messages on such a small file size would be with speech synthesis, and synthesized voices are very obvious and easy to pick out. So no worries about the i-doser developers trying to warp your mind.

I would say it's EVP, if anything.
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Post by drunk-monk »

i like to say things, that people have said before...

it's all in your head!
everyone can hear voices. you just need an imagination and your brain needs to be in a suggestive state in order for you to actually believe, that you're hearing voices [other reasons include: malfunction with the chemicals in your brain; you've trained and/or used your esoteric abilities; someone has planted a microchip inside your skull in order to screw with your life]
this whole thread started to get useless from after the point that the first person said, that there are no voices behind the tracks...
and if you don't believe me... buttcrackers. i don't care.
let's just move on and talk about other interesting subjects concerning i-doser, drugs, art or esoterica.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

sometimes i hear behind the beats
"kill urself and ur family" & "I SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

HAHA!! jk lmfao.. ive only heared voices in the official mp3 Trip dose.. but there really r voices in that.. hehe happy birthday.. lol :lol:
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Post by Alf »

:D Calm down, Montana...
I don't work in the i-doser team, so I can't eally assure you of anything, but trust me. Now, I do understand what you mean by "you got to tae care not to let all the things that you are hearing, seeing and etc get into your subconscious mind. Now, let me tell you that I hypnotize people almost everyday, as I wor as a hypnotherapist. That's what brought me to i-doser in the first place - my friend showed it to me, knowing that I'm very interested in the influence of the brain waves by audio technology to reach altered states of mind (it can greatly help and make my patients to .go into a trance, which is quite similar to the state you get when you are feeling the full effects of the recreational drug of your choice, being it alcohol, marijuana, LSD, you now).
All I can tell is that, yes, they very, very probably do use the power of suggestion at least in some of their recordings - they would be simply lacking technical knowledge in the field of altered states of mind if they wouldn't be using it, and I believe they are in this business to try to reach the best effect they can. Of course you don't have to agree with me when I say that you don't have any reason to panic, but if you don't understand how it all works, you can download "SHARM", a very well known software that chose to use suggestions more openly (i.e. not mixing them with the beats). But as this makes it easier for your conscious mind to spot them and interfere with the suggestions, it weakens the possible effects dramatically.
Believe me, I know how you feel like. I would be really worried and alarmed as well if I was laying down in my bed, nearly asleep, listening to some recording with strange noises that I got from people that I've never seen in my life and suddenly started hearing voices in it. But there's no reason for suspicion, for they do it only to heighten the effect of the "doses". If you still think they use it in a manipulating way, you should get some technicians and study the file in which you did hear the suggestions with programs such as vegas or soundforge (if its legal to do so), even though I doubt you can brake .drg files into sound files that easily, or even if you're able, to separate the binaural beats into voice and beats (for if it is a specific kind of audio effect, it is just not possible). You may want to do that (I repeat, if it is legal to do so) to stop this suspicion inside of your mind. If you're wrong, you may stop worrying. If you're right, I'll see you in the news :D

All the best

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Post by Alf »

Ps.:if you are frightened by the suggestions: simply stop using the program that bad programation, which your unconscious mind wants to discard, will eventually wear off and if you want to reinforce your well-being suggest yourself things to counteract possible undesireable effects from the program, like "My uncounscious mind only accepts positive suggestions and rejects all the rest right now" while remembering how you felt and letting yourself feel better, this time.

Well, now you have all reasons to stop worrying about it. :-)
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