My First Experiences/impression

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My First Experiences/impression

Post by jas98235 »

Hey Everyone!

so im new to idoser (well a friend of mine told me about it last year and iv had the program on my computer but never got around to using it) i finly used it (tryd A-Bomb - and Trip) heres my experiences/impression:

i have to admit i did download a "pirated" mp3 version, and the actual "dose" file and for those who do try to use a "pirated" mp3...dont haha i notised in the actual file that theres more...i guess u would call them beats or somethin then in the pirated version, and its much more clear to! anyways i unfortunately didnt get to finish the dose because i got inturupted by the phone at 64% :( but around id say probably...25% or 30% i felt...almost like i was being pulld or lifted...the feeling didn't last to long but it in a way it was encouraging! im guessing its just because this was my first time, i will definatly give it afew more trys in the near future! also i dont know if this is me or what but around 60% i started hearing a faint sound in the back which sounded almost like a heart beat....strange lol

had a strange experience, i was relaxed and after abit i started to feel like i was slowly turning, then my right leg started to tighten and i felt like my leg was being pulled to the left...prety strong froce...then i opend my eyes and started staring at a poster of The Dark Knight i have on my wall, and it seemd as the joker had a glow around him then his eyes were moving around on his head! (i mean moving as in the whole eye lookd like it was going up his forhead then back down and almost merging with the other eye) then in the middle of that my phone rang :( and rite when i was about to start the dose back up it rang again :( so i decided to give it a break. i will DEFINATLY be trying Trip again! hehe

so my first impression is if you use the real files and not crappy mp3 rip offs you will probably have a better chance of it working! and hopfully after acouple trys the effects will get stronger! i definatly think this will work with a lil more practise and mayb a better pair of headphones lol (i only have the basic ipod headphones)

also what are some suggestions for good "beginner" doses for me to try out?

and i have been reading around and i see HoG looks intense and not going to lie im afraid of it...anyet interested lol since its WAY out of my price range i was able to find a copy of it online (the actual .drg file not a mp3) but im afraid to try it lol im thinking of mayb tryn it out later tonight but idk
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Post by Jexius »

Sounds like a fun experiance.
When I tried Trip I just felt like there was someone behind me and during the dose it fealt like I was on a magic carpet.
Then again, it was only a quickhit.
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Post by jas98235 »

lol it was, i get paranoid n think theres people bhind me all the time so it was like the opposit haha, im gonna give trip another go in a bit! shouldnt have any interruptions this time so wel see what happens :P
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Post by jstrasky »

Whenever I lay on my bed I always think there is something standing next to me.
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