I think i just astral projected! Or is it something else?

When the mind leaves body
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I think i just astral projected! Or is it something else?

Post by Th3_uN1Qu3 »

This is the latest really weird stuff that has happened in my sleep lately. I was pretty tired after school and a couple hours of computer gaming, so i decided to take my cat by my side and sleep for a bit.

I fell asleep pretty quickly, and then thought i woke up. I was feeling unusually light. I got off the bed and thought about checking the computer, but the monitor was off (yes it was off in reality too), and i was feeling dizzy, like i've had too much to drink (and i haven't drunken any booze in the past 2 months), seeing the amplituner's dial light leave huge blur trails got me thinking "wtf, i feel like i'm drunk" :eek:, so i decided not to turn the computer on but instead go into the living room. I looked at the clock on the old VHS recorder (actually that's the only thing it's still used for), and at that point the cellphone rang and i answered it. For some reason it wasn't my phone but a classmate's Siemens phone, and i was having trouble acquiring the person on the other side of the line. He would keep asking "hello, would you answer?... i'm gonna hang up" and i was constantly saying "hey, i can't hear you clearly, talk louder please!" but the guy eventually hung up. Then i went back to my room and felt the presence of somebody, but couldn't realize who it is, then i felt myself BEAMING THRU THE F'ING CEILING!!!! At that point i woke up. I thought, "wow, now that was something!" :shock: There are no Siemens phones in my house, the monitor was still off and things aren't blurry at all. And i know you can't "hear" or "talk" in your dreams, at least i never had such dreams so i believe it's something else.

Strangely, i woke up relaxed not stressed as i usually am when i have the loopy dreams (described below), and the cat was still sleeping next to me. If i can't sleep well, he moves around in his sleep a lot too, we seem to be connected somehow. He's a little black kitten, 4 months old, with really shiny fur, and he is very smart, playful and caring. I've had him for two months now. The presence i felt in my sleep could've been him, i have no idea really. I also have an older Burmese cat but he's been living at my grandparents' place the last few years.

Background: I've had some nasty dreams last week, not nightmares but same thing looping over and over, and with the same activities looping over and over (waking up, drinking water, going back to sleep, having the same dream, waking up, drinking water, you get the idea). I've also had a bad fever so i talked to my doctor and was on antibiotics till yesterday, with everything being fine while i was taking those. Now, the looping dreams had started 2 nights before me getting any fever, so i concluded they are on a psychological background. I had epilepsy from age 5 to 9 (i'm 17 now), but i went and did an EEG last week and my doctor told me nothing suspicious showed up on the machine. I'm sure it's something to do with the subconscious, i've been through a lotta stuff lately, will take some time till things will finally settle down.

But those "dreams" are starting to get rather interesting. What do you think about my experience?
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Post by jstrasky »

shit's crazy man
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

maybe you were talking to your cat through an astral projection.. you said you felt a connection with him, maybe the connection was an invisible phone line... lol :lol:
i want to talk to animals!! :x
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