How would I talk to the dead?

When the mind leaves body
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How would I talk to the dead?

Post by Bud042 »

Last edited by Bud042 on Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ale.. »

There's several ways to have an Astral Projection and it takes practise and motivation to have one.
So you want to talk to your friend(who just passed away :-( I'm Sry)
i recomend you to start practising astral projection as often as you can.
Read lots of stuff about it and enroll a free 9 weeks course online at (Note, you have to register first but its free. The site is a good community with many people that can help you and your progress)

Before you can talk to your friend, you will have to actually have an Astral Projection. And No, i don't think you will get one by looking into the picture while taking the dose.
But the picture can help if you want to speak to him.
This is a method that works quite well for me and i recomend you try it and learn how to control the vibrations.
Practise as often as you can and you will get results!

1. Lay down in your bed, with a few pillows more under your head.

2. Shut your eyes and relax. Relax your whole body and go through the parts so you're shore that your body is relaxed.
Like for example: "My hands are relaxed, i can't feel them anymore" "My legs are relaxed, i can't feel them anymore" and so on...
3. When your whole body is relaxed, then you will probably enter Trance (Your body is relaxed, sleeping but YOU are awake)

It's important that you make shore you are releaxed and in trance.
Its easy to sleep by misstake during this stage so its recomended you practise at the mornings and when you're not so tired.

4. Imagine an orb flying in front of you.
At the face of the orb, visualize the number 10. Now, focus to 100% at the orb while counting down from 10-0, say each number 3 times!

10,10,10..... 9,9,9...... 8,8,8... and so on....
When you reach 0, you can if you want say "NOW! IM LEAVING!" or something like that.

After a while, you may se green and blue colours and maybe you feel a floating,sinking,flying feeling and start to see through your eyelids.
Whatever happens, stay focused or it WONT work!
If you see your room through your eyelids, then you are close or you are in the Astral Plane. Close this vision so you don't see your room and try and roll out of your bed or sit up just as you would do in real life.
Do it without thinking of it to much.
Then if you do get out(if don't, try again and again to sit up in the bed or rollout) leave your room. If you're in your room and to close to your body, your vision will be dizzy so i recommend you to put the poster up somewhere close to your bedroom!

So: Practise as often as you can and enroll course and then its only a matter of time when you will meet your friend. Wish you good luck!

You can try Idoser and see where you will get, i think i got an Astral Projection when i tried it but i'm not shore.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »
is good if you want to learn more about astal projection/out of body experience
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Post by Bud042 »

Last edited by Bud042 on Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ale.. »

Bud042 wrote:ale...:
Whenever I go to the site, and click the Join the Course button, it always sends me here:
Where do I go once I get to that site?
Gnosticwebbs is the right site. Register and enroll a course
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Post by jstrasky »

I always want to try this stuff but I'm always afraid of stuff scaring me. I don't really know what to do.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

lol.. me too
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Post by zeut »

Sorry that oyur friend died, but dont waste your time with astral projections or any of that bull. When you are dead you are dead... no brain active... nothing...

Also astral projections, magick, OBE, etc are BS....
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Post by TheOne »

I see we have a skeptic aboard.
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