Question on trance state

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Question on trance state

Post by Omnipotence »

I have never done any AP or had any OOBE's, never done any of the training, never even knew of the possibility. However, reading the Treatise on Astral Projection, as it describes the trance state, i think i have gotten there by accident before and was curious if anyone could confirm/deny.

I was on a train, and had curled up into the fetal position and fallen asleep (upright, not on my side).

When I woke up, my body felt very heavy and I could not move it at all. I tried for a few minutes to move something, anything, and found that i could move my throat muscles slightly.

I could not open my eyes. I was hoping that my parents, who were sitting next to me, would move me, as I was not getting enough air for an awake state (which may have been the cause of this), so I made the only noise I could - a rasping sound caused by my breathing harshly with my throat almost closed.

I drifted in and out of consciousness for a while, then eventually there was a point where I woke up and could move.

Any thoughts? Could I have projected if i had tried?
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Post by TheOne »

Hmm, the not moving part sounds like sleep paralysis so I would have to say you were fairly close. Maybe if you hadn't tried to break the paralysis and just concentrated till you went into a trance you might have projected. I haven't had any OOBEs yet neither but I've been close a couple of times. I have never had sleep paralysis though.
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Post by Omnipotence »

yeah... pretty much what I figured.

As i said, i had never even heard of the possibility of projection, and just got scared that I couldn't breathe.
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Post by TheOne »

I think the breathing thing is just a barrier when you're in sleep paralysis. It may be a mental thing. The feeling of not being able to move or breath will scare anyone. From online experiences and techniques, I've read you have to be calm and let it past by.
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Post by whale »

That sounds like sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is when you wake up from your sleep but your still paralyzed and on some occasions you even continue to dream. Many of the stories from people who think they were abducted by aliens come from states like that.
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Post by Starpluck »

A few months ago, before I knew about I doser I had sleep paralysis. Its really scary.
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