My personal experience :)

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My personal experience :)

Post by calcifel »

Well lets start with the stuff i tried up until now.

Divinorum - Started with that one and i fell asleep because of it and i always get tired from it

Marijuana - same like Divinorum

Trip - I wanted too do BufoToad but it adviced trip for starters so i tried trip instead and it didnt do anything special, but i had a small out of body experience. I was hanging on the upper left side of my body and was looking down on myself.

Peyote - That one is pure love. It gave me my very first noticeable trip. I was laying down on my bed and i was concentrating on my breathing and suddenly i had the feeling like i sunk down in my bed and that i was stuck. Then my body felt numb and i couldnt move my mouth too well and then something from under came and grabbed my heart and was trying too pull me down. In this whole "trip" of mine i didnt even felt scared once and that was strange for me. But at some point i threw off my headset and turned around and fell asleep.
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