Hand of God and need suggested doses.

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Hand of God and need suggested doses.

Post by Eclipz »

Alright, at first, I just turned 16, so I am quite young, had bad times , marijuhana addict and such, clean now and heard about I-doser, yes it does work for me sometimes, just not really that great yet, mostly I feel something but that's just the feeling that I'm half asleep.

So yes, I just tried Hand of God, so I lie down, completely dark, expensive cover headphones on my head and listened to the annoying sound. After a while I could feel a little bit of a numb feeling in the legs and hands, ah well, my hand was just asleep.
After another while I was like halfasleep, and at 77% the sound gets like really hard, and I was awake again, right here I felt this numb feeling again, just for a few seconds. If I check youtube people trip on this dose and I was quite, relaxed, well it messed my ears because from 77% to 100 the noise is extreme. But that's all, what should I do? Are there good doses where I can practice with and which has great effects? I'd love some help :)

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Post by crystalsoul »

ok first off, im pretty sure that was Gate of Hades. at 73% the sounds gets so damn freaking loud and im pretty sure Hand Of God dosent do that (even tho im not sure)

dont believe the vids on youtube because they most likely arent real, just people being over dramatic to get people to freak out i think
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Post by Eclipz »

Naw it was Hand of God, maybe it was in my head or something, the sound just got really hard , and I wanted it to work so bad that I turned up my volume a bit too hard heh. And ye, lots of people makin such a drama of it, I dont even trip that hard with some real strong drugs. I'm going to try Vico right now
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Post by crystalsoul »

did you accually listen to it on the idoser program or did you use youtube like some people try?

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Post by Eclipz »

Hehe no, I used the Idoser application.
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Post by CanwllCorfe »

2 of the biggest effects I got were from Calm ME and also White Crosses
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