high off opium qh for 5 hours

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high off opium qh for 5 hours

Post by Ryuhaku »

yep this happend over march break, ive decided to post it, because all these skeptics, which i am not any more, ive been tryin quick hits and a few normal doses over and over, they would work just not 100% or for 5 minutes, so any ways, my buddy decided we should go out side to the store, a place where we chilled for about 2 hours because we wer meetin 2 girls, when he came over my house, this was before we wemt, we both decided to do opium qh on our ipods and then we did, so i was goin up stairs to tell my mom i was going to the store we wer goin to and when i was tryin to tell her i couldnt stop laughin, my friend kept makin me laugh, so eventually i made a straight face, and told her where i was going, so then we headed to tim hortons, every thing was vivid, like a usual high , light headed, my friends high was gone time he got to the store, when i was at the store i was buyin a hot chocolate and when i bought it i sat down lol instead of goin to the corner to pick it up ( because it takes 30 secs to make ) and i relized that and walked right to the corner to get it, i think the person knew i was high, so any way me and my buddy wer chillin for 10 mins, then the girls come, more people come, chillin what not, then we decide me and my buddy and his buddy want to go to my house and chill, and this is what happend, its one of those things like if u wer drunk so long and then youve got home and u relized u wer drunk, yea that only i was high and my mom was came in and she thought i was doin drugs she was like are you high? your not a very good lier, my pupils were huge. The funny part was too my buddy was like look how big his pupils are , and i was thinkin oh this is normal my pupils are always big , but no not this big lol, i was thinkin cuzz i have biggish eyes. so any ways i was all sketched out and my buddies want it me to go out side but i was way to screwed up and said i cant my mom will think im doin more drugs or somthing, and when we wer playin games on my console i couldnt aim for the life of me lol, i mean only crap and had no care if i was hitin the guy or not. well thats my story, and i am 18, this was 100% real story, sorry for all the ,'s not very good grammer but i dont have time to be putin a bunch of periods. oh i forgot, ive also didnt want the dose to work at the time, wasnt thinkin about what was goin to happen because im stupid when im high, i unno just because we wer goin out i guess i didnt want it to work. but instead it worked too much, also id like to add durin the dose i was hearing this song from a vedio game, like a techno song, for a old game, so while i had that in my head maby it was intensify the brain signals to my brain
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Post by BigTymer9225 »

I chose to do Opium this morning as only my second dose ever. I'm not sure if it worked fully or not, but I got a feeling like you get when you first wake up and can't fully function. I felt sluggish and slow, but VERY relaxed.
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Post by ecstasy80 »

Man do you know what a paragraph is? You definately should stay away from all that shit, I imagine you on real drugs lmfao!
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Wtf? is it the energizer bunny

Post by supercoco »

He keeps going...and going and going and going....

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