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Post by ethan1134 »

or both
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

Well, last night I was out with my step-bro again and he was smoking it again. This time though afterwards he layed on the grass for ages. He didnt move, not even blink. I knew he was ok because i saw him breathing. Whatever was happening definately made him relax. I thought i should take some of the stuff he smokes from his backpack. It's was a piece of cake, he didnt even move.

Well, i got one of the 1x1 bags. It was like all watery inside and like filled with a mixture of green crap. I took some rolley paper and put a tiny bit in (bad mistake) and lit it and smoked it. I didnt realise till i did it that id smoked the whole thing. I threw it on the wet grass not knowing what would happen. Next thing i knew i was slow-dancing with my ex at the village hall. Then the scene shifted and i was running from something i darent look round at. Scene shifted again and i was running my hand through a blonde girl's hair. Scene shifted one more time to my bedroom.
I was standing by my wardrobe door, listening to the inside of it. There was a little girl's voice inside whispering to me "come in, come in". So i opened the door and stepped into blackness. Voices and pictures all rushed past me and loads of thinghs filled my head at once. I heard a loud crack and i awoke on the grass in a similar position to my step-bro. I had a head-ache and he was putting on his backpack telling me to stop fooling around.

Well, interesting hey?
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Post by -steinz »

Pretty interesting indeed! I dont even have the guts to take my grandpa's old cigs, or even smoke them :P
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Post by divinorum »

Well now I am completely confused as to what it is. Definatley not salvia, you cant roll that up for it to work. And for it to cause a trip like that, idk. Mabye he has peyote, dried (that would not explain the watery stuff tho).
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Ask him what this SHlT is

Post by Jizzle »

This guy is a genuis. :shock: i think he mixed some plants or something from ur back yard :? and then added some househeld chemicals then added some a lil :evil: DANK :evil: ass SHlT then put a lil salvia. then maybe like catnip and tea. :P O and some nutmeg :D
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Post by Jizzle »

hey kr3wskater dank isnt weed laced w/ pcp :lol: Dank is jus hella strong weed.
Last edited by Jizzle on Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

it was probably weed with opium which explains the watery shit and nasty taste... by the way, opium is very addictive which explains why you really wanted to do it again.
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Post by lucidthoughts »

UltimaWarrior wrote:Horrid smell, weird taste. It was kinda weird stuff. It was different to tobacco because it didnt reach the back of my throat it just sorta felt like hot air with some wierd metallicy acidic flavour.
sounds alot like PCP.
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

Well, it's been awhile and this thread is still open so I will post my thoughts. My step-bro has moved on in life, left school, has a girl and a job. Dunno what to do now, don't see him much. So what you are saying is he mixed aload of chemicals to create this stuff? I will try to explain to you as best I can what it looked and tasted like:

1 inch x 1 inch plastic bag with a browny green mushy stuff mixed with liquid (airbubbles inside proves this). It smelt like the sort of thing you find in a greenhouse although smokey and alot more stronger. It tasted like uncooked vegatables mixed with a metallic and smokey aftertaste (best way to describe it lol).

He has also done it alot with his mates I seem to recall. When I was walking home once he was out with his two best mates, one of them was shouting at the top of his voice with a spliff in hand. He also went to the park and did some of the weird stuff there. I watched from a distance (this was like the last time before he left school). They started acting la-di-da and danced around like loons (except one which was keeping watch). Then they fell to the ground as if at the height of it. That explains the headache it gives you. It must put you in a deep state of sleep although you're concious still, kinda like a battle between your subconcious and concious minds. That explains the huge hallucinations.

Perhaps this is a new drug he has discovered? He used to have a little garden and stuff and he never used weed spray (he let them grow). I am sooo confused as to what it is. When I next see him, I will ask him for some.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

it could have been heroin.. heroin is made from opium, its a liquid unless you give it time to dry, & heroin has a metallic after taste
(also very addictive)
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Post by brosef »

Perhaps it was weed, PCP, and a smokeable opiate?
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Cohn wrote:Most likely Salvia Divinorum.

It's not dangerous, but might be if not done with a sitter. To keep the tripper safe from getting harmed from envirement and or such.
Specially if you new to it.

Do some research on erowid[dot]org.

NEVER do stuff you don't know what it...
And since you say your at 13 of age, your way to young to be doing experiments with your body in the sense of drugs.

Respect nature, and do research before you do something like that.
That was NOT salvia. I've done salvia uncountable times. Salvia almost detatches you from reality. Open eyed visuals are usually a lot trippier.

and OP, ts "danky" not "skanky" hahaha
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