Questions about Astral Projection.

When the mind leaves body
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Questions about Astral Projection.

Post by leo3891 »

Okay I know a little about astral projection and would like to experience myself, but I'm scared too, is their demons on this plane?
Or what happens when I lose my silver strand? Can I die in this plane? I'm just scared about running into a demon, lf a experienced astral projector to answer thanks :)
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Post by leo3891 »

please respond someone :D thx :lol:
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Post by TheOne »

You must get rid of this fear. It will only prevent you from achieving what you want and make you frustrated. There can be many negative entities on this plane. Most of what we see comes from the mind. You must focus on the task at hand. Fear will only slow you down.
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Post by jcgurango »

what he said. We cannot let ourselves stop for fear of the unknown. Like good ol' Mr. Ronald Reagan said, "The only thing we should fear is, fear itself".
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Post by 3crows »

Hi- you won't die on the astral plane and nobody can mess with your silver chord! I've been out there several times, and yes there are "guardians at the threshold" who can try to prevent you from moving about. I've met a couple of them and they are not pleasant. However, they cannot hurt you. really. They will succeed in preventing you from maneuvering if you let your fear take over. Just tell them to $^$^ off! I'm serious.

Its worth experiencing, in my opinion, because you truly are traveling on a different dimension and let's face it- how cool is that?
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