Meth and Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda)

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Meth and Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda)

Post by Shrimpo »

Hi, right about now I am under the influence of 10mg of Dexedrine(DextroAmphetamine, similar to methamphetamine. Only difference is duration... it's as close as you can get to meth unless you are prescriped Desoxyn.) I crushed 10mg of Extended-Release Capsules and added baking soda to the mixture. BURNS LIKE HELL!!! At first, I was like "WTF why do people snort Heroin with baking soda in it. That's where i got the idea from. Anyways, right now I feel like i just too 80mg of it! Everything is fast as hell. A 3 min song seems only 1 minute. Right now I've been writing for ~20 seconds! Each 10mg capsule contains at least 2mg of pure D-Amphet, as I like to call it. Why isn't amphetamines so popular anymore. It's like cheap cocaine! I mean 1 pill costs ~4-6 dollors on the streets and it gived you about 4 medium sized lines. Plus it lasts way longer. About 4-6 hours long wiht euphoric effects lasting upwards of 2 hours! Damn, I'm babbeling on and on and on! I feel great!!! It's been about 1 minute now. OK THANKS BYE!

EDIT: Just read that snorting bakins soda and amphetamine doesn't do anything but burn as a mother fucker. So, yeah this is good as a normal D-Amphet experience.
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Post by 420master »

Dexedrine is nothing like methamphetamine.... anything your horking will burn....
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Post by Shrimpo »

Actually it is... and to be clear I'm not talking about Methamphetamine HCI (Freebase) i'm talking about pharmecy sulfate form meth. Over the things I've read about amphetamines I've created and order. Levo-Amphetamine,Dextro-Amphetamine, then comes Meth-Amphetamine.

In my opinion levo- is more physical (jittering, twitching so on) and Dextro- is more mental (euphoria, racing thoughts) and idk about Meth- but I'm not changing my meds for some time now... Desoxyn will be mine sooner or later.
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Post by 420master »

oh... I almost never take amphetamines. I only do when I have a big test or a lot of homework because it makes me go into intense focus..
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Post by Shrimpo »

HAHA. I usually pull all nighters on it... I should be sleeping now but... :evil: Amphetamines are essentially cheap cocain in the sense of cost... one pill can cost from 4-6$ compared to 10 mg of cocaine which goes for like 10$.
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Post by 420master »

oh, ha I would just steal them from my brother who has ADD
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Post by Shrimpo »

Or you can do that :D We're probably gonna keep going and talking to each other on different posts so let's end it here and leave it in 'DXM Question...' since it's becoming popular!
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Post by blackplague »

I've tried methamphetamine before i didn't like how it tasted on the foil.. and it leaves a bad taste.. it made me sick to try to eat on it..
couldn't sleep.. was paranoid the whole time.. it was just a quarter.. i've seen people do a friggin gram of it at a time and start going insane.. (not literally) just acting crazy and stuttering..
i don't know if it was "bad dope" or anything just something that happened to me when i tried.
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Post by Shrimpo »

Was it Crystals or a Powder... you can't smoke powders... really you were smoking plastic binders and fillers. And YEAH, it does taste aweful!
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Post by blackplague »

crystals, it had a little powder with it.. it was out of 2 different things of it.. it was mainly crystals though then i made a "boat" with it on there took the lighter and began smoking it.. it came on really fast but the taste was awful.. some people are like OMG IT TASTES SOO GOOD. but they were on the stuff so bad they dropped a tiny bit and started trying to lick it off the floor and were begging the guy that had it for some more.. :shock:
I didn't really want to do it again after seeing them that bad.. I would do it again though if I had to stay awake and focused.. coke just doesn't last long enough.. Stimulants aren't my favorite anyways.
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Post by 420master »

I did 60 mgs DextroAmphetamine before school today... It was fun but didnt kick in until after we ran 2 miles in PE ( the whole reason I did it )... The euphoria was unkillable. I couldnt become sad or mad... In third period I made an ass of myself, talking really loud and fast, and not even noticing i was talking like that... the teacher asked me what I had taken ( she knew i was not sober ) and I just said " oh i have ADHD and forgot to take my meds this morning"... I was safe... in 5th period the police came to get me. EXTREME paranoia set in! Thank god when they were questioning me they never found out I was on anything...

it was ok but i dont know if amphetamines and highschool mix too well
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Post by blackplague »

You ever tried adderol? I've thought about trying that.. but it's yet another one hard to find in my tiny town.. it's crazy though I can find so much just in this tiny town.. You'd think you wouldn't be able to get that much in this town. percocets, hydros, oxys (if your lucky)
weed *DUH* EX.. but meth is beyond easy to get here..

does xanax help calm you if your on amphetamines?
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Post by Shrimpo »

Xanax helps with the comeing down of the Amphetamine high, which causes depression and so on. Weed also helps and 60mg is crazy... I take 30mg in the morining. I had Adderall XR before I switched to Dexedrine and it is WAY physical of a high... i sort of didn't like it. Dexedrine is more potent too. BTW Even though the meht you smoked were crystals doesn;t mean it was freebased. I've purified my Dexedrine before and it was crystalized but it was the exactly the same as smoking the sulfate form of it (Powder).
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Post by 420master »

I was incorrect. I did 60 mg of vyvanse, which is Lisdexamfetamine ... the come down was a mother fucker. From what research I have done, vyvanse gives you less of a "high" that adderal, but last far longer and is an overall more pleasant experience.
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Post by Shrimpo »

Tonight, I took 50mg of Dexedrine (+20mg more than recommended dose) and downed it with Black Current juice. Nothing could bring me down! The only emotion I knew was Happy! I was wide-awake and like the world is moving slower than usual. I did everything quickly. During this experience, I decided to smoke the .1g of Kush I had left. I hallucinated and "felt" the blood flow through my veins. Then, chest pains started to set and I could feel my heart was working too hard and too fast. I tried to calm down by breathing slowely which helped in the speed of the heartbeats but not with how hard my heart was beating. Other than me thinking about my heart stopping, it was an overall good and intense experience. It was so intense that I think the dealer spiked it with something!
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