Some stories I've heard

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Some stories I've heard

Post by Matt0 »

These aren't my own experiences as I would never touch real dangerous drugs, but stuff I've heard from other people.

I used to be a major pothead/pill popper about 5 years ago and one of the "friends" I had been doing stuff with told me about a female friend of his that did acid (or was it shrooms, I think it was acid) and had a 7 hour conversation with her vacuum cleaner. Same friend told me about either him or someone else that was in a car saw another person in the back seat turn into a hamburger and flew out the window. Pretty funny :x

My mom told me of some person she knew a while back that did LSD. From what I remember, the person was experiencing (hallucinating) that they were in a crowd full of people speaking a unknown language, she was trying to ask people where she was cause she was scared and felt like she was lost. Apparently what had happened was she somehow got out into some field and the "People speaking an unknown language" were mooing cows..

Edit: I forgot some stories: the first guy I mentioned also told me when he was having a shroom trip one time and he was fighting a leprechaun and could actually feel his blows, he said they didnt hurt but he could feel them still. also I think it was his dad that told me that he hallucinated walking up a tree because he was trying to get away from something on a shroom trip. these may not be entirely accurate as its been years.
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Some stories Ive heard

Post by D.Erugs »


did u enjoy the ses sevines apartments ?
ive been to the hotel 4 times i think and its great
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