Evil Amphetamines

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Pink Stars
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Evil Amphetamines

Post by Pink Stars »

So.. A few months ago, I decided to take the Vyvanse I was prescribed in pursuit of a "trip" (I was pretty inexperienced with drugs at the time, I honestly didn't know shit), and it was beautiful.. But, then it went terribly wrong.

So, that night, I took three 40mg Vyvanse on the way to my mom's car when she wasn't watching, and popped them when we got home, and I didn't feel anything for a little while, so then.. I popped.. A lot more. 18-20 of them total, which is pretty lethal (I think).

This was when I had only taken about 12-14 of them, I took the others in the morning after. My little brother had taken 8 of them or so, so he was tripping with me, and that night.. We didn't sleep, AT ALL. It was SOOOO FUN. Amazing. We had to keep quiet because my dad was trying to sleep because he had work the next day, but we kept whispering to eachother, about very personal things. I called one of my best friends about 4 times, and I couldn't stop talking to her, or anyone else. I was on top of the world, nothing could bring me down, nothing could stop me, nobody could hurt me. I was on MySpace, creating a book of a bulliten, and the longest comment I have ever written (an apology to someone.. I still miss her.. Oh well). I confessed to just about everything, and felt really good about it. I became mature, talkative, happy, euphoric, confident, EXTREMELY nice, and I swear to God I hallucinated a little bit (I saw random ass animals on my ceiling.. Yellow turtles, red dolphins, purple elephants, etc.). Then, I listened to Infected Mushrooms and started dancing for some reason.. And I have never danced before in my life. Colorful videos on youtube really interested me for some reason, ANY music was amazing, and I was sending lots of messages to different people, and IMing about 6 people at a time, telling them how much I loved them and whatnot.

Then, morning came, we didn't sleep the whole night. I took the Vyvanse at about 8:00pm the night before, and it was about noon the next day and I was still tweeking a little bit. Then, I was coming down, and my body was fatigued.. So, I took 5 or so more of them at around 6:00pm that night, and it felt terrible. I honestly wasn't euphoric anymore, and my body was fatigued, but my mind was going a million miles an hour. I actually did sleep for about two hours, but my mind was in a wakeful state, while my body was resting. It was like sleeping and being awake at the same time. When I woke up, I checked the time, and then got back on the computer, feeling EXTREMELY anxious (to the point where I was crying). My tongue was swollen, and I had remembered.. I didn't think I drank anything the entire time (i'm not sure if I did or not, I think I did, but it's hard to tell), so I ran down and got some water, and drank most of it, then was so anxious about other things that I forgot to drink the rest and get a refill. I told my mom that my tongue was swollen, so she gave me an anti-histamine, and we were snowed in, so we couldn't even go to the hospital. I picked a terrible time to do this, I know, I was stupid. I still am. But not THAT stupid. I didn't tell her that I took the Vyvanse, and she never seemed to figure it out, so she didn't know that I overdosed. My heart was racing when I layed in my bed, I just wanted it to end, but I was afraid that if I fell asleep, I wouldn't breathe involuntarily, because when I was awake, it seemed like I needed to make myself breathe in order to keep breathing.

It was a few hours later, and then around noon, I decided to eat. I had finally eaten enough to just feel "tired" and not think I needed to voluntarily breathe anymore, so I fell asleep. I woke up at around 6, and felt WAY better, but still not normal by any means. I was much less anxious, and my body wasn't so fatigued. I stayed up for about another hour or so, then passed out in my bed, and slept for the night. I felt terrible the next day, but not as bad as I felt after I took those five Vyvanse, and was relieved that I was still alive.

Kids, NEVER do amphetamines. Sure, they're fun. But, they're not worth the terrible comedown that they give you afterwards. Well, one amphetamine that you could do is Ecstasy. I know it's not really an "Amphetamine", but it's in the same class as them, but it's much more fun, and has a way easier comedown by far. Try to stay away from amphetamines.. And drugs in general. This experience scared me, it was the closest to death I had ever gotten. NEVER AGAINNNNN.
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Post by whale »

that's how amphetamines treat you. They're the best and the worse. And btw ecstasy is supposed to have a terrible hangover.
Pink Stars
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Post by Pink Stars »

whale wrote:that's how amphetamines treat you. They're the best and the worse. And btw ecstasy is supposed to have a terrible hangover.
Amphetamines really aren't worth it.
By the way, the comedowns from Ecstasy are usually assosiated with the comedowns the Ecstasy is cut with. Pure ecstasy, however, has no comedown, and you can sleep almost instantly.
Next time I decide to do amps, i'm definatly getting some Xanax from my Grandma (she's cool as shit, gives me plenty of things). I'm probably gonna be able to get xannie bars on the 13th. I love railing like 5 of those and feeling fucking amazing for a good long time, or taking about 100mg of Adderall, then a few hours later, popping two of them. It's one of the most amazing feelings ever. ;D
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