Why are you not hooked up?

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Why are you not hooked up?

Post by LeeviON »

So i was just thinking, many people here said that they are tried drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc. Still they are not hooked up to the stuff. How come? I thought that those make you hooked up almost immediately
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Post by Shrimpo »

It depends on many factors but, mostly it depends on the person and their mental health. I, for one, use Amphetamines from time to time and I can safetly say I'm not addicted. Let me tell you a story... when I first started abusing Amphetamines (my first experience with this type of drug was with 30mg Adderall XR which is 1/4 Levo-Amphetamine sulphate, 1/4 Levo-Amphetamine sulfite USP, 1.4 Dextro-Amphetamine sulphate and, 1/4 Dextro-Amphetamine sulfite USP. I'm ADHD so, I get this stuff prescribed easy. As of this Friday the 19th... I'll be taking 15mg total of Desoxyn which is d-N-MethylAmphetamine A.K.A. Meth.) I honestly was scared to do it. I didn't go right ahead without any knownledge on the medication. I read and read and read until I decided I was ready. As of today, I know enough about the Amphetamine class to the point where I know more than my doctor who prescribes it. Anyways, I was only 14 when I spilled those orange beads into a plastic ring that rested on my desk and took the rotating end of a chapstick and crushed them until they were powder. I took it slow and seperated the half-dollar sized powder into 3 small lines and snorted one. This is where the problem started... I liked it too much from the get-go. I was so wired I skateboarded nonstop, no breaks for 1 hour and 30 minutes. And this was only on 10mg half of which was plastic binders so really only 5mg. As time passed and I kept on with the Adderall, I found out where my mom stored it... guess what I did. Each day I visited the cabinet and took a pill or two... I got cocky and started taking more and my mom noticed there were too little. I would stay up 3 nights snorting ~60mg of Adderall (including the binders). I finally got to a point where I realized this was getting out of control. It didn't get out of control quickly, like I said I took things slow. Anyways, my point is that I did my research... scratch that, A LOT OF RESEARCH!! I monitered the frequency of my use and how much I used. I was responsible with my use (For ex. I wouldn't use if there was a test the next day or an important lesson... or any day I needed my energy.) I still use Amphetamines to this day, which happens to be 2 years. I don't use as much or as often but, I can tell that i'm using more often. I never really used a lot. maybe about 5-7.5mg excluding the binders and fillers. I'm off Adderall XR and am currenctly prescribed 30mg Dexedrine until this Friday where I will start taking Desoxyn... don't get me wrong i'm not a meth head. Methamphetamine happens to work the longest, it's more subtle than Dexedrine in terms of mental & physical depression/fatigue, I don't need to take as much (15mg instead of 30mg in morning and 10mgt noon) Anyways, what I'm getting at is if one is responsible about their drug use and moniters and regulates it regularly... addiction can be avoided. I am proud to say that I'm not addicted to Amphetamines anymore and I'm also proud to say I was never dependent on them. All you need is a strong healthy mind and a conscience. Thanks you.

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Post by LeeviON »

Thank you so much. I've always believed that addicting is just depending on that how strong your mind is, because every adult says that if you take even a little dose of ganja, your life just "vanishes" and your everyday job is to get a drug dose.(I think it's just to make me kinda afraid of drugs :mad: ) Now i know that i was right :D
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Post by burn_it_down »

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Post by burn_it_down »

Addiction is a mental diease and those who have it are extermly compulseive with everthing i know, i'm a racovering addict! But some people don't have addiction and they can just stop and never do it again iuf u don't have addiction then youll never unerstand cuz addicts just can't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by zouloum »

burn_it_down wrote:Addiction is a mental diease and those who have it are extermly compulseive with everthing i know, i'm a racovering addict! But some people don't have addiction and they can just stop and never do it again iuf u don't have addiction then youll never unerstand cuz addicts just can't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol there is a difference between mental and physical addiction but i think both are felt and dealt with differently depending on the person. For instance, I can safely say that I am mentally addicted to my computer but not to my Dexedrine and Adderall.

I don't take them when I don't need to (school) in fact, i don't really like taking them as I noticed that I might not get physically addicted to them, but they make me more susceptible to make me mentally addicted to other things (ex: computer, video games, etc...)

If this can help I usually take 30mg of Dexedrine, but it is starting to loose it's effectiveness (I guess my body is building so resistance of some sort so i am currently prescribed 15mg of Adderall XR just to try, but I noticed it's not enough, so after trying 45mg of Adderall XR today I still don't feel more addicted.

There is probably a mental component to this, if you think you will be addicted to if I guess you will have more chance to get addicted to it. (Damn I wrote all this? wtf? that shit works better than I though!)
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Re: Why are you not hooked up?

Post by idioteque90 »

I've done coke a handful of times, and didn't really find it to be addictive.
I just notice that when you are doing it, you want MORE and MORE because you want to keep the high going.
When you finally run out of it, you're like "Nooooooo!" If you have the sense to tell yourself when to stop doing it and realize you don't need it, then you can stop. I have lots of friends who do it now and again (coke and heroin) but aren't in any way addicted to it.
Too expensive for me to have a coke habit, and I don't really like doing uppers anyways, I have enough energy as it is with my ADHD :P
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