HashQH 10/10

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HashQH 10/10

Post by cameraboirzu »

Just tried HashQH again, and wow. Nothing like my first time in any way. My first time it didn't work at all. It didn't work at all. At all. Anyway, now it worked for me, because it's taking me forever to write this.

Better than marijuanQH? Yes. Deffinitely.

Current effects:
- cool head high feeling
- weakened thought process, but I deffinitely am thinking differently
- easily distracted
- increased appreciation of things that you would normally appreciate while stoned

Really weird. Just was talking to someone, and I asked if it was warm out, and then they responded, and I asked again because I forgot if I asked or not.
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Post by quetonto »

haha sounds cool,

i've got a friend who has the full one, might have to try it out sometime =)
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Post by cameraboirzu »

quetonto wrote:haha sounds cool,

i've got a friend who has the full one, might have to try it out sometime =)
Yeah, I did it again today. Actually, I finished 5 minutes ago; placebo or not I still like it. So thats how that goes.
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Post by Idosing »

cameraboirzu wrote:
quetonto wrote:haha sounds cool,

i've got a friend who has the full one, might have to try it out sometime =)
Yeah, I did it again today. Actually, I finished 5 minutes ago; placebo or not I still like it. So thats how that goes.
Is it worth the 45 minutes? I think you could just listen to the QH twice and it would be better.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

I did the QH once, and I was set.
I'm pretty sure doing it twice wouldn't double the effects, but what do I know.
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Post by rapidfire187 »

I did this earlier, and got nothing from it at all. I got more off of the alcohol one and only listened to it about 80% through without concentrating or anything.

I don't know what went wrong. Here's the specifics of what I did, so maybe somebody can pinpoint it for me.

I know that I don't have the recommended headphones. They don't cover my ear but they're not typical ear buds either. They're the type that hang on your ear. But since I used it for the alcohol one and felt a slight something, I feel like they must work decently.

Anyway, I loaded up hash and lied in the bed at about 2:45-2:50. I tried to stay as relaxed as possible and only moved occasionally to scratch an itch. At some point I dozed off and when I woke up I looked at the clock at saw that it was 3:45, but the dose was still playing in my headphones. I checked i doser and saw that I was 94% through the dose. My younger sister gets off the bus at 3:45 usually so I didn't have time to listen to the rest, instead I just went ahead and got up.

When I took off the headphones, I noticed that everything sounded really strange. Similar to when I tried the alcohol one but nowhere near as intense. This only lasted for about 30 seconds and was the only effect that I got.

So what's the deal? This is only the second one that I've done, and I ignored the warning of trying the marijuana one first because I wanted to get stoned as hell. Don't know if that could have messed it up but I don't see how.
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

Sometimes it just takes a few times before it works, even if you did it perfectly.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Mostly I-Doser just takes time. I can't say if it was your headphones or not, because I use 10$ earbuds I got from Walmart.

Give it time and you'll get it. Took me a few weeks before it worked my first time (cocaine)
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Post by rapidfire187 »

cameraboirzu wrote:Mostly I-Doser just takes time. I can't say if it was your headphones or not, because I use 10$ earbuds I got from Walmart.

Give it time and you'll get it. Took me a few weeks before it worked my first time (cocaine)
I'm going to keep trying. So far no matter what I try I really don't get anything. Hell, half the time I fall asleep before the thing ends. Do I need to keep trying the same ones over and over again, or is it ok to experiment?
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Just experiment with whatever, or do the same ones over. It seems to not really matter. However, once you get a dose to work, do it several times because it'll get stronger each time.
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