Astral attack?

When the mind leaves body
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Astral attack?

Post by crossedoffname17 »

I keep reading about people trying this and getting attacked when in the astral world, is it just their subconscious fears, or is it actually dangerous to do this, I've also heard about people seeing a white cord connecting their astral being with their body and if it's broken they can't return, can someone that's done this before give me some info about it? I'm really curious because I lucid dream a lot and this would be interesting to try if it's not dangerous.
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Post by madcow »

i have never tried it but if someones cord did break, would u here about it? if they couldnt return and speak about it? just my thot
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Post by crossedoffname17 »

madcow wrote:i have never tried it but if someones cord did break, would u here about it? if they couldnt return and speak about it? just my thot
No, but if it happened to someone and they lived they could tell us about it.
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Post by madcow »

crossedoffname17 wrote:
madcow wrote:i have never tried it but if someones cord did break, would u here about it? if they couldnt return and speak about it? just my thot
No, but if it happened to someone and they lived they could tell us about it.
yeah but if they lived it proves that they dont die when its disconnected
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Post by duckysaurus »

why would you die? that's just completely ridiculous.
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Post by oPUMAz »

the astral body travels through places you go in your dreams and can also travel through meditation if your cord is broken i do not think u die but u may be stuck in the astral body until u find a way to go back to ur other body
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Post by crossedoffname17 »

madcow wrote:
crossedoffname17 wrote:
madcow wrote:i have never tried it but if someones cord did break, would u here about it? if they couldnt return and speak about it? just my thot
No, but if it happened to someone and they lived they could tell us about it.
yeah but if they lived it proves that they dont die when its disconnected
That's what I was asking in the first place.....
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Post by duckysaurus »

astral projection isn't really your soul or whatever leaving your body, it's just a hallucination.
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Re: Astral attack?

Post by spitfire1080 »

its not dangerous, most of the time, the stuff that attacks people is harmless and comes from that persons imagination, so thats nothing to be worried about, also, the silver cord, it cannot be broken, so there are no worries there either, AP is safe, no dangers, no perils, safe, so dont worry, if you do it, you'll be fine,
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Re: Astral attack?

Post by Veryala »

Nothing you encounter out there is dangerous unless you allow it to be. If you panic, the worst case scenario is you could traumatize yourself. But if you remain calm throughout the experience, you will also remain in control. If you see something you think is scary, leave the area to be on the safe side. Most of the time it is something you yourself have generated anyway, and it may represent a problem or weakness that needs to be faced.

The white cord some people see connects the physical body to the astral one. It only disconnects when your physical body dies, in which case your astral body is freed from the physical world. You still have a body; it's just not the one you're used to. In any case, I've never been threatened by death while astral projecting, nor heard of anyone who was. As far as I know, it is completely safe. Even if it wasn't, though, I'd say it's worth the risk. :wink:
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Re: Astral attack?

Post by jgizle »

crossedoffname17 wrote:I keep reading about people trying this and getting attacked when in the astral world, is it just their subconscious fears, or is it actually dangerous to do this, I've also heard about people seeing a white cord connecting their astral being with their body and if it's broken they can't return, can someone that's done this before give me some info about it? I'm really curious because I lucid dream a lot and this would be interesting to try if it's not dangerous.
The cord is unbreakable as it is not a real cord. It is a cord made of energy and taking scissors and cutting through energy does nothing. Dont worry about it breaking, it is a subconscious cord that transfers information from the astral plane to the physical plane.

You can't be hurt in the astral plane ever.

Subconscious fears could lead to meeting "bad" entites but like i said, nothing can hurt you ever

not to make any religious conversations but what you experience in the astral plane is based on your beliefs in the real world.

Therefore the fear of the devil and the belief in a heaven could alter your state of mind and prevent you from AP as these entities and places are figments of imagination. Stories created by the evil people in our world in an effort to control us. Even stephen hawkings knows there is no such place and he is even smarter then Einstein was.

Anyways goodluck on AP, and hopefully you don't let belief systems or fears prevent you from the path you have decided to walk on.
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Re: Astral attack?

Post by GameFreak2151 »

cord can NEVER be broken it only breaks in an instant of death
also spirits can NOT harm you only scare the shit outta u to make u jump back in you body or push u back in no REAL physical action involved
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Re: Astral attack?

Post by 2clix »

Great now I'll think of a cord when I project...yeesh...cause its all in your head....someone already said in so many words....its just a hallucination!
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