Finally a pretty major effect! A-BOMB!

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Finally a pretty major effect! A-BOMB!

Post by Taizuki »

So first ill introduce myself, im 19 and haven't done any hardcore drugs. Pot, salvia, thats it. I love the effect i get from salvia which is mainly why i got i-doser. I tried a few and they didnt do much of anything. Excite(i think it was excite...) make me laugh like crazy for a minute but that was it. Divinorum did nothing, i was sad at that i love salvia =p. But then i tried A-BOMB!

Wow. the first half i was just listening to the seeming circular motion of the noise and it just hooked me then all of a sudden it just... erupted and i felt like i was falling from space down to earth, my body was shaking i was freaking out and everything it was GREAT! Then it completely mellowed out and i just felt like i started floating through dimensions it was just crazy. Just wanted to share this of how awesome it was and for noobs if the first few dont work, try this one =p.

And if anyone can suggest similar ones to A-BOMB that would be appreciated thanks!
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Re: Finally a pretty major effect! A-BOMB!

Post by stoater »

Hey Buddy.

hehe we have some similar^^
i also didn´t try real drugs :D
A-Bomb was the first dose that work for me too...
that was the first time i was on hypnosis i think :-D
it seems to need practice, the other times the mind was not clear enough...
total chilling with no thoughts at everything :wink: so you get best results ;-)
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Re: Finally a pretty major effect! A-BOMB!

Post by Roffamaffia »

got my new in-ear headphones today and tried it and WOW first time I actually felt something, I was shaking and I couldn't feel my arms. Gonna try more now!
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