New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

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New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

Hello and welcome to my thread, i will try and update it as often as i can.


My name is Thomas, I am 19 and i live in Denmark. A few months ago i found out about this I-doser thing, i read an article with teenagers getting high off sounds and going to school, i thought to myself that such a thing would be impossible, but i clicked on and kept reading. I found the website, and i was even more convinced at this point that it was a fake article, and this was the biggest scam ever. I navigated to the experience page, and read a few of them, i was thinking that this scam is really really sophisticated, people will do whatever to take other peoples money, i figured all these experiences were fake and posted by the scammers, so i clicked the post an experience, and just wrote some crap, expecting the need for a moderator to accept my post, but it just went straight there, this kinda shocked me, because that had to mean that these were real experiences.

I loaded up youtube and searched for it, i saw people trying different doses, especially gates of hades, i got scared and thought that this was just some shit to freak you out, but then i saw people using quickhappy laughing their ass off. I just had to try it.
So i purchased quickhappy, read some guides on the forum on how to do it, i was scared to lay down and try it, because it might just freak me out like the gates of hades, i was very skeptical, so i just put it on while IMing with some friends. At first i thought the sound was extremely annoying, but i quickly got used to it, 2 minutes into the dose, i thought to myself that this was a scam and i was ripped off, but then all of a sudden i just started smiling, i don't know why but i just started smiling, then i bursted out in laughter, but i didn't know why, it was awesome. The dose ended and i think i laughed 25% of the dose through. I thought "wow!" if this works that good when im just sitting here IMing, how good will it work when laying down.

And that's how i started with I-dosers.

I purchased a pack with a lot of different ones in them, but i was scared to try most of them, because i have a tendency to bad trips, i didn't want another one, so i was very careful.
I don't know what has happened since first time, but i couldn't get quickhappy to work again, quite frankly i almost cant get nothing to work, not even when laying down.

These are the doses i have done.


I did this at a friends house, i felt more comfortable with that, i am not sure i had results, but i was calm afterwords, but not as strong as i was hoping for.


This one was weird, i was very very scared when doing it, i am not sure why, but i was just paranoid of having a bad trip, i listened to the whole thing all the way through, but i had so many interruptions, i kept opening my eyes because i thought someone was in the room, and i could hear people outside, but when it was over i was calm, and the dreams i had after the dose, they were amazing. Just before i was sleeping, it was like i could hear beautiful symphonies, and when i finally fell asleep i dreamed that i was composing them while flying. It was weird because im not sure that's the effect you were supposed to get. Next morning i was really happy and calm.

Sleeping angel.

I was very unsure with this one, if i really had effects or not, i did it one day when i was really tired, i laid down and listened all the way through, but i didn't fall asleep. About halfway through my body felt really heavy, it was a nice feeling, and i though to myself that this is pretty good, the dose ended, and i went to sleep, no awesome dreams, actually no dreams, but i slept for 10 hours without waking up, so i guess that was pretty good.


There is some story behind this, When i found out about this idosing thing, i wrote to my ex, who is better than i with mind altering things, i told her about these sounds that would make her high, she asked for something strong but not too long, and this one was ideal for it. I let her try it and she told me she didn't remember ANYTHING, she had taken the dose, and zoned out 30 seconds into it. She was on IM when she started the dose, and she said she would write me back when she was done. A half hour passed without her writing back, the dose is 10 minutes so i figured she was asleep. 45 minutes after i called her because i wanted to ask her a question, and we have a joke with waking each other up when sleeping, someone picked up the phone, but i wasn't sure if it was her, someone was walking around and they seemed pretty up and running, but in a bad and anxious way, it stayed like that for 20 seconds and then the call ended, i tried calling her again, but the phone was turned off.

About 5 minutes after she appears on IM, she says she is scared shitless, she doesn't want to turn on the lights, and she has no clue what has happened, she says she doesn't remember anything after 30 seconds in it. I told her to man up and turn on the light in her room, she said she didn't want to because she was scared someone else was in the room, after 10 minutes she pushed off the paranoia and turned on the light, she told me she couldn't find her laptop or phone (she was on IM through Ipod) I told her that i had called and someone had picked it up, she said that her phone was right next to her when she began dosing, and her computer on the desk. I told her to just look for it, she found both her phone and computer under her bed, she would never in a conscious state put them there, she was just as confused as i was.

I told myself that i would never try it, until one of my friends called me on skype one day, he said he just had done the Nitrous dose, and he wanted to talk, we talked for a bit and he looked like he was tripping balls, he looked stoned, i told him to put on some music and let me see his reaction, it was insane, he was just screaming in excitement, i had never seen him laugh that much before, he was so happy, he said the dose was AMAZING, and i could just tell from the look on his face and his laugh, that he was having the time of his life.

Now i had 2 people having totally different experiences, i searched youtube and forums for info on it, and it seemed the majority had good trips, so i manned up and laid down with the dose. I was really really scared before dosing, and i just really wanted the effects, while i was dosing my mind was racing, and i never really calmed down, the last minute of the dose came and the sound changed to something way more intense than the previous, at this point i was kinda calm and not scared anymore, but this one minute changed everything, at first i got scared, but then immediately i calmed down, thinking "its just a dose".
But my body, my body was FREAKING OUT, my heart was pounding harder than it ever had, it was insane, i could hear it in my ears, and feel it down my legs, my heart kept pounding like this the whole last minute, when the dose was over, i sat up and i felt a little bit affected, not a lot really, just a bit uncoordinated but that's really it. i was pissed because i wanted effects like my friend.

Astral projection.

After the doses up above i kinda took a long break with it, but 2 days ago i resumed. I decided to try something stronger and longer, this would be my first time with something more intense, and i chose astral projection.

1. day of trying it, I laid down, had read so many good reviews on this dose, about flying and stuff, i was scared at first, but 10 minutes into the dose i was alright, but i never really got effects, my mind kept wandering from thought to thought, and i really couldn't get any effects, 25 minutes in my cat interrupted me, and i decided to just turn off the dose and go to bed. All effects i had was thoughts of flying up in the air. Also my eyes at one point started twitching a lot, it was crazy, and the normal hands-melting-into-the-bed feeling, not being able to tell really if the palm is facing up or down. I went to bed, kinda sad that i didnt go on a journey.

2. day of trying it, i laid down, hoping this time it would work, this time i wasn't scared the least, just a little anxious, i really wanted the effects, I zoned out a few times during the dose, but not for more than a minute at a time, until i realized i was zoning and went back to normal thinking, whenever i do i-dosers my mind always wanders, is this a bad thing? Anyway, my nose started itching, i ignored it for a minute, hoping it would go away, it didn't so i had to itch, then the inside of my ear itched, i thought this was a horrible place, because then i had to take off my earphones, i did so really fast and resumed the dose.
At around 20 minutes in i think i got the beginning of the effects, my body started tickling all over, it was awesome, it felt like i was lifted out of my body, i thought to myself "YES HERE WE GO" but i guess i became to conscious when this started happening, i swallowed 2 times when this happened, because i felt like something was in my throat, and then i was back in my body and the tickling stopped, i thought to myself i just ruined it all. The dose ended, and i didn't have any other effects, i went to sleep.

3. day of trying it, This time i was really confident that i was gonna get it, i laid down, and followed some tips i hadn't followed trying doses earlier, i inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth, eventually i stopped this method, because it left me with a really dry throat, and i had to keep swallowing which knocked me out of the dose, at one point i felt the tickling all over my body, and i started focusing solely on my breathing, but the feeling was getting stronger and stronger so it was really hard, my heart started beating faster, and i got kicked out of the state and back into my bed, feeling like normal. But this time at the end of the dose i felt like i was drifting away, and i could hear sounds, but then the dose ended and i went to bed, something different this time was that i could see pixelated gray people, dancing in front of my eyes when they were closed, it wasn't very realistic but i thought it was pretty cool. Im gonna try again tonight.

4. day of trying it, This time i tried something different, i popped a condition before the actual astral projection dose, also i added another pillow, so i could breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth, without getting dry throat. I continued inhaling through nose, exhaling through mouth, while listening to the condition. I guess it helped somewhat, and i focused very much on the breathing, i think i made the condition work, i wasnt really able to tell. After it was done, i put on my astral, and i went 20 minutes into the dose, without any effects at all, until i was disturbed and had to stop.

5. day of trying it, this time i tried the DRG file, i could definately tell there was a difference, and i think i liked the DRG better, even though i havent had the tickling a few times now, i still feel im getting somewhat closer. But still no real effects, i will try 2 more times and if it doesnt work, ill go on with some other doses, and maybe return at a later point.

6. day of trying it. I think i have some problems. This time i did pretty good, i got well into the dose, and at about 20 minutes in, i felt like my mind fast on its way out of my body, it was a pretty overwhelming feeling, and i was excited to finally see results, but my body seemed like it wasnt ready for it, my heart started pounding really really hard, which caused me to have to breath faster, which i manually had to take care of (if that makes sense) which knocked me out of what i was about to accomplish, this pissed me off majorly!!
Guess ill have to try again.

Guys i really need some help, i really really try but it just doesnt work, the farthest ive gone with it is the tickling and "just-about-to-leave-body" feelings, but thats it.


I put in the dose, im kinda tired, and a little bit affected by alcohol, i got pretty drunk 6 hours ago, but its kinda all worn off now.
I have NO EFFECTS what so ever, usually i feel a little bit from a dose, but this time, the whole 35 minutes, i felt nothing but drifting away in my own thoughts.

Lucid dream
Wow, this one was really weird, it took my by surprise so much, after my many tries with above doses, without really having much effects, i took this one, just expecting something neutral like condition or whatever, i was really surprised. SOmewhere around the dose i felt like my body was made out of stone, i could hardly feel any part of my body, i got somewhat scared, because i thought i was getting into a sleep paralysis, so i moved, and i kinda resat, then it went back the stone feeling, and i got really really calm, it was such a nice feeling, Afterwords i felt like something was crawling up my legs, but it never really reached beyond my knees, even thought it felt like it, it was weird but awesome. im not sure how this dose would give this effect. anyway, the dose ended, and i tried to fall asleep, i didnt succeed at all, but when i was trying to fall asleep i was soooo mellow, the silence in my room seemed more silent than ever (if that makes sense) there was literally no sound at all, it was pretty awesome. I didnt have lucid dreams though, Probably because it took me like half an hour to fall asleep, Overall, pretty awesome dose.

Questions that i hope some experienced users would answer.

Q. If some place on my body is itching, should i itch it immediately and then return, or wait for it to go away?
Th3_uN1Qu3 wrote: #1. IGNORE any itches. The better you get at ignoring things like that, the more successful you will be in achieving altered states of consciousness, with or without idoser.
Q. Is it better counting upwards from 1 to whenever you zone out, or downwards from a high number? or shouldn't i count at all?

Q. Which breathing tech is best, nose or mouth, or a combination?
Blaz3d wrote:The breathing thing, i usually do long deep breathes. Like Meditation, inhale through my nose exhale through my mouth

Q. What is your favorite dose and why? (will quote everyone who leaves a responce)

Q. what is the best way to avoid your heart freaking out?, personally i (when im just about to get some serious effects) have extreme increased heart rythm, it seems like it just freaks out?, what to do?


Tips from experienced users.
Th3_uN1Qu3 wrote: #1. IGNORE any itches. The better you get at ignoring things like that, the more successful you will be in achieving altered states of consciousness, with or without idoser.
#2. Don't drink alcohol the night before you attempt projecting. Just don't... I usually get best results AFTER i've had a heavy drinking night, and i sleep till the afternoon, eat sparsely, then the following night i either get real crazy dreams, or even projection (hint: projection is FAR more fun than any dream you may ever dream).
#3. When you feel your breath getting automatic (tough to explain, but you'll know it once you feel it), don't fight it. Even if you believe you're gonna choke to death. It happens every night when you drift off to sleep, trust your brain, it can manage your body properly. It's just weird being conscious while your body sleeps, but it's sure worth the reward.
#4. Don't be afraid. This is perhaps the most important point of them all - the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. If you don't believe me - try the DXM dose. Instant results. ;-)

Thank you very much for reading, i will update with more stuff, as more comments come, please give me your input if you read this, i kinda still need some help on this.

Happy dosing :)
Last edited by szharz on Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:15 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Blaz3d »

Great Thread man.. Im in the same boat as you, i havent had much luck with the other doses
except inhalant..

So i too have been experimenting with Astral Projection. I read up a alot on it like you did then
proceeded my first dose. I got to the point where my body was tingling as well and i thought
the same thing "here we go" it broke my concentration as well and it al stopped.

I too will try again tonight and post back the results.

A. The breathing thing, i usually do long deep breathes. Like Meditation, inhale through my nose
exhale through my mouth

-Blaz3 :retard:
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

Thank you for the responce, at the very moment i am setting up for the astral projection, i just peed and washed my face and everything ready for bed. I am hoping to have some results tonight.

Will update once im done :)
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Blaz3d »

Sounds good. Try to focus solely on the sounds your hearing. No distractions, no nothing. Feel the music,
BE the music.
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

updated with 3rd and 4rth day of astral projection, and also LSD. Im getting really frustrated with no results.
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Blaz3d »

Try checking my Experience Thread for tips

-Blaz3 :retard:
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

are the DRG better than mp3, because i usually use mp3.
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Tru »

God yes! These free mp3 dose files your finding around the net are all very weak and possibly not effective at all! You need the purchased .DRG file doses played through the I-Doser program for maximum and best results!
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

I bought the stuff through itunes, is it still not legit?
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Th3_uN1Qu3 »

If you got it thru itunes it's probably legit, but i never saw the point of idoser mp3s, they're 1000x larger than the actual script files anyway, and have less effect as well.

Anyway, here goes some advice, ESPECIALLY if you're trying to achieve astral projection.

#1. IGNORE any itches. The better you get at ignoring things like that, the more successful you will be in achieving altered states of consciousness, with or without idoser.
#2. Don't drink alcohol the night before you attempt projecting. Just don't... I usually get best results AFTER i've had a heavy drinking night, and i sleep till the afternoon, eat sparsely, then the following night i either get real crazy dreams, or even projection (hint: projection is FAR more fun than any dream you may ever dream).
#3. When you feel your breath getting automatic (tough to explain, but you'll know it once you feel it), don't fight it. Even if you believe you're gonna choke to death. It happens every night when you drift off to sleep, trust your brain, it can manage your body properly. It's just weird being conscious while your body sleeps, but it's sure worth the reward.
#4. Don't be afraid. This is perhaps the most important point of them all - the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. If you don't believe me - try the DXM dose. Instant results. ;-)
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

Th3_uN1Qu3 wrote:If you got it thru itunes it's probably legit, but i never saw the point of idoser mp3s, they're 1000x larger than the actual script files anyway, and have less effect as well.

Anyway, here goes some advice, ESPECIALLY if you're trying to achieve astral projection.

#1. IGNORE any itches. The better you get at ignoring things like that, the more successful you will be in achieving altered states of consciousness, with or without idoser.
#2. Don't drink alcohol the night before you attempt projecting. Just don't... I usually get best results AFTER i've had a heavy drinking night, and i sleep till the afternoon, eat sparsely, then the following night i either get real crazy dreams, or even projection (hint: projection is FAR more fun than any dream you may ever dream).
#3. When you feel your breath getting automatic (tough to explain, but you'll know it once you feel it), don't fight it. Even if you believe you're gonna choke to death. It happens every night when you drift off to sleep, trust your brain, it can manage your body properly. It's just weird being conscious while your body sleeps, but it's sure worth the reward.
#4. Don't be afraid. This is perhaps the most important point of them all - the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. If you don't believe me - try the DXM dose. Instant results. ;-)
I bought them so i could use them on the go, and i like having it on my ipod the most, the i-doser app for ipt is weird, so i didnt buy it.

I thank you greatly for the tips, right now im setting up for my SIXTH try of Astral Projection, i am really dedicated to making this dose work.

btw just a question, this might be really really dumb, but is the dose gonna make you actual project, or is it just a help like the lucid dream one, ? i mean do i need to know how to actually do it, before taking the dose?

I have been afraid a lot of times, i guess in the back of my head im still scared of it, whenever i get the least effect i try to just stay calm, but i start thinking, and my heart starts beating pretty fast, maybe i should try using a dose like calm-me or something before the use of astral?

Ive got to say, there was something with teh drinking, (btw its legal to drink in denmark at any age, so please no commenting about my age and drinking, im probably more experienced than most kids in my age aroudn the world) I had some pretty freaky dreams when using the astral projection dose, they were so realistic, and it really felt like i got shot (i dreamed i got shot and i was about to die, not scary though)

Thank you so much for the input on the breathing, everytime i started breathing like that before, i immediately went back to my normal breathing. Ill try this new one :D
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Th3_uN1Qu3 »

szharz wrote:btw just a question, this might be really really dumb, but is the dose gonna make you actual project, or is it just a help like the lucid dream one, ? i mean do i need to know how to actually do it, before taking the dose?
Try this book: I found it very helpful. I'm 100% sure that the dose won't actually make you project (i listened to it yesterday), but it can bring you very close. At the end of it you may get symptoms of projection. For example in my case, towards the end of it my head kept jolting every now and then. BUT, not every time my actual physical head moved... Just the feeling of getting a muscle spasm in my neck. And that means my astral body was starting to get out. The idea of it is to "train" you, so that you can recognize the symptoms and induce them at will afterwards.
szharz wrote:I have been afraid a lot of times, i guess in the back of my head im still scared of it, whenever i get the least effect i try to just stay calm, but i start thinking, and my heart starts beating pretty fast, maybe i should try using a dose like calm-me or something before the use of astral?
Your heart will start beating fast when you're about to project anyway, you can't help it. Just know that nothing bad can happen to you if you're not afraid.
szharz wrote:Ive got to say, there was something with teh drinking, (btw its legal to drink in denmark at any age, so please no commenting about my age and drinking
Don't worry, i started drinking at about your age too.
szharz wrote:Thank you so much for the input on the breathing, everytime i started breathing like that before, i immediately went back to my normal breathing. Ill try this new one :D
Yeah just hang in there and enjoy. After you are convinced that you are breathing properly it won't come up in your thoughts again. If you aren't breathing properly you will start coughing anyway.
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

Ive been trying very hard to make it work, and it just seems like i cant, i think ill start out practicing meditation, anyone know some good guide for that?
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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by Aluphoto »

Hi, try meditation for beginners by jack kornfield. it comes with a cd and helped me a lot practising meditation. i'm doing this for two years now - and meditation helped me with my first i-doser experiences which I had only four weeks ago.
And another tip: try the real .drg files with the computer software. they are pure binaural beats and not the ipod- or mp3-stuff with ambiant music. for me the pure thing always worked, but the ambiant music distracts me and I have no efforts with the iphone-app-doses.

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Re: New to I-dosers, experiences, problems, thoughts.

Post by szharz »

Thank you very much Alex, i ordered the book on meditation, just waiting for it to get here :)
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