*Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

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*Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Blaz3d »

Ok guys so ive been doing ALOT of research on binaural beat waves and I-doser.

After dozens of test's and research /practice ive come to conclusion that to successfully
get results from a "dose" you need to be in a meditative state. In other words you need to
focus SOLELY on the music from the dose. No distractions, no movement,you need complete
concentration on the sounds. Feel the music, Be the music.

Mediation takes practice, and so does i-doser.

So having that said im going to post some tips that have helped aid me in getting positive results from "I-Doser"

1. Find a QUIET relaxing place to dose at, somewhere that you can be alone without any kind of distractions for a prolonged period of time.

2. Dim the lights, if possible make the room completely pitch dark.

3. Get into a comfortable positon, one that you can hold and maintain without moving for up to an hour at a time. Close your eyes, RELAX.

4. You need to be in a "meditative state" of mind to get satisfactory results. Start your dose and get into the desired position as described in step 4. Take long deep breathes, inhaling through you nose, and exhaling through your mouth. Concentrate SOLELY on the air your breathing in and out. Block all other thoughts that may be in your head, if you catch yourself wandering with thoughts, simply go back to concentrating on your breathing again.

5. Feel the music from the dose, dont let anything else in or out of your mind, feel the music, be the music.

Im going to keep finding more helpful tips/hints to get a successfull dose and i will keep the community updated. Im also going to be using this thread to post all my dose test's/experiences. So check back frequently.

I recently got a package of 160+ doses (all REAL .DRG sound files) --- not the fake MP3 and itunes version.
So expect ALOT of updates and information on these doses to be posted and talked about within the next few months of my beta testing.

Tonight i will be doing Astral Projection. I will post my results immeditely after the completion of each dose i test.

-Hope this helped some people, lets keep the flaming to a minimum please.


Update 1* 8/18/10

Astral Projection Test 1.
Last night i laid down with good hopes of this dose. I turned off all lights, made me a nice pallet on the floor
with a comfortable pillow and got my headphones next to me.
Before i did my dose i did a small 5 minute breathing session (as explained above in the tips)- inhaling through my nose, exhaling through my mouth.
Once ready, i laid down got in a comfortable position i could hold for a solid 30minutes then started my dose.
About 10-12 minutes into the dose i noticed some effetcs, my body began tingling and it felt like it could feel the hair rising up on my legs and arms. I then thought to myself, "Here it goes, projecting!" But i think that broke my concentration on the dose and i instantly lost the effects, after this i didnt feel anything for the remainder of the dose.

Im going to be trying this dose again tonight and i will post back tomorrow with my results.


*UPDATE* 8/19/2010

Hey guys, as you know ive been experimenting heavily with i-doser and ive come up with some more ways to help you beginners and people having trouble with getting doses to work.

I. Drop any distractions →First make sure you are not going to get disrupted during the taking of the dose. This is one of the worst things that can happen while taking a dose. Also it might ruin the whole dose. Make Sure you have all pets and people away from you and out of the room. (Best if you are home alone.) → Also Have all computer programs exited. This will eliminate the chance of a noise coming up when playing the dose and disrupting you. Also to many programs running might make the dose make a "popping" sound.
•II. Take Care Of anything that needs to be done. →Make sure all necessities are taken care of before taking the dose. This includes Eating (hunger), being thirsty, Restroom, or any work that has to be done. You want to focus on the dose and the dose alone.
•III. Take the dose at night or in the dark →If you want to have a 100% successful dose take it at night and in the dark. This way you have no light shining in from the window that is blinding and/or shining in your eyes. When it is completely dark, the dose will be more successful. Also when taking the dose make sure all lights our off in the room you are taking it in. This includes Master light, alarm clock, Computer Screen. Desk Light, T.V Or any other lights that may be in the room you are taking the dose in. You want it as Dark as it can be.
•IV. Eyes Closed →Have your eyes closed during most of the duration of the dose. You may open your eyes from time to time, but do not keep them open for the whole thing.
•V. RELAX →This is also a important one. Try to relax all muscles in your body so you feel good. If you feel better the chances of the dose being successful are higher. •
VI. FOCUS →This is one of the harder steps. Stay focused and the effects are stronger and better. Try to clear your mind before taking one.
•VII. Stay still →Try not to move around much. You want to stay still for most or all of the dose.
•VIII. Be Patient

**UPDATE** 8/20/2010
Sleeping Angel:
So today i woke up alot earlier than usual, played some video games, smoked some bud, nothing out of the ordinary. After a few hours i started to get tired since i woke up early and i had been smokin the green :unibrow: .. So i decided to lay down and relax with a dose of "Sleeping Angel"-- which is suppose to be kind of like taking valium.
I proceeded with my dose .. Its a 25 minute dose.. i got about 15-20% into the dose and i noticed i became EXTREMELY relaxed. As the dose went further, i eventually felt like i was just an inanimate object laying in a room with nothing but the sounds i heard. The dose finished, i took the headphones off and relaxed. My whole body was tingling and i felt as if i were asleep but still able to think/hear.. I laid and enjoyed the dose for another 10-12 minutes before the effects wore off.
Overall this dose was succesfull and will be using it again in the future. The more i practice and use i-doser, the better the results are becoming!

-Blaz3 :retard:
Last edited by Blaz3d on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

Mediation takes practice, and so does i-doser.
Yes, Meditation does take practice but, i-doser does not necessarily take practice. The first dose i ever used was morphine and it worked. It is true you do get good if not better results by meditating, Im listing to demerol right now and im getting pretty good results. Otherwise great post! :)
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Blaz3d »

I absolutely cant get any results without concentrating/practicing..

I have to do it in the dark, eyes closed, and be very focused on the sounds. I have never been able
to use one while sitting up or doing something (like trolling forums), and get results. Idk why..
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Blaz3d »

Updated with last nights "Astral Projection" dose test !

-Blaz3 :retard:
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by szharz »

Blaz3d wrote: About 10-12 minutes into the dose i noticed some effetcs, my body began tingling and it felt like it could feel the hair rising up on my legs and arms. I then thought to myself, "Here it goes, projecting!" But i think that broke my concentration on the dose and i instantly lost the effects, after this i didnt feel anything for the remainder of the dose.
EXACTLY the same i felt, it sucks, because i really want to have it happen, im gonna try again tonight, but this time i might do a condition first.
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Blaz3d »

*UPDATED* with NEW steps that have helped me get more effective doses.

Comments PLEASE :D
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by pakondeck »

I need someone who has experience with multiple doses to post what their best dose of all was.
What dose gives the absolute best feeling or experience?
Bid for free here---->>http://fribizhelper.tk/
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Blaz3d »

I did a condition dose followed by the infamous "Nighshade" and had some interesting results. I will update my original thread shortly with my results.

-Blaz3 :finger:
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Re: *Official Testing/Experience Thread *- (with tips)

Post by Blaz3d »

UPDATED with todays "sleeping angel" dose ! Enjoy
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