My overall experiences

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My overall experiences

Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

I have tried 15+ doses, but i only will record some of the ones i have gotten good results from. Please feel free to request doses or ask questions.
Things to be reviewed-black sunshine, dexies, nitrous, opium Qh, tranquil. lsd, oxy, codeine, divinorum, cliff hanger and many more
My setup- Lying down on my bed with Bose QC-15 (until 3/25/12) now beats studio(unless stated otherwise)

Cocaine Qh- (6/10) i was feeling pretty tired and i had some time before i had to pick up my sister from the airport so i lied down and popped on the dose and about half way through i started to feel the effects i felt pretty good and energetic . The downside.. the effect only lasted for 15-25 minutes.

Anesthesia Qh- (9/10) I did this one about a week ago about 9 O'Clock at night. About 25% way through i felt numb and tingly what was lasted till the dose was over and lasted till about 10 or so and i was wide awake again.

Hash Qh- (7/10) will do it again to see if it works better] So i was making a cross country tour (lol.) in the back of a car with some of my friends and i got the back for about 4 hours. so since the passenger was sleeping and the driver was quite i figured i would just slip away with my noise canceling headphones. So any way.. im not sure when the dose kicked in but the car ride was pretty bumpy and i dont know if that effected my experience. When the dose ended i felt a little stoned but not like the real thing and the appreciation for music lasted for a good 15 minutes.

White Crosses- (10/10) when i bought this i had no idea what it was i just knew it was strong. To be honest i still don't know what it is. About 35% through my heart beat and breathing changed. about 50% through my thoughts changed, i had deeper thoughts which was nice. When the dose ended all the color(i spell it w/o the u because im canadian ;-) )in my room seemed different, blues seemed darker and yellow seemed brighter. The dose ended about 15 minutes ago and i still have all the effects on me except the heart rate + Breathing.
You just have to try this one yourself.

Trip-(10/10) This dose was very strange.. i kept on thinking to my self that this dose is all fake and any one could have closed eye visuals if you have any imagination. I was wrong.. the dose felt like it was taking forever and i was just listening to the and all of a sudden i saw my cat jump on my bed. i knew i was not dreaming and my eyes were shut. As he walked to me i pet his fur and i could almost sort of feel it like in a dream but my hands were lying on my bed. This lasted for about 5 minutes and than faded. 10 minutes later the dose ended and there was a nice afterglow that was very relaxing.

Demerol (11/10) this one knocks you on your butt. I've done this dose about 5 times and i love it. When ever i do the dose about 10 minutes through the numbness comes in, starting with my legs and moving up. When this happens all you can do is relax and enjoy the euphoria. This is one of the first doses i did the "pop and play" method and i got the relaxation and euphoria but not as much numbness. if you like anesthesia and want more of a "Kick" i would suggest demerol.

Chloroform (8/10) This dose is amazing! i was watching tv in my room and couldn't sleep but i still wanted to watch so i put on the dose and watched tv at the same time. now for the review first i will start off with the bad things the worst part was it was 45 minutes, so it lost a mark for that. The part the was pretty bad but not so bad was the static around 10 % it lasted for a long time. after that it was smooth as silk, as soon the numbness kicks in it starts with your hands, than legs than body than face and it gets stronger and stronger as the dose progresses. but at 75% it plateaus and does not get any stronger. When the dose ended i felt numb and tired so i put away my lap top and fell asleep comfortably numb.

Peyote [Strength (10/10)] {my trip -15/10} where do i even start with this one. every thing was going fine just like any other dose than boom it felt like someone opened my bedroom door and was watching me. after i started to get random cold waves (even though my a/c was off and my window was closed.). i was thinking how fudged up this dose was and i was about to end it because my leg was bleeding, But it wasn't. I seem to get numb from most doses except my arms felt like there were 1 cm. off my bed. Than the heat flashes started followed by goose bumps. I was pretty shaken up and slightly scared, and i heard a scratching on the wall next to me, like a mouse or something. Which is strange because i was wearing my noise canceling headphones. Than finally the dose ended. when i took off my headphones and looked at my dark room the walls looked staticy like a old tv, that only lasted for a second or two. i was a little rattled up from this experience so i walked to the bathroom to splash my face and it was over. Just like that. Would i do it again...? YES :D

Insomniac (10/10) I did this about a month back so bare with me if the details are a little off. It started off like any dose i was tired and decided to try out the strongest sleep dose. I put on my headphones and started to relax. i completely zoned out and fell asleep. im not sure when but i woke up kinda and had some super strong closed eye visuals and felt super warm and fuzzy for which felt like 5-10 minutes i fell asleep. i woke up when the dose ended, took off my headphones but my laptop on the ground a fell into a heavy sleep.

Ritalin (6.5/10) First time using this dose and i am slightly impressed, first of all i have not used i-doser since last June so my brain might not have been so good with dosing. Anyway, i decided to do this one while playing some games and texting my friends. the dose started off pretty fast like in the first 5 minutes, i had lots more ability to focus and that was the only major effect, i could also notice more. this was short lived and only lasted about 5 minutes after the dose had ended

Lucid QH (10/10) full review:\\

Brain qh (4/10) (this is my third time writing this review because i did not save all other times..) Any way popped on this dose when i was browsing the web and was doing the usual.. dose hit at about 75% thoughts became clear and i felt like a genius. It was not strong but it was a nice pick-me-up. this is a great dose before class like at a break or something if you have 10 minutes to spare. edit: the effect was not short lived it lasted for about a hour.

CalmME (8/10) its 2:30 and im not sleepy or calm in the slightest so i figured i would try a dose. i was searching through my library when i came across this, i bought this a while back but NEVER used it so i figured why not? any way this dose does exactly what it says im completely calm and have a smile on my face. im not super crazy happy im just calm.

Bufo)Toad (10/10) this dose started fast about 5 or so minutes in i got some weird feeling in my legs that=n it felt like my arms weighed 300 pounds each. my body then felt like i had a huge weight lying on my. this is the first time ever i had to break a trance by moving my arm because it was over powering. about 2 minutes after i heard a couple auditory hallucinations that sounded like weird technical sounds. the next part to the last 5 minutes of the dose was pretty boring time seemed to be moving extremely slow. when i took off my headphones i looked at my t.v and the program looked so different it was amazing and i felt awesome!

Heroin QH (6/10)if you buy this dose dont give up on it, it took me 3 tries to actually get a decent effect from it. this dose starts of weak i only got a bit of a chill and some tingles in my arms. it took off a bit later and my heart started racing, i got a bit warmer and i felt a bunch of euphoria. The dose ended shortly after. all i can say is that it was decent. It actually makes me want to try the full dose because this one wwas so short.

Substance D(??/10) Up next
Last edited by Whowantsfreepuppys on Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:53 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

I just added white crosses. If your reading this tell me what you think please :)
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Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

I added demerol.
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by Th3_uN1Qu3 »

Well White Crosses is technically one of the simplest doses in I-Doser, but it can really mess you up. Advice: Don't ever fall asleep on it... it won't be fun. However, it depends too much on external factors to provide a repeatable experience IMO.

I totally agree with you about Demerol. Also, if you want something that just works, try DXM. It's a decent approximation of the real thing. Makes your mind jump around and think of random things, it's cool. Sure, it's weak compared to the actual substance, but at least you won't get looked at as a "cough syrup junkie".
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Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

I bought dxm bought never got around to use it yet. I've used the real thing so ill have to see if it compares.
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by Blaz3d »

Let us know how your DXM goes man!


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Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

I was 52% done dxm and my cell rang... :retard: at least i got a nice mood lift so i wasn't to mad. Oh well i'll just have to try this one later
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Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

added chloroform :D
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by Nicole34 »

Well White Crosses is technically one of the simplest doses in I-Doser, but it can really mess you up. Advice: Don't ever fall asleep on it... it won't be fun. However, it depends too much on external factors to provide a repeatable experience IMO. way to get rid of acne
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Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

added insomniac. Any suggestion?
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by princess889 »

what does pop and play mean?
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

princess889 wrote:what does pop and play mean?
i listened to the dose while browsing the web
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by owlmaid »

It's true about falling asleep on White Crosses, I accidentally fell asleep on White Crosses once had the most crazy dream/hallucination thing. There was a guy without a head or arms or legs lying down next to me talking. It was insane.
Demerol is one of my favorites. Great euphoria. DXM is good too.
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

im going to start updating this tomorrow with ritalin.
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Re: My overall experiences

Post by SadLittlePony »

Hey puppies very nice reviews. Im glad to see another doser back here on the forums. Welcome back.
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