Preparing yourself for a dose

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Preparing yourself for a dose

Post by idioteque90 »

I've noticed many posts on "how to feel the effects" so I thought I would share the way that best works for me. Not only will this help you to get the most out of your dosing, but it will also help you learn how to "center" yourself. The reason I think I-Doser is great is because for it to work it depends on the user being able to empty their mind, which is a very useful practice in any area of life, be it coping with depression or anxiety, or achieving deep states of relaxation and peace. I learned these things not though I-Doser alone, but mostly through my meditation practices.

These are a few ways I use to get myself ready for a dose, because if you go into it with a mind that is racing, you will easily get off track and your mind will wander throughout.

The most important thing when you dose, is AWARENESS and OBSERVATION. It makes sense that your body is a strong indicator of your emotional or mental state, so throughout the dose, focus on the energy field that is within your body. Think about how your body feels. Are you sitting and cutting off the circulation in your legs? Do you feel physically relaxed? Feel the life within your own body. Become aware of your utter aliveness.
When you pay attention to how you are physically feeling, your thoughts are focused on one thing instead of a thousand other things. Take a moment to enjoy how relaxed you feel, and remember... BREATHE.

The next part is your breathing. Focusing on your breathing is another way to clear your mind. This is why a lot of users say to count while you breathe. Focus on it going in, and out, in and out. Count "one, two, three,"(in) "Three, two, one." (out) At any point when you drift, this is probably the best way to bring yourself back.

By now you will probably feel much more focused and more ready to experience the dose.

If you are a straight-up beginner I would recommend before even turning the dose on, spend a couple minutes thinking about everything that is on your mind. I got this method from the Hemi-Sync program. Imagine those things on your mind as objects (anything at all possible that might come to mind while you are trying to relax), and then imagine a big huge box. Visualize what the box looks like. It can be any kind of box you want, but take time to actually create the box with your imagination.
Then, imagine all those things on your mind being placed in the box, close the lid, and turn away.

Now, a lot of times your mind will still wander back to it's incessant thinking, and it is completely normal. It is a practice that takes people a lot of time to sit with their mind completely still of an extended period of time. As soon as you recognize yourself drifting, just become aware of it. Observe the thought for what it is, and then let go of it, focusing again on your breathing and to the sounds of the music.

Once you try practicing this a couple times it'll make more sense, but when you feel totally free of thought you enter a place in yourself much deeper than normal consciousness. You will feel peaceful, separated from thoughts and emotions, and totally still. When there is nothing influencing your thoughts, the dose can do its work.

Keep yourself free from expectation or anticipation too. Don't think, "when is it going to work?! I don't feel anything!!"

That's just a little bit that I would share. I hope this helps! Have fun!
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Re: Preparing yourself for a dose

Post by cuberobot »

Thanks for the advise :mrgreen:
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Re: Preparing yourself for a dose

Post by JackW »

Thanks for the advice dude, espicially like the "ideas as items, thow them in a box" idea. :D
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Re: Preparing yourself for a dose

Post by Tyrulan »

For further information.. try this.
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Preparing yourself for a dose

Post by nicolelord2 »

Tx really nice information....
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