Answers Round 15

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Answers Round 15

Post by idoser »

Can Binaural Beats be overlaid with any mp3 or song?

Yes, but if you want to use this and get effects, you must mix the mp3s in using the I-Doser Premium Software located at We use special codecs that properly mix without hindering the effects of the dose. If you just play and mp3 file with a dose file yourself, it will kill the effects.

i was wondering if y'all had considered adding a feature to the program that would allow the user to input what they experienced & when during a specific dose.

Already did. See the EXPERIENCES menu item in the program.

i was wondering if it would make a big difference in the quality if i converted the drg file to an mp3 file.

Yes, you will kill the effects because mp3 uses compression that ruins the effects. If you want to convert to MP3 use the I-Doser Premium Software located at We use special codecs that properly mix without hindering the effects of the dose.

I've read that you guys are selling I-DOSER to adults (18 being the minimal age) only, I wanted to know if age had anything to do with I-DOSER, can a teenager use doses?

You should be over the age of 18 when using I-Doser as it can affect mood or experiences and should be used by an adult.

Yesterday and the day before, I tried hash, cocaine , & lsd. It did in fact work, but not nearly as intense as they are in real life, from my experience. But last night, even though Im a beginner I attempted bufo)toad ,which was decent but now I am wondering about harmful effects of bufo)toad on a beginner. Could this affect my neurological health, or possibly coma & death?

Please, death? It is sound. It won't kill you or have any negative neurological effects.

How many minor doses should you do before you move up?

Depends entirely on the person.

I was looking at the speedball and it said for experienced users only. My question is this: If you've done the real thing (only difference was I used meth instead of cocaine ) is it that bad to use the i doser version without being experienced? Same for any other dose.

No, real life drug experience does not equate to binaural experience.

Isochronic and monaural tones? Do you guys have experience with them. I hear they are better than binaural for brain entrainment?

We researched them as possible product lines and found that monaural and isos are much less effective than full two ear binaurals. We don't recommend them if you want any profound effects.

I have JVC Marshmallow headphones 8-hz-23khz, 102db/1mw, 10 ohm. I want to know if these will work before I start buying. Please let me know.

We get "will these headphones work' questions 100 times a day. We can only recommend models that we have personally tested. You can see the list here:

I am new to iDoser, and I was just wondering what the safest and most effective way to start was?

I personally would recommend starting with the digital audio MP3s and CDs. They are shorter and contain ambient backdrops to help dose. Then you can move up to the software doses that dont have music backgrounds and are longer and more intense. Of course, if you have an iPhone or Android device then you can supplement with mobile doses:

I think you should update your "dose name" to make it more effective. only strong, very strong, very very strong, or strongest work for me.

If it exists, that means we did multi-years of research on it and it is as good as it can get.

is it possible to actually work for you as a tester/developer and not a dealer? If so how and how often do you get openings

No, our testing and development staff is industry experts and we use a secretive beta staff. No openings.

At some drg files, I have a buzz noise, at the beginning of the tape. Is that normal? I've searched through the answers and saw a post that is saying it's a fake tape. Is it?

You will hear two (possibly 3) sounds in a dose file: The binaurals (the offset tones in each ear), the carrier (white noise, maybe the "static" or "buzzing" sound you hear), and ambient background music (in our mp3s and cds only).

Whenever I go to my Control Panel, the "Profile" tab just leads me to a message saying, "You are not authorised to design a signature." Also, I can't view mine or anybody else's profile. Are these problems related? What's causing them? And how can I fix them?

Signatures were abused. They are disabled.

My question is whether or not you have to have used marijuana for the marijuana dose to work correctly. Also will doses have lasting effects once the dose is completed?

NO, you do not need to have used real drugs for I-Doser to work, and we would never recommend recreational or prescription drug abuse. Yes, the effects last after the dose. How long depends on the person.

If I am wanting to do multiple doses in the same day is it better to wait a few hours between doses for effects to ware off completely or use Reset before my next dose?

Use reset or wait a few hours. Either is fine.

Hi there, I got your application from the app store but the thing that makes curious is that the versions in the app are much shorter than the original ones, like the sleeping angel is 30 mins on the laptop but it is just 15 mins in the app, it must be changing its effects thats what I think, why is this way...

They are completely redesigned sequences even though they have the same name. They are designed to be shorter mobile doses, but still effective.

Can being on certain medications (including anti-psychotics) keep doses from working?

Potentially, yes. If you have concerns, please discontinue use of I-Doser. Consult your doctor for further advice as we are not licensed to offer medical advice.

I've bought and downloaded quite a few of the MP3 doses and noticed they come in 256 kbps high quality format and I was curious if converting the files to higher or lower kbps (using iTunes software) would ruin the quality of the doses or maybe make them more potent? Or if any of the converting settings might ruin the quality of the doses.

Home conversion of any format will kill most, if not all, effects of a dose. We have special encoding and codec methods for our mp3s. If you would like to do mp3 conversion, get I-Doser Premium and do it through our software:
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