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Hi there!

Post by Pants »

I'm new to the forums and at this point about a week or so into I-Doser experiences. I've been versed in basic neurological psychology and simple biology and am looking for a place to discuss experiences. In the "Does it work?" thread I have posted some experiences.

I have little to no experiences with physical drugs nor do I intend to; studying binaural brainwave patterns in school brought about my interest in I-Doser.

Feel free to drop me a line on here =)
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Post by -Almost »

Welcome to the forum Pants. With your studies you will most likey have an upper hand of knowledge on Binaural Beats.

Feel free to drop us all some tips for using I-Doser. :-D

Maybe even turn the "Non-Believers" around.
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Post by Pants »

Thanks for the welcome!

As far as tips... it's all pretty basic. Use headphones or earbuds with a good external noise damper, get into a position that is comfortable to stay in (as in, avoid moving around as much as possible - maybe lay down if you don't get it to work sitting up), close your eyes (and/or be in a dim/dark room), and expect to have to practice at least once to be able to sit and listen to the beats completely. Think of it like you're going to sleep, but stay awake enough to focus on the sound. Let your body shut down and begin to process the beats on a subconscious level.

Also, keep in mind that some of the results from a dose may be related to self-hypnosis, so have an open mind! Don't fight the dose, or play into it. Just...try to experience it; if you start breathing faster, don't regulate it - go with it! Also, your mood, physical condition, and recent diet (among other things) all have relevance to how strong of results you might find, and how exactly you might react to the doses.

If it helps, I can post a log of what I did when I took a dose and found successful results. To me, that means I had results that beat chance and could not have happened any other way, including using a control study to determine what could be done under similar conditions without the actual binaural beat.
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Post by theCOD »

Welcome, Pants! I've enjoyed your contributions to the forum. Glad to have you around! :D
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Post by Pants »

D'aww, thanks theCOD! =)

As far as doses go, I recently tried the Lucid Dream dose. I fell asleep during it, somewhere around 2/3 of the way through or so. I did, however, remember distinctly 4 or 5 different dreams, and even remembered when I changed from one dream to another. Every time, I was almost lucid, but I kept falling back into deeper sleep. I will revisit this one.

I tried Trip again the next night, before I was about to go to bed. I administered the whole dose, but nothing seemed to be happening. I tried to sleep, but couldn't; next time I opened my eyes my whole room was glowing a dark blue, much like a deep ocean blue. When I looked around, little trails came off of everything. Kind of like a The Matrix underwater feeling... Lights were very bright, and I had very little depth perception. Eventually I fell asleep again and woke up to everything being normal.

Interestingly enough, this is the second strongly successful Trip dose I've had, and both times there was a 1-3 minute delay between ending the dose (either it ending or me ending it) and the reaction starting.
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Post by Pants »

I just finished the French Roast dose for the first time. I was very groggy and tired before trying the dose, but it's still not very late at night where I am, so I decided to try it.

I'm posting as of about 2 minutes after finishing the dose, and not only do I feel immediately more awake, my senses are alert - literally to what it feels like during the day when I'm working. I have a motivation to do things that I didn't have before, which may be in part due to the fact that everything looks and sounds so much clearer. I want to say it has brought me from a state of neutral "tiredness" to a good, content mood, but I cannot say if that is due to the dose or not.

I did not smell or taste coffee at all; conversely, however, I imagined being slowly submerged into cold water and became cold and then tingly-numb all over. As the dose ended I had a wave of warmth come over me. Perhaps simply due to the more awake senses and a placebo effect.

EDIT: After staying up a lengthy amount of time without becoming tired again, I decided to try Sleep Angel to help get me to sleep. After 10 or so minutes of it, I felt groggy and didn't want to do anything but sleep, so I took the headphones off and went to sleep.
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Post by Pants »

Between my last post and this one, I have tried a few more doses.

I still feel no effects from Peyote, however I have only actually finished the entire dose once. I plan on trying this dose when I'm not laying down next to find if I can get better results.

I tried Orgasm, but found that it only seems to work similarly to Ecstasy. I have heard that MultipleO is the best sexual dose, so it is next on my list insofar as sexual doses are concerned.

Sleep Angel definitely works; you have to fight to finish the dose - I never did. Not only that, but I woke up feeling as though I had much better sleep than I should have.

Lucid Dream is a very, very strong dose, and I recommend it for anyone who wants to feel the effects of I-Doser. Even when I do not have a lucid dream from taking the dose, I remember many more dreams the night I take it, and they are all very clear. Definitely beats chance.
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