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Post by KingLear »

Ho-ly cow. Holy cow holy cow.

So, I just finished with opiate whilst using my new technique, and it worked like crazy.
Opiate, to sum it up in a sentence, is like a glorious relaxation set from the very belly of buddha. (Forgive my imagery, as I'm still under the effects pretty hard) This was true enjoyment from beginning to end.

I started off as I usually do, lying in bed in the complete darkness, with nothing but my headphones and my ipod. I laid back and searched through my inventory, finally selecting opiate. I put on my headphones and just dropped back into a state of moderate relaxation as best I could, and let the track do the rest.

A few minutes in, I hadn't really felt much as my mind was wandering. In order to calm myself, I spelled out the word "relax" in my head, without really thinking about what I was doing.

A little while later, something changed. My chest began to get sort of heavy, and a mild sort of peace dropped over me. I thought of the most random things, without really thinking about them.

A little while later, I began experiencing very mild hallucinations. Ex. I began to believe my room was pizza and half of it was pepperoni. Now obviously I knew it wasn't, but it really made sense as I stared at the waving corners of my room.

Then it really hit me. Numbness. My entire body got warm, and I drifted into a relaxed state of euphoria. I could hardly feel any part of me. Just bliss. Erection city, for some reason. The room was still waving, and I was just numb and loving it. It's very tough to explain. It was like everything was just okay. I thought of my friends, and lots of other things. I thought of Alice in Wonderland. My head was sort of shaking.

EDIT: After my third time with the dose, I felt something new towards the end (about 6 minutes left or so). A strange vibration took me further under than I had ever been before. I completely lost conscious thought and descended into what can only be described as blackness. I felt joy, and a constant vibration. I got worried, and fell out of the state. I tried to get it back but could only get slightly back. If you can keep yourself in it, it's a truly intense experience indeed.

After the dose ended, my heart noticeably sped up, and blood rushed to my face and head. I made sure I didn't get excited and stayed calm. The effects stayed. As I'm typing this, I feel like I'm sort of in a very nice fog, where I can't focus, my head is sort of spinning in a delightful, almost 3:00 AM feeling. It's wonderful, wonderful, wunderbar.

Opium, is the cat's pajamas. If nothing has worked for you, I highly recommend it.
Oh my. Oh my.
Last edited by KingLear on Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opium

Post by Technofreak13 »

hahaha sounds beautiful dude XD nice explanation! I want to know what your "new technique" is :D maybe it will help me! If you've already posted it, a link to it would be fantastic :) I get what you're saying about the random thoughts without really thinking about them but I can't get past that point. For some reason, I just lose focus there and get too excited...a guide of your technique would be great if you can post one :)
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Re: Opium

Post by KingLear »

Yeah man, no problem! It's not so much a technique as it is an ideal.

EDIT: This is to answer your question specifically, the full technique follows in the section marked "focus on relaxation"

Once you get to that point of thinking about thoughts, but not really, you're ALMOST THERE!
Start making the beat the center of your attention, but don't consciously focus on it. Make the beat the base of the tower, and your thoughts the floors built on top of it.
Eventually the beat will feel like it's encompassing your entire brain. It's an odd feeling, and you can't miss it.
That's where it gets tough. You have to learn to keep that feeling there, without trying to do it. It shouldn't be difficult. If you relax properly, it'll happen automatically.
And that's it. Keep that feeling, and the dose will take you with it.

Focus on relaxation.
Don't worry about the beat, don't worry about excitement, just relax. Be as comfortable as humanly possible, and forget everything.
I realize that's easier said than done, and the more you think about not doing something the more you end up doing it, but with practice it gets easier. It helps if every time you think about something, tell yourself to relax and start spelling out the word relax in your head. I usually only spell out the first letter to the beat ex "r, relax, r, relax". This really helps you focus on simply enjoying the experience. You start thinking about school? Tell yourself to relax. Thinking about friends? R, relax.

You see, what I've found is that when you focus too hard, even on the beat, your brain isn't fully relaxed. That state of relaxation, that state of "I'm thinking, but about nothing in particular" is what your brain needs to feel and experience the effects properly.

Once you really get into the zone, the point at which you are relaxed when you aren't consciously making an effort to relax, it's smooth sailing. You can then allow yourself to have a free mind, thinking about random things, and letting them go.
During this zone you will find that the beat sort of automatically takes your focus. This might feel like it moves to the top or back of your head and all of a sudden, all you can think about is the beat. You're not trying to think about it, you just are. You'll lose yourself in the beat, and the effects will hit you hard.

So far, Opium has been my favorite dose by FAR. Just last night, I went even deeper than I did last time.
At the end of the dose, the final beat change section, something absolutely weird and somewhat terrifying happens. You completely lose yourself in a strange vibration of joy and a cloud of happiness. But I digress.

tl;dr Relax completely

It takes a lot of practice, and you probably won't get it immediately. I know what you mean by getting too excited. After my Opium breakthrough, the second time I tried it, I didn't get very strong effects simply because I was so excited and expected something to happen. That's not the way to do it.
Forget everything, and you'll come out refreshed.

Good luck! If you need more help, I'll try to explain a little better.
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Re: Opium

Post by Technofreak13 »

ok sweet!! Thanks, man. I'll definitely have to try that out :D
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