whats the best thing to concentrate on?

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whats the best thing to concentrate on?

Post by nummycookies »

even before idoser i would use meditation; i used to think i was pretty good as the types of meditation led to noticable changes in my behavior and out-look (like meditation does)
earlier i was attempting to dose crystal meth; i had started with condition, this time sitting straight up with a blanket over my head, which normally i just lay still for the entirety. i had just woken up from my full nights sleep so i thought it would be a good time, about 20 minutes through the crystal dose i more noticeably started to trace off in thoughts. i would push them from my mind but not really know what to concentrate on, the beats? the darkness? start counting backwards?
what is perceivably the best thing to do? when i concentrate on the darkness and try to think nothing it seems like the sounds fade.
also based off anybody's experience is the loss of concentration possibly me starting to get the effects?
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Re: whats the best thing to concentrate on?

Post by LucidGamer »

I would try to focus on the beats if you have an MP3 dose, because I doser staff makes pretty awesome ambient tracks! you can always try to focus on your breathing... Or even the lights projected onto your eyelids from outside sources !
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Re: whats the best thing to concentrate on?

Post by jaredliles2000 »

I'm new to all this myself, and I too found it hard to "concentrate on not thinking about anything". Even the concept seems oxymoronic. :)

I used to meditate, although i wasn't trained and never learned about meditation, I was just 'clearing my head' on a regular basis. I recently decided i wanted to get back in the habit and found I-Doser. And for the record, WHERE HAS THIS PROGRAM BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? lol

This may or may not help, but i've come to actually kinda see the sound in my mind. Er, something between seeing and feeling. It feels like a gentle current that is sometimes 'above' or 'below' me. I assume this is more or less the dose being higher-activity(above) or lower-activity(below) compared to the level my brain is operating at that moment.

What works really well for me is to kinda zone out and force my whole body to relax, like slump...become dead weight, even mentally. Then I try to 'feel around' with my mind, looking for that gentle current that is the dose. When i find it, i relax into it and let it pull me down or up, depending on the dose. (For you aspiring pilots out there, its a lot like mentally landing a small plane with approach instruments-- find the glide and follow it in ;) )

It definitely takes some practice, and different things work for different people. Hence, my offering my technique. I tried blanking out, but it was nearly impossible to clear my head. I tried focusing on the sounds, but even that just seemed to leave me hearing it but not much feeling. When a technique that really works for you clicks, it'll all fall into place.

Hope this helps :)

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Re: whats the best thing to concentrate on?

Post by DoserJ »

So concentrate on the MP3 background or the Dose, or both?
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Re: whats the best thing to concentrate on?

Post by jaredliles2000 »

DoserJ wrote:So concentrate on the MP3 background or the Dose, or both?
This will sound like a non-answer, but both and neither. I would suggest concentrating on the dose itself and let the mp3 background 'polish' your session. The problem is, concentrating on the dose is too easily distracting to beginners, thats why I say neither.

I don't concentrate on the dose the way i would concentrate on solving a problem, or the way i would concentrate on trying to remember a phone number. You push your brain into 'concentration' activity when you're focused hard on something, and the whole point is to let the dose lead your brain into *Insert Dose Here* activity. (thinking too hard about the sounds could easily be counter-productive)

I COMPLETELY clear my head, slow my breathing, and shut out every physical sensation possible. Then, with eyes closed and no other sounds, I'll dose, letting the dose itself become the only reality available. Its so hard to describe, I think that may be why so many people get so anxious about it. Your own mind is where all this happens, so sadly there may not be a one-size-fits-all way to get to your breakthrough.

Keep at it, make every effort you can to dose at the right time, in the right environment (I can still only dose successfully on weekends-- work-week stress :\ ), with good headphones. The results will come, but lets face it, this is an activity that few people are accustomed to.
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Re: whats the best thing to concentrate on?

Post by ngphil22 »

The thing I focus on when I dose, and this was a breakthrough for me, is counting backwards from a thousand. It puts me in a trance that makes the doses really effective. The best thing to focus on in the dose is really everything, and at the same time nothing.
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