Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

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Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

Post by xanthier »


I'm still looking for that breakthrough dose and I want to get some opinions from different members and see what the consensus is.

In your experience, is it best to do the same dose over and over until you get an effect, or try as many doses as possible. I have quite a few doses (all legit) but I've really only felt slight effects with a couple. The best I think I've had so far was my experience with anesthesia.

I can tell you all the doses I have if that would help. maybe there are certain ones you recommend doing on rotation...or something of that nature.

Thanks guys,

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Re: Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

Post by JasonJJ123 »

most people say that nitrous and french roast work
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Re: Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

Post by xanthier »

French Roast may work. It would be negligible to tell as the effects of caffeine are not all that extreme. Being someone who doesn't typically need coffee to wake up it's not the best one for me.

I heard that about nitrous, and it just happens to be one I don't have. I need to get that. I also just bought A-Bomb and used it last night, I think I felt something really crazy last night but I might have fallen asleep during the dose so I need to try again tonight just to tell for sure.
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Re: Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

Post by jaredliles2000 »

I would recommend "Russian Roulette"-ing it. Maybe focus on one for a while, try something new, combo it up a few times, just bounce around your library sometimes, focus on one sometimes, pick one to match your mood other times.
It'll come, but as far as I can tell its not a secret dose that'll unlock your breakthrough, its more or less practicing. Maybe even have someone help you if you can. Have them pick a dose at random so you're not predisposed to an expected effect. Then just lay there and try find the drift.

Good Luck!
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Re: Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

Post by xanthier »

Thanks for the feedback, I will try that.
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Re: Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?


Do a-bomb and make sure your doing all the doses just how your supposed to you will defiantly get a result with a bomb
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Re: Seeking a Breakthrough, One dose or many?

Post by ngphil22 »

Just buy as many as you can (But do not buy too many), and listen to each one not once, but TWICE. The first time, try without condition, the second time, with condition. That always seems to work for me. Then, a dose that is fun, lasts long, but won't empty your pocket, is Demerol. That is one of my favorites on the PC version. A quick dose that hits hard for most is Nitrous QH.
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