Hello, it's me

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Hello, it's me

Post by konajinx »

Hi everyone,

Konajinx here. I'm (obviously) new here, and just enjoyed A-Bomb as my second dose. Great stuff. I heard about this program on the Ron and Fez show on XM radio, where it was brought up, and Earl (a bumbling idiot on the show) incorrectly called it "L-Doser." So I did a quick search last night, and after not getting results back for that, I searched for "doser" and "music" and hit the jackpot.

Anyway, I've enjoyed alll sorts of mind-expansion from the illegal to the legal (herbal blends such as Spice are excellent), and the brainwave-experimental (I have a nice little one of those mind machines with color-light glasses). So far I've enjoyed my experiences with this program and the purchases I have made.

I also write for an entertainment magazine online for my day job, as well as run a podcast, have my own ridiculous website, and so forth. Anyway, nice to say hi to you all. Happy dosing!
Level 4 (50-199)
Level 4 (50-199)
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Post by Pants »

Welcome to the boards! If you have any questions, feel free to ask =)
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Post by RobDose »

yeah, pants always has the best answers, u can trust him... no joke! :D
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