The Official I-Dose Experience Thread

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The Official I-Dose Experience Thread

Post by Solyst »

This is the thread where you can find out about any doses you're thinking about buying or taking, and this is also the thread where you can post your experiences with any doses. To those of you who are going to post multiple experiences please try to seperate the experiences in some way, and use their proper spelling, so it'll be easier for people to search. Note: Hold CTRL and press F to open the FIND function. Enter your search query, then press OK or ENTER to search the current page/document for your query. I'll start off with the few doses I have taken.

Marijuana: First few minutes, for about 1/3 of the dose, I was paranoid, I thought I felt things that werent happening. Then about 1/2 to 3/4s of the dose, the staic turned into music, then 5 minutes later, it turned into popping bubbles, hundreds of bubbles popping at once. The bubble scene calmed me down, and caused me to feel happy, and allowed me to think clearly, but the concept of thinking was like trying to lift 300 pounds. I just wanted to lie there.
Content: The dose was relaxing. It increased my mood incredibly. After the dose, I was uncontrollably smiling for about a half hour.

Black Sunshine: I warn you, have someone next to you before you take this dose, you WILL need someone to help with the paranoia. The first 2/3 of the dose caused me to twitch randomly, at random intervals. Then I started to hear voices, then a clock ticking (from my watch, which is digital), and then an alarm sounding. After the dose ended, I was extremely paranoid and jittery, I felt as if someone was going to sneak up on me for the next 2 hours. Though it wasn't a negative type of paranoia, the more scared I got, the more I wanted to be scared.

Calm ME: After a few minutes, it helped calm my nerves, then when the dose ended, I felt alot calmer, but it hadn't affected my mood.

French Roast: I tried this when I was tired and almost asleep, it woke me right up. I was re-energized for about an hour and a half.

Content: Helped make me happy, and I couldn't stop smiling for about an hour. But it scattered my thoughts. I couldn't think clearly or focus on anything.

Sleeping Angel: Definitely one of the best doses I've ever tried. First time failed, but my second time helped me fall asleep in the middle of the day, when I was fully energized. My three hour nap felt like a weeks worth of sleep. (1 hour of theta sleep is equilavent to 8 hours of regular sleep)
Last edited by Solyst on Sun May 20, 2007 9:45 am, edited 4 times in total.
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More Experiences

Post by Solyst »

Sorry, double post.
Last edited by Solyst on Sun May 20, 2007 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by -Almost »

Inhalant: This one was pure disassociation and dizziness. Took the dose, got up, fell straight to the floor(luckily didn't hurt myself), could not achieve any source of balance. I looked up and everything looked like what it looks like when you spin in circles for 10 minutes. This stayed like this for at least 5 minutes. After those 5 minutes I got up trying to retain my balance and started to learn to walk again. Powerful stuff.
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Post by Orange_Crusader »

French Roast: Probably one of the more popular doses around, but I'll add it in. Felt a bit more awake about halfway through the dose, and increasingly so near the end. Oddly enough I'd say you feel the full effects (at least I did) after the dose is done, and it gets stronger the more you dose. I personally use it about 4-5 times a day itself, and it lasts between half an hour or 45 min to 2-3 hours, depending how much I concentrate. Can be listened to repeatedly, the effect gets stronger, maybe by about 1.5-1.75 times or so. Love this one, very useful.

Divornium (Salvia): This was an odd one, I didn't think i felt anything at all until the dose was almost done, some mild auditory effects (sounds shifting and changing) and a bit of lightheadedness, some small random visual hallucinations. Dose finished, and I got up, and noticed how strong it was, random things changed colours or shifted (likes waves, somewhat), sounds came and went, and I felt detached from my body, and some more effects, more or less describied as a mild 'high'. Had to go out, so I did Reset, and coming back down from the effects was quite the jump, the dreamy/random state was gone, so I don't know how ong it would last, but I got a good 15-20 min out of it before canceling it out.

JuiceIT: Again, a bit odd in its effects. More or less made me feel jittery and like I'd suddenly acquired ADD, couldn't sit still for long, and felt like I had to get up and do something. Like a stronger FR, but with less attention span. Faster and more precise thinking was possible, but in semi-short bursts. Pretty cool, but felt like almost half a dose, body was more than willing to get up and move, but the mind didn't get the same effect of hyperactivity, more of just better receptivity and thinking faster than usual, as usual as 12 AM gets. Could be good combined with Victory (as suggested) or French Roast, for a lighter effect.

I'll edit more in once I buy and try each a few times. :)
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Post by xkallisto »

Nitrous: My first dose of something other than Alcohol and French Roast, but the feeling wasn't overpowering. First I became paranoid, maybe because I was scared about taking something other then a moderate drug. I then started to become warm, and frequently opened my eyes to see what was going on. I then became tingly in my hands and my feet, and then my arms started to tingle. The most obvious effect of this was that my response to external stimuli was much weaker....I touch my skin and it's as if i'm barely touching it. The dose effects only lasted for about 5 minutes afterwards, but my touch sense is still very weakened, and it's been about 10 minutes. Just a little bit of tingly sensation left...I will have to try this again.
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Post by idoser »

All, while we fully support you sharing your experiences in the forum (that's one reason it's here,) I also want to remind you to visit our main page at and click the experiences link to submit your experiences there. We often go through the database there and select experiences to be shared with all visitors to
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Post by sendbib »

Opium Tried it once (my first ever dose), and it didn't work, except for a dry mouth and a very slight feeling of weightlessness.

Nitrous Tried it over and over again, but never got the effects that other people seem to get. However, I found the sounds themselves very soothing and nice.

Quick Happy Tried it once just because I had to leave soon. Didn't work at all, and, unlike Nitrous, I found the sounds extremely irritating and I think it gave me a headache.

French Roast This one I'm really not sure about. It may have made me a little bit more energized, but if it did, then it quickly wore out.

Ecstasy Tried this one twice. It made me feel good down there, even when I started daydreaming, but nothing like what it said it would.

Heroin Fell asleep, unfortunately.

Trip While taking the dose, I didn't experience any strange visuals, but faintly heard some strange sounds more vividly than the usual sounds you hear in your minds-ear. I also noticed that it felt extremely nice to send my arms and legs into spasms, for some reason. When I stood up, I fell straight to the ground, not really because I was totally incapable of balance, but because it felt really nice to just give in. I felt really out of it for a while afterwards. Not even close to what it said it would do, but I take this as a sign that my mind is starting to get more susceptible to binaural beats so I'm going to keep trying.
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Post by Against »

-Almost wrote:Inhalant: This one was pure disassociation and dizziness. Took the dose, got up, fell straight to the floor(luckily didn't hurt myself), could not achieve any source of balance. I looked up and everything looked like what it looks like when you spin in circles for 10 minutes. This stayed like this for at least 5 minutes. After those 5 minutes I got up trying to retain my balance and started to learn to walk again. Powerful stuff.
this dose is one of the best a must try.
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Post by SurlierRat »

Astral Projection - Calms you down into a very relaxed state, I almost felt like I didn't need to breath anymore. First time I got a load of twitches and these would make me jump out of it, but second time around I concentrated better. My body went completely numb. I could feel every detail of the room around me. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror while I lay there and it looked as if I had died!
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Post by Solyst »

Here are some more experiences I found on the forum, all credits are given to their posters. If any of said posters request to have their experiences taken down from this post, or any future posts, please just ask, flaming is not neccesary.

Lucid Dream:
faithless wrote:As said in the title, the only dose that made it's job was lucid dreams... The first time I tried it was amazing, the next morning I knew i was awake just cause I realized it was impossible to fly xD (was dreaming of it). Moreover, I could remember 3 or 4 dreams I had made the same night.
Sleeping Angel
Dread wrote:Later on that day, I thought "hey, guess I'll do it the real way". So I put on comfortable clothes, blacked out my room, brushed my teeth, put on my wireless headphones and lay down on my bed.
Nothing happened for the first five minutes, probably because I didn't try focussing on the noises. But after like five more minutes, I felt how my body slowly came to rest, I only needed to breathe every 20-30 seconds and was barely able to move my limbs - just like my body was a
sleep but my mind still awake.
It was absolutely incredible, normally I'd have to meditate for an hour to become that much relaxed.
That dose absolutely works for me... A great experience wink.

Dread wrote:After trying "Sleeping Angel", I chose DMT mainly because the description sounded interesting.

"DMT is the most powerful yet most harmless of all these things. Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire."
Okay... big grin

I didn't feel anything for the first ten minutes, then I fell asleep a few minutes later. As I woke up this morning it was like somebody took my brain and put it in a washing machine. None of my thoughts changed, it was simply like the "haze" which surrounded me had been washed away.

It's kinda difficult to describe, but before the dose there was always -something- that kept me from doing simple things like sitting still without feeling the urge to stand up and do something different.
Well, guess I'll have to try that dose again without falling asleep wink

Dread wrote:Well, I can remember that it helped me waking up and I also noticed certain things which I always overlooked before, like some books in my shelf.

Dread wrote:Definately one of the more powerful doses...
I prepared myself for listening to the dose like I did the days before and started it.
The first minutes nothing special happened, but then the telephone started ringing and forced me to take off my headphones. After that I went to the bathroom, washed my hands an then -all of a sudden- I felt how my body started shivering and shaking; the effect lasted for about five minutes.
Also, I was able to perceive music more clearly for about half an hour...
konajinx wrote:I'm not sure why some are experiencing bad effects from this. I really enjoyed it. During the first part, I was experiencing a lot of hypnagogic fact the whole A-Bomb dose can be perfectly described as a mix of the hypnagogic and dream-like. Many times I couldn't tell if I was so relaxed I was slipping into quick nap-induced dreams, or if it was the dose.

I heard plinks of piano notes, "saw" the last car of a train moving away from me very fast, had many interesting mental "conversations" with various "characters" that were popping into my head. At one point it seemed like I was watching a news report that featured an anchorwoman who was at first upside down, then she became righted and was doing a report on how things were previously upside-down. And tons of other things.

This comes on slow, but then grabs your attention really well, and there are such a jumble of thoughts/sounds/experiences going on that they all can't be separated so easily. This was only my second dose (tried the Marijuana one first to some effect), and definitely the kind of thing I was hoping for when I checked this site out just last night. Well worth a purchase, and surely something that will cause different experiences each time.
konajinx wrote:Did this one again last night before hitting the sack, and more weirdness came through. Strange clicks and some distant far-off female voice I hadn't heard the first time. Then there was some scientist or doctor of some sort popping into my mind discussing some theories of his. Weird thing was I felt like I was recalling an actual person talking about such things from a week ago, but in reality it was just caused by the dose itself.

After finishing and standing up to head to the bathroom, I felt my whole sense of balance had gone wonky. Interesting, as this hadn't happened on the first dose. Having experienced more of A-Bomb, I would like to add that for me it's a lot like doing a salvia divinorum tincture minus the heat flush and really wild closed-eyed visuals. You do get "visuals" with A-Bomb, but they seem to occur deep within your mind, unlike visuals with salvia which just pop right out everywhere when you close your eyes during a strong dose.
ZeXox wrote:I started the dose, and listened carefully, with my eyes closed.
And after some time, everything began to spin around slowly. And the spinning got faster and faster, and after 6 mins. i couldn't take any more, because of that sick feeling I got in my head and stomak.
The spinning stopped about 2 mins. after I took off my headphones, but I still have that sick feeling in my head and stomak (20 mins. after i stopped the dose.)

I'll never try A-Bomb again, because this was really uncomfortable..
thehotghost wrote:A-Bomb is pretty much the most intense experience there is in my opinion. the part where the "bomb drops" it felt like my brain was tearing apart. i was shaking and convulsing on my bead. i felt like screaming and just wanted to throw the headphones off. but i stuck with it and then after that bit was over tehre was just this nothingness and i felt fine... i thought "is the dose over?" but then the end part hit and it was even MORE intense. it felt someone had put a meat hook in my brain and ripped it from my head to my toes. i felt the exact moment of death. then a slight pause. then rebirth. i got up and walked around my room and believed i was dead. i looked at all my things and said "these used to be my things" and when i looked in the mirror i got the exact feeling of looking at a picture of someone you know is dead. there are no more possible experiences with that person and they are just a memory. then i went downstairs and went toilet and it was just crazy. i felt like a ghost haunting my own house. i was literally dead. but i could still think, feel and reason. i went back up to my room and reset. whilst doing this i noticed my reflection in the glass of the window and i jumped. it felt like i had seen a ghost. then the reset started to kick in and i became real and alive again. it was the most crazy and amazing and INTENSE experience of my life.

afterwards i looked up near death experiences on the net and some of what i read perfectly described how i felt. like... you dont die when you die. you just dont continue to live as you knew it. so strange. im not afraid of death anymore. it is so peaceful.
RobDose wrote:a-bomb is da bomb!

the first time i had it, i also hallucinated... alltho my hallucination was a rainbow type bar shoot downwards (as if i was going upwards) and BOOM, i suddenly felt nothing existed, like if i was in a hole of nothingness...
but i managed to climb up and stopped at 50%...

its pretty awsome, im going to try it again tonight....
thegrimrpr wrote: I tried A-bomb for the first time yesterday.. At the point where it got really intense and my head was exploding, i felt like alice going down the rabbit hole. Even once the dose ended and i was walking around, everything seemed wrong. Like nothing looked the way it's supossed to. It was so proplexing i couldn't understand what was hapening to me, i didn;t know if i was actually in my body or if i was haveing and OBE.

abitdizzy wrote:I have noticed that the longer you use it the more intense each dose is. But that is the problem, I took Vicoden this morning and now its basically the evening and the effects are still there. I feel as if i am "zoneing out" all the time and if i close my eyes i start to get dizzy, and weirdly enough for me is that i am in a really happy laughing sort of mood which i never normally am.
pantsfacerolos wrote:So for the first time in a while i tried i-doser....i went with Vicoden....

and 60% i quit because i got kind of scared....i wasnt expecting it to work....because none of them ever did, and if they did work it was barely...BUT this one was absouletely insane..i cant really explain was like a rush of tasty goodness all over my hot sexy body...with my eyes closed everything seemed to get brighter...

then i snapped out of it because i didnt want to go any further with it...i can only imagine what would have happened..
RobDose wrote: i listened to Nitrous before going to my swimming lessons...
and i closed my eyes as if for a moment and i felt myself float...
when i opened my eyes i was at the bottom of the pool and i almost swallowed a bucket load of water, damn
Mopid wrote:I've never done any real drugs, so I didn't know what to expect when I used marijuana. In the start I didn't feel much, but after a while it started kicking. I got this great feeling and my heart started beating faster. Thats when I quited.
Mopid wrote:Then I tried extacy and I really got a good effect. But I didn't complete it either, because while listening to it, my eyes started blinking like crazy. It felt like it was me who controlled the blinking and like the eyes lived theyr own life.
dulcisxcruor wrote:I felt numb all over, felt great, different parts of me felt large, then small(redundant feeling.), left hand felt twisted and distorted, pain on right side of head(It was pretty bad.), and a tingly sensation on my legs.
The After Effect- Felt relaxed- pain went away -tongue still felt numb.
4nub1s wrote:I was in my bed just relaxin', I put my headphones and leaves my body and mind to the dose. Firts 15 min, I was flyin', I was not feelin' my legs and hands, I tried to wake up but I can't, I tried to talk to myself and there isn't no-answers, I saw a huge universe... Was I flyin'? I can not explain...

30 min, I have asked to myself .. Who am I? ...

Wonderful, I recommend to all hard minds ..

Nice Trip ... Nice feelings ....
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Post by Hakkersszz »

SurlierRat wrote:Astral Projection - Calms you down into a very relaxed state, I almost felt like I didn't need to breath anymore. First time I got a load of twitches and these would make me jump out of it, but second time around I concentrated better. My body went completely numb. I could feel every detail of the room around me. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror while I lay there and it looked as if I had died!
Feel free to correct me if im wrong, but opening your eyes should ruin the effect.. Since you should be supposed to "see" with your eyes closed.
Because when you open your real eyes, well, nvm, i dont feel like sucking everyone into one of those long stories...

But please, feel free to correct me, because im also into the astral stuff.
Never succeeded tho :(
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

From astral when i opened my eyes it lost effect. I could see stuff, even see stuff around me, but that was with my eyes closed.
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Post by SurlierRat »

Yeah, this was my second time, I was kind of unsure whether I was awake or not and I had to be moving soon anyway, so I opened my eyes. :o

I tried it again today, I managed to see the ceiling with my eyes shut. Thats pretty impressive considering I was on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed.

I need to experiment with this more :)
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Post by Solyst »

I have a question about lucid dream towards anyone whos tried it? Since i-dosers supposed to wear off when we sleep, since our brainwaves reset, and lucid dreams is supposed to WORK when we sleep, does the lucid dream dose give you lucid dreams for only the day that you take the dose, or does it last for a few days/weeks?
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Post by andrecr7 »

I'm going to wake up at 8:00 am tomorrow and I'm gonna try the French Roast, I wanna see if I can stay awake :-D
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