idoser: psychology improves it?

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idoser: psychology improves it?

Post by boyo1991 »

theres a fundamental idea in psychology: the power of suggestion...

the power of suggestion is extremely powerful haha.. to say the least..

do you think a user will feel a better experience if they were TOLD it was good? do you think a user will feel a worse experience (as in they didnt get much off it) if they were TOLD it didnt work?

my answer is.... yes and no....

binaural beats are scientificly proven... my full answer says that while binaural beats are scientificly proven, they will be more open to the idea and willing to accept it and give in to its true power if they were told it really works... now a site that markets it wont be able to persuade them, but do you guys agree? im going off a psychology principal that makes it seem likely that it has a slight placebo affect... just to start them out...

agree? disagree?


binaural beats ARE extremely powerful, once accepted as truely able to work... at least in my mind..
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Post by demonkingjj »

I totally agree. I feel as though binural beats are totally real - but your brain has to accept them, in a way. I was actually talking to a psychologist the other day, and he was telling me that binural beats really ARE true, so I guess that means something.

I still can`t get them working, but I`ll keep trying.
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Re: idoser: psychology improves it?

Post by Kre8tiv »

Science fact is proven by the "scientific model", but much of what science goes into (studies and researches) can't always be fully understood, but may have a mountain of evidences or statistical data to back up good theoretical understanding. We can see (and understand) the physical, but when dealing with stuff we can't see and experience physically, it can be harder to accept, let alone try to capture it using something like the "scientific model". The mind is both physical, ....and definitely something else. We know we dream, and science studies more than what we perceive as physical, such as dimensions, time, quantum mechanics, even supernatural phenomena. It is still science, and in those areas most people would not consider to be science or physical, .....may in fact be science, well as physical, ....afterall.
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