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Post by -steinz »

blaze908 wrote: Should I get some new ear buds (I hate earphones) and which ones do you recommend? I'm sure there are some ear buds that can handle those pitches.
I have an IQ of a retard when it comes to technical stuff...except for the internet. But the headphones i recommend are the ones i use*

* http://www.ejwin.com/webapp/commerce/e/ ... 00_500.jpg
ejWin JH-V100

Work for me, why not for you ;P
LoL i'm a stitch
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Post by Torque90 »

hmm that means if i try this, i should probably turn the volume down really low right?
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Post by DeathChronx »

Most interesting!! :evil: :evil:
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Post by Miskingo »

Lets try this dose using the theory of set and setting. This is my first try using the dose, you've sparked my interest.

(Later - after the dose)

Wow not even set and setting can help you there. But wow is this a powerful dose, really had an effect on me. Just man up and keep the headphones on (Really hard even for me to do, but just remember its only sound and if you make it through the rough parts its just 2 tones for a long period) its well worth the fear.
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Post by jordanm123@comcast.net »

Miskingo, I bet if we didn't warn you about it.. you wouldn't have "man-ed up"

It came at me while i was already fucked up, and it scarred the living daylights out of me. I was in fear for days.
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Post by nsane »

Are there any others that are that bad? I scare easy, so when this happened to me I literally went from the floor to my feet, throwing my headphones across the room. I can laugh now, but man was I scared. :lol:
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Post by Knowyourplace »

Alright, This IS SCARY. I freaked out, started sweating. Why didn't they warn us!
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Post by hughy »

I thought I was scared easily however i jumped when the psychadelic bit started and wasn't scared at all afterwards. I had no effects throughout. You can achieve the same effect by opening my door and bashing me round the head with a giant rubber chicken. Or, during a nice peaceful listening of some rachmaninov or debussy, suddenly interrupting it with a blast of stratovarius, all of which I listen to regularly btw.
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Post by Aeon »


that is fucking scary. i can't believe they would allow that... there needs to be a warning for that kind of noise
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Post by bhsrugger14 »

yeahh i knew what was coming and it still scared the shit outta me

i finished the whole dose, but all that it did for me was made my cheeks really hot and made my eyes twitch a lot after the 2nd set of crazy noises.

maybe i gotta keep trying the same dose

im somwhat new to idoser so i still dont get many effects from any doses. do u have to listen to a dose multiple times before u get many effects?
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Post by Solyst »

For best effects, use the Sennheiser 900MHz Wireless RF Headphones (RS130), aka the I-doser approved headphones.
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Post by 0matter »

I might want to try this dose. How exactly do these noises sound like? I know they are unexpected and loud. But does it sound like demonic or something?
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Post by jordanm123@comcast.net »

It sounds like a sound straight from hell. I would not even try it if I were you.
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Post by faithless »

haha i got myself picked aswell alst night, and as i can't get i-doser to work since months, i was like "i'm gonna try it louder maybe it's gonna work" and there come all that shit, I was like "WOW" first time i-doser woke something in me, but just fear.

another dose not working for me.
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Post by Legsta »

your nick doesn't make me wonder why the doses dont work for you :)))
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