You Choose Dose

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You Choose Dose

Post by john5525 »

I became pretty interested lately in the different types of brainwaves that we operate under. After trying all of the pure doses I saw that the You Choose dose ran through all of these types of brainwaves I decided to run through the entire hour and keep a small log of the various changes the dose went through. Enjoy and forgive my typos, I am lazy.

You Choose


During this stage at first I found myself highly alert and

being able to focuse on one thing and one thing only.I could

stare at the wall at exactly one position and still remain

interested in it. As the time progressed I found myself

beginning to lose focuse on anything physical and began to feel

myself start to daydream about random things. This included

that feeling where you are talking but only in your mind. My

thoughts wandered from school to home to what I would be doing

during the day. My attention was not focused on any one thing

but I still felt very physically alert.


During this portion I found myself less entertained by sitting

and pondering my daily questions and relfecting to myself. I

started to become energized and ready to actually go out and do

something instead of just lying in bed watiting for the next

brainwave type to come across. I also find myself typing this

sentence in a much faster fashion as I cross the 22% mark. This

I feel has the same effects as Adderrall to a non ADD person

who needs the extra focus to finishing whatever he/she is

working on. This would be an excellent time to pick up a very

long book that you just never had the motivation to pick up and

read due to the excessive page count. It would also be a good

choice to go out and have a very intellectualy engaged

conversation with someone and feel very into it.


I am starting to feel less intelectually engaged and motivated

and am beginning to feel my eyes tire and my energy waining.

Drowsy would be a good word for it. I am sitting idly with

nothing to do but am not neccessarily bothered by that fact. I

am quite content with just sitting. This portion feels very

mentally disengaging and ideas just kind of flow without

actually analyzing them or critiquing them in the mind like I

would normally do. The effect is ever increasing as the

percentage goes on

My legs are starting to become tired and my eyes are starting

to become even more tired. Even though it is noon I really want

to start to get ready for bed. This point in the dose feels

like that point in the morning when you have to wake up at a

certain period of time but then you wake up still drowsy about

20 minutes before you actually have to wake up and have that

great feeling that you can just sit there for 20 more minutes.

Sleepless or not for those extra 20 minutes, it just feels

excellent. I am not going to fall asleep at the moment, but

standing up or moving around sounds very unappealing. This is

continuing on until about ~57%

My mind is becoming more active and alert and I am coming out

of the previous phase where I felt drowsy and unresponsive. My

eyes are becoming less tired and I am beginning to regain my

motivation. At this point at 61% I feel as if I could type over

120 words per minute with great accuracy and could read a book

faster than I once ever could previously. I feel that I can

process information at a very quick pace and is like I just

drank a large 20oz caffeine rich cup of Joe. If anyone has seen

the movie "Over the Hedge" I am beginning to feel exactly like

that cracked out ADD Squirrel running around violently and

quickly at an insane rate. At around 69 percent now the effects

are increasing and I am starting to get a headache. I am not

particularly enjoying this portion of the dose. At 71 percent

the rate has picked up again and is moving into what i assume

to be at almost gamma brainwave rates around 40hz. 77 percent

and still with the high hz portion of the dose. Would like to

actually have turned the dose off during the first 20 percent

or so but this high hz portion is rather interesting and now I

feel very compelled to go and do something very involved but

will continue to sit until the end and see what the final

portion of the dose will bring. Around 84% I still have a

headache and still feel cracked out but am starting to become

tired. Probably not tired due to a change in the HZ as I have

not heard any drop in the rate, but simply tired from sitting

here for almost and hour and the for the last 30 percent of

this dose, it has spent most of the time in the very high Hz,

mentally engaged range.

I am getting tired now, I am not sure if it is from the dose or

not but I would like to take a nap. At 95% now the volume is

beginning to decrease and the hz are beginning to drop again

into the lower range.


This is most definitely a very interesting dose. None of the

designer or recreational doses have ever worked for me and it

makes sense the the pure ones which place you in a general

region of brain activity would work better than the ones

designed to create one certain and solid effect. Preferably I

enjoyed the first 20 minutes of this dose and disliked the last

20. Definitely worth a try.
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Post by Kloger »

im sorry but, not that many people r going to read that hehe :D
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Post by blackplague »

hmmm that takes a long time... but no hallucinations anywhere in it? I want to have some VIVID hallucinations.
I want to see demons flying around in the skies singing stairway to heaven backwards :lol:
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Post by Clowd »

Thanks for that John, a good read.
I may try you-choose.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

I got to about 40% of your post and got bored... sorry :oops:
I just don't like big reads.
but thanks for the input, I don't see much around here on you-choose.
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Post by john5525 »

I don't like big reads either, this is just if you have some vested interest in you choose and really want to know about it. You are supposed to turn the dose off when you feel the best so you don't actually have to sit through the entire hour. The dose is just supposed to alter your brain state and I don't believe it is supposed to do anything like the recreational doses in terms of effects like hallucinations and the like.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

I have an interest in it actually...
mea, interesting.
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Post by Symbiot »

I for one read it all. Was very interesting. Nice to see someone report the changes during the dose.
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Post by Ness »

blackplague wrote:hmmm that takes a long time... but no hallucinations anywhere in it? I want to have some VIVID hallucinations.
I want to see demons flying around in the skies singing stairway to heaven backwards :lol:
Smoke a fat load of DMT or snort a little 5-MeO-AMT :lol:
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