I have windows media player, and when u play a song or something the visual player does mad effects. If I did a crazy dose that makes u hallucinate...do u think if I watched the crazy visual player it would help the effect of a hallucinogen?
well the mp3 recreational pack has music in the background.
and from what I know, your not really supposed to concentrate on the beats. people just do to keep their minds from wandering too much.
they make it to your brain either way.
why not give it a try??
No I believe he is talking about playing a song with the volume off on media player just so he can watch the visualizations while listening to the dose at the same time.
Perhaps if the doses were mp3's and played using media player, or maybe yeah another song muted while the dose plays, though I can see the visuls for a dose being pretty cool to see.
Or anybody with an Xbox 360 could play a song with the volume down or play an mp3 dose and watch the visualizer on a big screen. I'll have to try that on my HDTV.
Symbiot wrote:Or anybody with an Xbox 360 could play a song with the volume down or play an mp3 dose and watch the visualizer on a big screen. I'll have to try that on my HDTV.
I'd have to say that I did this (played a song on Windows Media Player on repeat but muted it while listening to a dose) and I became very amused by all the colours and the visuals came out of the screen, as if I were wearing 3D glasses, and I was sitting in my chair just amused by how funky it looked. It was really funny afterwards for some reason.