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Post by XthegrimrprX »

ive done french roast when ive had to get up at 6 for work and by the time the dose was done i was almost wide awake
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Post by borispenkin »

Lucid Dream:
First time when I tried Lucid Dream I fell asleep, but while sleeping I saw a dream, and that dream felt like reality.

Second time, at 60% I felt that my body has felt asleep, but my mind where still awake. That feeling last about 5 min, and that was all for second time.
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Post by Solyst »

dulcisxcruor wrote:Wow. I didn't expect to see anything green, but I think because somehow I was expecting it, I saw green. Anyway, During my Absinthe dose: Felt slightly light headed at first, Some sort of drill in the back of my head, spinning, became tired, I remember my teeth chattering, and I probably imagined this but I could have sworn I could hear whispering.
The After Effect- Dizzy, dark green and purple floating dots, and everything was a little blurry. It was great, XthegrimrprX. Just don't stand up too quickly. Or you will walk into something.
Inhalant: wrote:Okay. So I was thinking.. hmm maybe this will be not so strong... Since it is inhalant. It is not buffotoad or hand of god, peyote, or a bomb. It is INHALANT.

So I set a pillow up along with a blanket and i put it on. I started getting very dizzy and the ceiling started to
percent. It should not be titled "inhalant" because it is much stronger than an inhalant. Personally If I worked at i-doser I would suggest renaming it to "This dose will fuck you up."

Right now I am afraid to try other new doses. Share your thoughts, and thanks for reading all this if you did.
h1s4k0 wrote:“To see in new light the world around you, shimmering. Divinorum is the result of 2 months of testing and the only dose to be created by the creator and visionary behind I-Doser. It is her baby. When we say this is a very strong dose, we are not kidding. It was designed to give you inner insight, a view inside, and a deep trip into your soul. Take this dose in the dark, on your bed, and get ready for one of the most spiritual trips possible through an I-Doser dose. I have seen inside myself, and not everything is clear.â€
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Post by Solyst »

giveaname wrote:#1
Opium (Moderate)

I wasn't sure what to expect, kinda scared yet excited at the same time. I laid down on my air bed put my headphones on turned the lights off got the covers and relaxed. I started the dose and waited... Around 50% or so my fingertips and toes started feeling very hot. Around 4 minutes after that I felt like I was falling with my bed. I've had that feeling before and it's very fun Smile . So after 3 minutes or so the feeling stopped, and was replaced with a wavering/tilting feeling. It was like I was tilting kindof... Hard to explain but pleasent. I had that feeling for the rest of the time. After the dose I didn't feel any after-effects. Maybe just placebo's?

ADRemember wrote:At first I tried alchohol the other night...did I tried ...doing all the correct steps (laying down,dark room...etc.) and it was intense. I had these strange images coming into view after about 10 faces just zooming in at me.

Next, the pulsating waves started sounding like voices saying "take me there" over and over again...then I saw myself in the future...a brown beard...and I was pointing out the window of an apartment saying "take me there". I don't know how I knew it was me...but I just kind of did.

Next,It felt like i was floating,I saw the sky at dusk...and I was in the air...soon I floated into the stars...outer space...where I saw an explosion of a star happen...weird.

Then,I was placed gently down onto the grass or so it seemed (I was laying in my bed). Then some sort of alien kept saying "kneel down" when it seemed like I did...I heard a voice say "you are young". then the sounds slowly faded off.

The scariest part was after the dose was over,I had my ipod on a metal song broke out,I jumped up,opened my eyes...threw the headphones off and put the covers and a pillow over my felt like someone was standing over me...I was too afraid to look out from under the blanket for 20 min. Then I got up and ran out of the room...for the next 20 min I couldn't stop looking around and being paranoid.

scariest thing ever.

can't wait to do more doses :)
theoquagmire wrote:I listened to this for a few minutes, and realised it could be a bad first choice. I felt a little unpleasant afterwards, almost like I was hostile to others. Best leave this for later.
theoquagmire wrote:Slight effects - eyes flitting about a little, faster breathing, and strong tingling in my torso after a few minutes. No aftereffects, just a slight feeling of "different" brain activity, though this may simply be a placebo.
theoquagmire wrote:IMMEDIATE effect. Strong feelings of relief, like getting into a hot bath or shower after a very stressful day; accompanied by a very pleasant cold, hairs-on-end feeling. Definitely one to repeat.
Lucid Dream:
theoquagmire wrote:Mixed feelings about this one. I know the effects should only become apparent after sleep, but as soon as I put my head on the pillow I felt a constant vibration in my head (a beat frequency of about 3Hz) which made it impossible to get to sleep for at least twenty or thirty minutes. No lucid dreams either frown Nevertheless, this was certainly NOT a placebo, so it warrants at least a few more attempts.
Cosmonaut wrote:I've been messing around with I-doser for a while and never quite have any effect, my main focus has always been the ones that will cause hallucinations but they never seem to work. I just tried YaBa and it says its supposed to cause hallucinations and awaken your body.

1. No hallucinations

2. As for waking me up it actually worked, i felt a sense of new energy come over me and could feel my heart beating faster like i'm coming down from working out it worked great

Sadly no hallucinations
Kagami wrote:I just tried DMT because the person that posted about it said the "walls turned to water" or something like that, and I thought "hey cool" so I tried it and what the hell.
At like 80% i started seeing these weird things when I closed my eyes like fire or something and then it turned into green balls that exploded.
So I opened my eyes and nothing. So I turned it off at 93% and I stood up. Holy crap I had to walk like I was handicapped. But after that wore off I felt like I had to be doing something all the time.
I don't know if I did it wrong or what but I was sitting in my chair and the lights were on and I was surfing the web for about half of it then I decided to close my eyes.
Am I supposed to lay down in the dark for it to work or what?
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Post by Solyst »

Gvendur wrote:My friend tried Inhalant, and it was scary as he said it, he started to see a man with those creepy long nails and then he heard screams (not loudly) and it wen´t on with him seeing some blue stuff with his eyes closed. And then at about 33% this fucked up strange sound came and he got a flash with white lines everywhere and some face or some shit. and he jumped out of the bed threw the headphones at me and he was shocked, funniest thing in my life but yeh. I got up to only 16% and i saw some freaky creature alien and it was jumping at me then i just quited.. Damn it´s a strange experience!!! You people gotta try it :S
Hand Of God:
whereisthehare wrote:and it is difficult for me to explain, but here it goes
i dont know if these things work, or if they just are a placebo effect, but hand really changed me entirely. Ive undergone a complete personality change, and im a happier person. It is condusive to personal introspection, and i thought it was beautiful. Thank you I-Doser.
KyoZero wrote:holy cow...I played anesthesia and for about 5 minutes I felt nothing. I actually go to the point where I was pissed because I felt it was a waste of time. hit me and it hit HARD. I have a semi torn up tendon in my shoulder and the pain melted away and that arm went numb. When it was over it took my over a half hour to lift that arm and now and hour later the pain is still gone. As a soon to be psychologist I will say I am truly amazed.

hughy wrote:Hello I was just lying on my bed with good quality headphones on, eyes shut fully concentrating on the anesthesia dose and managed to get to the end without getting bored. Can anyone explain to me how I could, after the dose had ended, do 30 pushups on the fly when i normally can only do 29.5? I know this drug is suppose to completely numb your muscles, but it seemed to do the opposite.

aaronvegas wrote:ok hey, im aaron
this is my first post
not becuase im new to i-doser
but just because i never felt liek registering untill now

ok, so last night my friend spent the night over my house and i tried genesis. i layed in my bed for a whiel nice and relaxed and i was counting down and pictureing myself climbing a rope. hand over hand stuff and that seemed to get my mind off of distractions. i felt something building a few times and right before i felt it getting like a heavier feeling i always had to swallow for some reason, i dont know why. so after about like 10-15 of some feelings and a little tingling in my eyes (which were shut) i opened them to see if i was like completly fine, and i lok over at my friend and was like "i dont think anythings happening" and just as i said that i saw a small light flash very quickly out of the corner of my eye. it scared the shit out of me for some reason. i saw this a few times in my room. my body was shaking and i was VERY cold. i threw the headphones off and mad emy friend turn the lights on. for some reaso i was like petrafied! so i walked into my other room (which was completly dark) because i was cold so i wanted a blanket and i walked in there and like i just remeber being scared as hell so i ran back and my friend was like "what?!?" and iw as liek cd00d its soo fkn scary!!! i dno, it just kind of kept going on, i was scared to be in dark places cuz these little light flashes were scaring me for some reason. i dno retarted

any one elese have any expericne liekt this?
very cold, very scared for no reason?
jk47 wrote:Well I recently heard about I-Doser and couldn't help but try it out. I first tried the trips and was disappointed when they didn't work. But I heard it doesn't work for everyone on their first try... So I tried them some more and decided to try something heavier... Peyote.

I loaded the dose and just layed there with my eyes closed.... When I was about 50-60% into the dose, my head went empty and I could no longer hear the dose ringing in my ears. I just thought and felt blank... When I snapped back into reality I noticed I was....snorting....

Has this happened to anyone else? It was really odd to just snap out of an empty state to realize that you're snorting heh.
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Post by Aeon »


I've only tried i-doser about 6 times or so, and this was my first one in months. i have an eye mask so i was using that. i was mostly focused when about 10 minutes in something "clicked" and i felt like i was sinking and the blackness in my vision become much more darker and dense. When you have the eye mask on, you still know it's bright around you and its not like being in pitch black. when this happened, it did not feel like that anymore. i started to see patterns (you know, with those colored sparks you see when you close your eyes). after my dose i made this
it kind of looked like that except much more complex (mspaint lolololo). there were curved lines around a big ball of blue. so anyways, at this point i started freaking out and i lifted the eye mask for a little relief, just for a few seconds. a minute or two after that my body started to feel wierd. it felt like it was twisting/that feeling like your about to have an OOBE. i lost my focus and nothing really happened after that.

i know this sounds so lame but i'm just trying to tell what it was like. if i had not lifted my eye mask when it started kicking in... i'll be trying this again.
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Post by giveaname »

nice visual
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Post by Solyst »

DonMetal wrote: Definately the best dose i have had so far, I first was very very tired, like there was lead in my arms and legs, unable to concentrate, then i became "normal' again, and then it struck (after 1 hour XD) I went laughing about allmost everything, felt really relaxed with everyone i was with etc.
DonMetal wrote: Get me pretty desorientated, i was standing in front of the fridge trying to reach the handle but i just couldnt seem to get it, very strange, and it was like my TV was upside down, (the screen), I also had the feeling there were ants walking all over me so i had to itch.
DonMetal wrote: Not very much, only gave me een slight view of a thin green fog at knee-level, not very special.
Opium and Black Sunshine:
DonMetal wrote:(took them just after eachother) After i took thisone i first thought there was noting but when i was on my bicycle going for a ride, it was like i was in a big swarm of mosquito's but i didnt feel them hit me while riding, and all birds i could see looked like Calibri's.
DonMetal wrote:First one for me, thisone really had effect on me: I sat behind my PC and i just didnt have the power to make my hands go to my keyboard and mouse, i was just too tired , really recommend if you want to sleep.
DonMetal wrote: I first thought it hadnt any effect, so after ~20 minutes i went downstares to take a piss, and i had completely lost my shoulder ache, i didnt feel my shoulder hurt again for the first time in 3 weeks, amazing!!!
French Roast and Quick Happy:
DonMetal wrote: did just wat they are supposed to, not more, not less.
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Post by alexk »

most of them didn't really work for me but i think it was my headphones, they're cheap. buying new ones to try this though....

even so, the real thing is stringer and easier to achieve... just more expensive.
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Post by giveaname »

i tried french roast this morning...nothing
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Post by Solyst »

sparky110 wrote:Hey I just tried A Bomb and it was great. I felt a nice rush and then I felt like I was spinning. This was the first one I got to work so it was pretty neat. Anyway, I was wondering what other doses there are that make you feel like this. I felt extremely good but it wasnt all that long. Is heroin any good? What are some other really good doses you guys would recommend ?
arcturus wrote:prior to taking this dose i had worked out (lifted weights etc) and i wanted something to pick me up. so i grabbed some quality headphones, got a pillow and lied down on the couch. of course i am pretty much exhausted from working out so i really wasn't expecting the dose to really make me energized again but it was worth the shot. first 15 mins of it i was drifting in and out of sleep and i felt relaxed, kind of high. then when a-bomb hits and i get this sensation of my body flying up and up away from the earth, it keeps going until it plateaus and i get a sensation of pure peace/bliss/high.

it was great, and after it was done i felt great :-D
Nanasei wrote:My god.

I honestly bearily even start Trip, and I start..well, tripping immdediately. It was...I think I'm highly susceptible, so Hand of God is EVEN MORE out fo the question then it was before. Forever. Hooooly crap. I'm gonna try Lucuid Dream tonight, sooo I'll post how that goes. From what I can tell, a fair amount of people didn't get much from their first ones, but I don't know. :shock:

My god, I love this. It's scary as hell. But good scary. I will not be trying ANYTHING too strong for a while....Any suggestions? I don't think I'm ready for another hallucinagent yet. But probably after like a week of doing this, I guess a hallucinagent would be okay. lol, I'm a scardy cat. Buutt, alchohol? Yes, no? Ahh!! Suggestions for a nervous newbie?!
firedragon117 wrote:Well i just tried trip again and i lay there for like 15 minutes intill i felt a tinglance. After that i kept on hearing click noises (like the noises when your on windows and you click on something, but it was very clear and loud, then i heart the Error noise which scaredt he crap out of me. I think it lost my concentration of the dose... (Both of the computers in the room were turned off so the sounds couldnt be coming from there, and I was using an Ipod to listen to these) well after i went through the whole thing, I got on here and am typing this right now.. I dont know if im Tripping or not, how can i find out?
Lordwatson wrote:Right I will put down for you my experience and see if this copmpares to what others have had.

It started out like this.

I put on my cans and lay back and started listening. This was second time round because first time messed up for me.

However it was like my mind was starting to shut down in speed a little. I knew about stuff and knew that it was bad, like my lack of girlfriend, need to pass exams but didnt seem to care very much about them. I sort of just thought, "well things are pretty good really, even without these things"

Then things became a little weird!
I started having these really short dreams! I would have these really vivid dreams that didnt realte to my life at all. I remember saying "Your not my grandmother" and jumping off a ledge and landing below! No idea what it was about as they were so quik. After each one my mind would snap out of it and I would be like "WTF was that?!?!" and then without me wanting it to it kept happening, these really quick dreams and then me waking up again. When it ended I was in bed anyway so I just lay down to sleep. Normally my mind is full of crazy thoughts but this time it was just empty. I wasnt thinking about girls, about work, about anything like that, its a feeling I cant remember, when theres just NOTHING in your head that you care about except the task at hand. Sleeping :)

So is this experience typical for most users? I am intrigued to know what you guys got from content!

Thanks for reading

-steinz wrote:Well, its my fave, just to shorten this.
It Made me a bit hyper, and the painting a have on my wall started stretching, up and down, left and right...

Its awesome tbh :P
KaoticK wrote:Well, I converted Alchohal into an WAV. I lie in my bed, turned off the lights and put my blanket over my head, closed my eyes, then began listening to Alchohal. After 5 minutes, I started seeing blue shit, when my eyes were still close. Another 5 minutes I checked how far I was, and everything was light green. Im like cool. Then another 5 minutes I felt dizzy and my mom yelled at me and asked what I was doing. Then I lost all focus. I stood up from my bed and fell down from the dizzyness.

Well, any recommendations on what to use? I dont like to hallucinate like see scary shit. I dont mind seeing different shades of colors on different things around the house though. Suggestions?
Brandino wrote:Hi, I just tried Alcohol and my mouth felt really dry and my head feels a tiny
bit wierd and the back of my feet are tingly, like really tingly but that's about
all I got.Is Alcohol even that good? I have tons of doses like Crystal Meth
and stuff like that.Could anyone recomend a great dose for beginners : D Thanks alot in advance.
f12button wrote:My first time going with the full dose of Morphine.

Not too first, in the first 10 minutes, i started sweating and it was really uncomfortable. After that, i started to feel pretty relaxed. Every now and then i'd feel like i was rocking back and forth, and yet i was completely still. A couple tingles every now and then.

Right now, i feel extremely lethargic, it feels nice. Slight ringing in my ears, but nothing too bad.

The dose didn't have it's full effect, but i'm still relatively new, so i do give it a thumbs up.
craziace911 wrote:I juss tried inhalant because every 1 thought is was scary and crap. So i did it i turned off my lights, closed the door clicked play dose went to be closed eyes and i listened to the whole thing. Yet no effect i feel the same. All it did was make me scared at 1 point when the sound changed to some weird sound then thats it. I really want these dosers to work i read that guide some 1 posted i did all of that and still. Im trying to hard to get these things to work but they wont. What to do..............
GrantO))) wrote:Last night I thought I would give I-doser another whirl. I started listening to "Speed".

I did not feel speedy AT ALL. However, it felt as if the room was mildley spinning and soon after I felt as if I was floating and being carried around as if someone picked me up and started carrying me.

Overall it was a very mild, interesting experiance. I enjoyed it very much.

NOTE: My chest hurt during my intake of the dose. Maybe I was being sped up and didn't notice?

Rating: 4/5
craziace911 wrote:This was the 1st doser i listend to completely since it was short. I didnt finish the other ones because i thought it wouldnt work. So i gave the 5htp to a friend he said he felt weightless and saw everything in blue so i tried it. during the 5htp doser i fealt my legs getting numb and my hands were reall tinkly. I got up and it was dark turned on the lights and didnt see everything blue. was the same felt like wen u get out of a dark room and go to the light same thing. I didnt feel weightless maybe alittle. So did i do this right ?

Regards craziace911.
Gvendur wrote:Whooohooo! this morning i tried Opium.. It was crazy tho i only got to 58%... My friend called and interrupted me :/ And he was laughing the whole conversation.. and i was like "Why are you laughing" and he had recorded the whole Conversation.. and i listened to it.. and i just... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: it was weird.. I talked like i was F--king retarded i just cant explain it.. i was drowsy and slow and shit.. and my friend wanted to go out and i said Okay... And i was crossing some street and i was waiting for them cars to stop and the cars stopped and i didn't notice until 5-10 secs l8er that they stopped..

Btw sorry about bad english.. :/

Short words:
Drowsy, Talking like a Retard, Tired.
happytyler41892182 wrote:I am pretty new to I-Doser. Ectstacy was the first dose that I had time to listen all the way through, and the first dose that worked! I had tried French Roast, and about 10 minutes of the Marijuana dose.

So I was at my friends house with a bunch of my friends, and I decided to try the Ectstacy dose. To be honest I had no idea what to expect to feel like. I started the dose and about 5 minutes into it I started to get intense muscle tensions, mostly in my legs. About 10 minutes into the dose I started shivering like crazy whenever I closed my eyes. It was almost seizurish(sp). Once the waves began to become less intense the shivering stopped and this is where it get's good. I began concentrating hard on the waves. I began to see an amazing display or millions of colors with my eyes closed. I imagined seeing four Tie-Die Eiffel Towers all connected in a cube like structure and it was an amazing array of intense colors. It was beautiful. I really at that moment realized that i had never truley appreciated colors like i did right then. I began imagining lots of pyramid type structures bleeding beautiful colors of blue and pink and everything you can think of! Right when the dose was over and i took off my headphones, my friends voice sounded like he was underwater. It was great. Right when i stood up the shivering began again. I wasn't cold i was just shivering. I also felt very nauseous for about 2 minutes. After about 5 minutes i just felt amazing, and i reflected on how great the dose was.

Thanks i-doser!
Does anyone know of a dose that i should try next?

Thanks! :-D
mralien wrote:Okay like most people who are doing this for the first time I didnt know what to exspect. I got like these $50 bud head phones and went home and started listening to LSD on my laptop in my the dark. About maybe 15mins in I saw a green light at my window. My eyes just kept focusing on that one green light and then it turned sortof purple.. Now this dose REALLY DOES WORK! Its not some kind of joke and im not like working for idoser or anything it was truly crazy!

Thank you idoser,

Dose Rating: 4/5
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Post by Kingjames88 »

This thread if usefull, it deserves to be on the first page...
if people could add some experiances to it that would be great.
I will cruise the forums for some when I get time.
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Post by Playboy-C »

Ehh For Me ill talk about peyote

PEYOTE- like seriously u kno i thought none of these things will work and just a lil while ago say a hour in a half....i was listening to it yea yea....but liek 50-60% i swear i thought my fone kept ringing...i was looking around my room like wtf......i had my light on and everything cuz i aint tryin to get scared if anything happens i gotta get used to everything for a while....but then i noticed my fone cant ring i had my fone on my desk in front of me of my sleeping girlfriend LOL but i kept hearing that sound i was tripppinnnnnnnnn......then i kept hearing water drops around maybe 70%.....still im like wtf is going on i look around to see wtf is it i still hear it i say to my self omg i cant believe im feeling this way yo.....then to sum it up later on i heard a deep mans voice but he wasnt saying nothing it was very low and i heard a dog bark.....odd isnt it?
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