Hand of God- AMAZING

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Re: First time - hand of god

Post by negster »

kwukduck wrote:Hi All,

Nice to see a big forum on i-doser.
I tried i-doser about 1.5 years back, and thought of it as a joke, i used it once without headset and i was joking around and acting all sttupid on it to joke on my friends.

Now i ran into i-doser again and, still skeptical, i decided to give it a real testdrive, in bed, with headphones.

During the dose i didn't realy experience anything special, just a bit of a numb feeling, afterwards i felt numb like i couldn't move, but i could, i put off my headset and lie down for a bit...
I started to feel more and more numb, thats when it happened, all reality started falling apart, i was in a white room on a sort of medical bed, and all sorts of 'medicine' powders and pills were given to me, i was forced to take them, more and more until i sufficated in them, later on the medical bed stretched and it was like my head 'snapped' i opened my eyes and WTF?! i couldn't make sense of the things i saw, it was just my room, but it was all messed up, like the left side was completely shifted from the right side, and my tooth hurt like hell.

i was scared like shit and went around the house talking to myself "WTF WTF WTF?!?!" for about 5 minutes... this stuff realy got to me...

this was NOT the hand of god, this was reality breaking down!

i later notiiced this was mentioned as a 'side' effect, but i didn't have the main effect at all... maybe it's because i was too skeptical or because it was my first time...

after 1 hour or so i got a light headache right on the middle of my head, slightly to the left on the outside, pinches... it went away after 15 minutes... maybe it's unrelated...

does anyone have similar experiences?

I had a similar experience to you! I'm so happy i checked here and read this! I felt very isolated going through comments on google, about placebo effects and iDoser being a scam!

I tried HOG yesterday with my friend. We have been playing around with Astral Projection and Third Eye opening/Decalcifying of Pineal Gland and very randomly came across a link to download a powerful binaural beat.
I had very limited information about BBT and didn't know much about iDoser but being impatient i decided to try it out anyways.
I'm a skeptic when it comes to things that i can't reason with so what came next was/is a complete shock to me!

My feet began to feel numb and swollen at the beginning and my body started twitching uncontrollably. it would relax and then start shivering again. I have had similar experience of the feeling of being left in a dark void, when i attempted my first Past Life Regression Session through hypnosis but since i had no point of reference to begin with for binaural beats i didn't know how to react.

My hypnosis session was of course guided and i was told to look for specific things in the dark but in this state, i was lost and that's when the fear started developing in me.

I felt like the presence of this black light in my head is not godly, or divine, rather scary and ...i don't want to use the word evil, but i certainly didn't feel protected...i kept feeling released and then captured by it again.

once it was over i sat up and started sobbing, in hopelessness and excitement and fear! a weird combination!
I should mention that i'm not much of a crier and the last time i sobbed was 13 years ago when my dad passed away!
I was shaking uncontrollably until my friend, waiting for me to 'come out of it', decided it's enough after 15 minutes and started slowly patting on my back asking me to ground again.

right now talking about this is putting shivers through my spine...

the only thought in my head was that i was shown the eternal darkness, by an intelligent unearthly being.
In a very weird childish way i kept remembering "the 4th kind" the movie and thinking, this has be coming from outside!!
My toothache started right after and it is very painful today, almost 24 hours from the experience. I had very vivid dreams last night about distant family members and and a feeling that something has happened to them. I haven't been home in a while and am not in touch with family, i should check to see if they're ok!
Now reading about your experience with the lab and the room shift, i can't help but think of the 4th kind again!
Geez this might be the strangest experience i have ever had! I did not expect a simple 30 minute track to have such effect considering i have practiced many different spiritual paths with skepticism and reason.

This...simply...shook me...to the core!
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