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Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:14 pm
by EpitaphShadow
I've tried Lucid Dreaming, Inspire and French Roast.

During the Lucid Dreaming, I fell asleep and actually was in a lucid state, so I know that one worked. Inspire literally cleared my mind like crazy, and within minutes after the dose I was writing so much stuff in typical messenger conversation that it was scary lol. French Roast woke me up and lasted for at least 65 minutes afterwards. I hit a crash about midway through the day; however the energized effect stayed.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:57 pm
by Brad
I just did nitrous and man i got to tell you for only 10 mins that thing really worked i started laughing at the wall at one point then after this dose was over i completely lost balance when i stood up just like it said. Ill be sure to buy more of this dose

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:33 pm
by concerto
Well, I gave the disc of the 4 doses a thorough workout. I must just be one of those who are immune to it because at best all it did for me on any of the 4 doses was just some mild relaxation. I guess I will just have to give up on these. I tried but no effect worth mentioning. Not saying this doesn't work for others just that it's not for me is all. Sorry if this is a disappointment to others.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:06 pm
by Nordmind
The only dose that has given me a kick so far is Cocain.
It was my first dose and I was bit exited. So I put my headset on and pressed: play dose.

The beat came streaming to my head, and it felt some kind of hypnotic. At 20-30% my fingers started shaking. It was cool to see that it gave some kind of effect, so I was wondering what may happend next. At 60% my legs started to shake, and I started laughing, I dont know why, but it was fun to watch. I was in a good mood and felt VERY hyperactive. I couldnt really control my body.
At 90% I had to stop, becouse my doorbell was ringing. I opened the door, and my good friend stood there.

He was watching me with starring eyes ( :shock: ) and started laughing. I was kind of "dancing" and laughing at the same time and I explained what I was doing. He watching my moves and asked me: "Is this a joke? Becouse if it is not, I HAVE TO TRY IT!"

So there you go, my first dose. It was fun


Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:47 am
by Kale
I tried the French Toast at 3am and I got... some sort of energy boost, nothing very dramatic. The walls though... In a near pitch black room there is light dancing off them, they take the shape of very stretched birds and flash across my ceiling, and the wall 'bubbles' wherever I don't focus... However, that could just be to a long term abuse of mushrooms (though I am not on those now), and I very much doubt it.