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Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:50 am
by Geebus1234
Beanmaster wrote:YOu are just stupid weedhead fuckers who just want it to be legal becasue you smoke it, idiiots.
Only Weedfaggots say "it isnt harmful alcohol is MUCH more harmful uhh"
Look at the difference you idiots, you can drink alcohol without getting drunk and all that stuff, if you want to drink it for the taste, not to get drunk.
But there isnt ONE human in the world who smokes weed because he likes the taste, how it smells or whatever, they just ALL want the effect.I hope all "legalize it" idiots will see how much psychoactive stuff damages your psychic. appereance, you faggots just go for "its not harmfull for my pysical body" IDIOTS, DIE!
:lol: HAHAHAHAHA!! how old are you? seriously, that is the most immature, ignorant, and generally stupid statement I have ever read in my life.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:02 pm
by tmcdonut
That was a very immature thing to say especially the "faggot" thing i have some gay friends and there some of the coolest people i've ever met.

personally i hope weed gets legalized even though i dont smoke it i used to but now im doing something with my life and when i did smoke it i smoked it a lot and i turned out just fine before i started i was failing school i smoked and started to pass it now im about to graduate.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:12 pm
by N1c3
Finneus J. wrote:My sister.... is gay....
Nice man, bring her over, and I'll have a 3-some with her. :wink:

But on topic, yeah, MJ... wait, strike that... ALL DRUGs, there thats better...
So like I was saying, ALL drugs should be legalized, why? Cause it is OUR choice what we want to do to OUR bodies, why should someone else decide what you can do??

Oh and don't EVEN try to bring up some stupid sht like "Oh they keep it illegal cause you could do bad things while on MJ which might endanger those around you!"

Uhh... no it wont!!! Just because someone happens to do something bad while they just happen to be on some kind of drug, does not mean the drug should be outlawed, especially if the drug didn't cause that behavior in the first place!

I mean, if you want to be like that, then heres something for you to think about.
In America, out of all the murders that happen everyday, one of the things I notice is that with 99% of the murders, the killer(s) are always wearing shoes!!!
So should we ban shoes then??? :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:26 pm
by tmcdonut
i agree the government should legalize all drugs because if they really cared about what we did with our bodys more that half of America wouldnt be over weight. and they cant say that just cause there smoking weed or doing speed there gonna kill some one people every day are killed by drunk drivers so if there gonna say we cant smoke this or that because we could hurt some one that should mean we cant drink either

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:47 pm
by N1c3
Finneus J. wrote: I won't be to mad with you because you're usually cool on these forums, but that just plain out pissed me off. I would normally take that as extremely offensive. That is such a horrible stereotype. Though because it's true in some cases, I won't get too mad.
Haha, but you know I was just joking. :-D
...Unless, she wants a 3-some. :roll:
Just kidding again!
But, on topic: The least they could do is put an age restriction on it, and not ban it completely.
Exactly man, atleast just put an age restriction on it, just like with cigarettes (a drug) and alcohol (again, although baffling to some people, yes alcohol is a drug), where they both aren't banned, but you do have to be a certain age to purchase those 2 drugs.
If they did that with other "drugs" out there, then everything would work out fine, and it would probably end the "war on drugs".
Sure, it would be better to just legalize it, but since that will probably never happen, it would be more realistic to consider that MJ would probably just have to have an age restriction instead...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:06 pm
by N1c3
Finneus J. wrote:I would say 21 for MJ.

PS: Forgiven.
Actually, thats kind of high...
If you only need to be 21 for a dangerous drug like Alcohol, which endangers yourself, people around you, and is bad for you, then it wouldn't make sense to apply the same age to a safe "drug" like MJ like which doesn't endanger you, others, and isn't bad for you (even though weird unknown "medical schools" from other countries will do "tests" to show that MJ is more harmful then cigs, LOL).
I would say make it the same as cigs, 18 years old!
Thats just my opinion though, others might think it is to low or to high...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:54 am
by darklord1147
Kato wrote:think about it for a long while. if it gets legalized, it will become just as corrupt as the tobacco industry. tobacco is a gigantic industry and tobacco cigarrettes kill. why? because the big money-makers dilute it SOOOOooooOOOO much with carcinogens and other shit you shouldn't be smoking.

i used to be for legalization too--but we'll be seeing "Marlboro Smooth Joints Lite Low Cal Zero" behind the counter and it won't even get you high, probably. it will just give you cancer for an overpriced half-high.

unless you want the theoretical marijuana industry to become like the tobacco industry, you'll be against legalization.

Not really Marijuana is a very easy drug to grow (all pot heads would just grow it) it would be used more for hemp (commercially)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:37 am
by Fox
It wouldn't necessarily be corrupt, but it'd cost a hell of a lot, and then taxed even more.

Alcohol has similar effects (NOTE I SAID SIMILAR, NOT THE SAME)
and there'd probably be different companies that'd sell it, advertising different ways of growing it, maybe even flavors.

In the end, it'd be burning a hole in your pocket.
Just grow your own in a basement.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:16 pm
by Andicado
darklord1147 wrote:
Kato wrote:think about it for a long while. if it gets legalized, it will become just as corrupt as the tobacco industry. tobacco is a gigantic industry and tobacco cigarrettes kill. why? because the big money-makers dilute it SOOOOooooOOOO much with carcinogens and other shit you shouldn't be smoking.

i used to be for legalization too--but we'll be seeing "Marlboro Smooth Joints Lite Low Cal Zero" behind the counter and it won't even get you high, probably. it will just give you cancer for an overpriced half-high.

unless you want the theoretical marijuana industry to become like the tobacco industry, you'll be against legalization.

Not really Marijuana is a very easy drug to grow (all pot heads would just grow it) it would be used more for hemp (commercially)
Thats probably the only reason is is illegal The Government cant control it as well as they control the alcohol and tobacco Not everyone can make alcoholic drinks (Vodka,Beer,Whiskey,Wine,Rum,and such) or add all the chemicals in tobacco make filters and shit but pretty much everyone can grow marijuana (I have 2 plants growing in my bed room now under a few CFL's;)) at least when its illegal the government can make money off of the drug charges i guess.
And to the few of you who think Marijuana causes Depression,Makes you go insane,Suicide,Impotent,Brain Damage,Makes you want to do harder drugs,Lowers sperm count,Worse than cigarettes,Addictive You all should do some research on Cannabis rather than going by what they tell you in schools or on TV If you listen to someone who doesn't like it or doesn't know what the actual effects of it is you're going to get the wrong facts and make a fool of your self in front of all these fine fellows defending it. Its funny all the people who say "Marijuana is BlahBlahBlah bad" don't really know dick shit all about it and don't bother trying to figure out whats true then they go mouth off about Pot smokers being mindless zombies and such, Fools.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:22 pm
by divinorum
Andicado wrote:
darklord1147 wrote:
Kato wrote:think about it for a long while. if it gets legalized, it will become just as corrupt as the tobacco industry. tobacco is a gigantic industry and tobacco cigarrettes kill. why? because the big money-makers dilute it SOOOOooooOOOO much with carcinogens and other shit you shouldn't be smoking.

i used to be for legalization too--but we'll be seeing "Marlboro Smooth Joints Lite Low Cal Zero" behind the counter and it won't even get you high, probably. it will just give you cancer for an overpriced half-high.

unless you want the theoretical marijuana industry to become like the tobacco industry, you'll be against legalization.

Not really Marijuana is a very easy drug to grow (all pot heads would just grow it) it would be used more for hemp (commercially)
Thats probably the only reason is is illegal The Government cant control it as well as they control the alcohol and tobacco Not everyone can make alcoholic drinks (Vodka,Beer,Whiskey,Wine,Rum,and such) or add all the chemicals in tobacco make filters and shit but pretty much everyone can grow marijuana (I have 2 plants growing in my bed room now under a few CFL's;)) at least when its illegal the government can make money off of the drug charges i guess.
And to the few of you who think Marijuana causes Depression,Makes you go insane,Suicide,Impotent,Brain Damage,Makes you want to do harder drugs,Lowers sperm count,Worse than cigarettes,Addictive You all should do some research on Cannabis rather than going by what they tell you in schools or on TV If you listen to someone who doesn't like it or doesn't know what the actual effects of it is you're going to get the wrong facts and make a fool of your self in front of all these fine fellows defending it. Its funny all the people who say "Marijuana is BlahBlahBlah bad" don't really know dick shit all about it and don't bother trying to figure out whats true then they go mouth off about Pot smokers being mindless zombies and such, Fools.
You sir, are preaching to the choir... actually most of you are. Thats why we do I-Doser, becasue we cant afford to do some real stuff.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:44 pm
by Andicado
divinorum wrote:
Andicado wrote:
darklord1147 wrote:
Not really Marijuana is a very easy drug to grow (all pot heads would just grow it) it would be used more for hemp (commercially)
Thats probably the only reason is is illegal The Government cant control it as well as they control the alcohol and tobacco Not everyone can make alcoholic drinks (Vodka,Beer,Whiskey,Wine,Rum,and such) or add all the chemicals in tobacco make filters and shit but pretty much everyone can grow marijuana (I have 2 plants growing in my bed room now under a few CFL's;)) at least when its illegal the government can make money off of the drug charges i guess.
And to the few of you who think Marijuana causes Depression,Makes you go insane,Suicide,Impotent,Brain Damage,Makes you want to do harder drugs,Lowers sperm count,Worse than cigarettes,Addictive You all should do some research on Cannabis rather than going by what they tell you in schools or on TV If you listen to someone who doesn't like it or doesn't know what the actual effects of it is you're going to get the wrong facts and make a fool of your self in front of all these fine fellows defending it. Its funny all the people who say "Marijuana is BlahBlahBlah bad" don't really know dick shit all about it and don't bother trying to figure out whats true then they go mouth off about Pot smokers being mindless zombies and such, Fools.
You sir, are preaching to the choir... actually most of you are. Thats why we do I-Doser, becasue we cant afford to do some real stuff.
What i said has nothing to do with i doser i didn't say go out and smoke marijuana instead of i doser or buy marijuana instead of doses I'm saying thos people who do grow/buy/smoke marijuana should be able to without fear of going to jail or being fined.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:23 am
by divinorum
I agree, just sharing my opinion on why I do I-Doser, mabye I should not have used "we". I completely agree with you, though, and believe that we should catch up with most of the world by allowing this to become a legal (or at least decriminalized) drug. The idea that it will become a commercialized drug (like cigarettes) is actually probably impossible. The culture that uses it for recreation (although far and wide) would probably prefer it to be sold in small stores (ma and pa if you will) rather than at the nearest Wal-Mart. Even if it is commercialized there will be local grown stuff, and what would you rather buy (considering the commercial stuff might have carcinogens). The history of its slow track to illegal status is a terrible one, and does not reflect the views of the United States today. The only logical reason the government has a control over it still is to appease the ultra powerful cigarette and alcohal lobbies. These lobbies pay off our congressmen to fund their future campaigns in order to shoot down decriminilization bills and keep their business from being ruined. Think about it, some business would be lost if marijuana was legalized. The funniest thing is that those commercials that talk about "Under the Influence" (anti-marijuana commercials) are probably paid for by alcohal and cigarette companies. The misinformation campaign that plagues our society (which oddly enough denounces Korean brainwashing) is putting good people away. I know my stuff, and I have friends whose records have been scarred because of being caught with a little weed. So thats just my thoughts on the subject. Sorry if my last post was a little dumb, I didn't think it through I suppose.


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:25 am
by Luke Anime
Just for the record... alcohol and weed dont do the same things atall... maybe try it before you think about that?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:23 pm
by ethan1134
Who are you talking to?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:24 pm
by repeldarkness11
I actually remember reading that MJ isn't as harmful as everyone thinks, and it has been scientifically proven to not cause lung cancer. O.o

simply put, Drugs don't kill people, people on drugs don't kill people, stupid people with weapons kill people. Like N1C3 said, just because a few morons decided to smoke a bowl and rob a bank or go on a killing spree, doesn't mean everyone who smokes it will!