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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:33 pm
by randomdude93
Ever been going so fast on a ride that you felt you had to hang on for dear life and that you had some crazy butterflies in your stomach? What if there could be a dose where you multiply that feeling by ten. I'm not talking about a simple rollercoaster feeling, I'm talking about going lightspeed. Maybe add a little visual about blasting off through space, but really the main thing would to feel the unbridled motion of moving really really really really fast.

I think that would be pretty cool-could call it mach 1 or something!

Re: acceleration!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:27 am
by SadLittlePony
this would be a spectacular dose. i know the exact feeling your talking about. i dont know why i know it but strangely i do. it would be nifty if you felt like you just kept getting faster and faster and faster and then come to a sudden halt for some good ol disorientation

Re: acceleration!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:20 am
by randomdude93
Thanks! haha, at least someone else got the gist of what I was saying-was afraid I made that too confusing at the beginning. The disorientation and sudden comedown would be pretty awesome, like just pure extreme motion dizziness with a hint of an adrenaline rush.