Answers Round 16

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Answers Round 16

Post by idoser »

Some tracks claim to cause hallucinations that last even after the dose track has ended. Just how vivid can these hallucinations be and what are the odds of someone experiencing them?

Visual and auditory hallucinations are common, especially in doses designed to give such effects. The range of vividness and the odds that someone will experience then is completely dependent on the person. We recommended continued use or "training" to experience the best results possible.

Has there ever been any instances where the listener has such a strong reaction to the doses that they begin to believe that their hallucinations are actually happening?

Yes, the power of I-Doser brand doses has been powerful enough to cause strong reactions. See YouTube for hundreds of filmed experiences.

Since each dose targets a specific mental state, it would be logical to believe that some people would experience the same things. If this is the case, is there a possibility that all listeners could experience the same hallucination (if they are caused)? Why or why not?

Since brain chemistry is different between people, it is uncommon for two people to experience the same exact thing... but not impossible.

Some doses are said to cause the same effects as recreational drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, and coke. They also cause the user to feel disconnected from reality so much so that they begin to believe that their hallucinations are real. If this is true, have there been any reported cases of anyone going so far as to die as a result of the track's effects?

No deaths from I-Doser.

Well, like you put your iPod on repeat, and then go to sleep? Or will it not work?

Some users use the sleeping doses in this manner - sleeping angel, etc. For a dose that you intend to "feel" effects from - you won't feel them if you are asleep.

Does iDoser v5 work with 64-bit computers running Windows 7? I tried iDoser with a 64-bit computer before and the sound on my computer stopped working permanently.

I-Doser 5 is fully compatible with all 64-bit versions of Windows, including 7.

I recently tried the Content dose...It was amazing, the only concern i have is that i only felt the effects when in the trance/twilight zone/still point and it usually only lasts for like, 30 seconds after i take the headphone off. Is this normal for beginners? Also, when i was finished i had a REALLY bad headache. Ive been dosing for 3 days, so thats why im asking if this is normal or just something all idosers eventually get passed.

If you are experiencing headaches try a lower volume or cease use if if it causing discomfort. Some beginner users experience shortened effects that gradually increase with use and training. We recommend you try a variety of doses, comfortable volume level, and gradually work your way towards longer and more powerful effects.

So its possible to be immune to I doser, ya? What about tolerant? Like I've been dosig for a year. Is and haven't gotten results. Am I immune or just a high tolerance and need to listen like 4 times? I've been flowing people's advise and the guide!

The odds of being immune are very slim, and usually happens with users who are hard of hearing. If you've been PROPERLY dosing for a year and haven't felt effects, it is possible you are immune. The odds are better you are using poor headphones, non-official or fake doses, or are not listening to the full sequence without distractions.

my headphones are the big ones that cover your whole ear and are made by yamaha. my question is will these headphones work as well as the headphones that are recommended by your company?

We have no ability to gauge the effectiveness of your headphones. You can purchase I-Doser approved headphones from here:

Will it work if I am deaf in one ear?

If you are fully deaf (no hearing at all), then it will not work. Are products are binaural and require hearing in both ears. If you have partial hearing, you should still receive some effects.

I'm trying to get the most of of the doses I have. And I'm wondering if there is any does which I can use to help increase the chances of another to work.


For college I'm doing research for the effect of beats that changes emotions. I found Idoser and I have a quite technical question. Every beat has its own duration. How did you know that one dose needed to be played for that amount of time to get the effect people want? So, for example. Quick happiness take only 5 minutes, while others take over 40 minutes. How did you figure that out??

Every beat has more than just duration. A singular binaural sequence is a complicated arrangement of amplitude, carrier noise, two binaural beats exposed over a timeline that changes. Our doses can take years to develop, and dose time, etc. are all parts of the development process.

hi i really like the background music to the doses on andriod app and i was wondering if their was anyway to get the background music into a dose on the computer program it would help alot thanks

You can purchase I-Doser Premium for Mac and Windows that lets you add your own background music and mix your binaurals into MP3s. See here:

Is there a percentage number of the people in your tests that had no effect at all? I think i remember on one forum you guys said 10%, but i wanted to be sure.

There is always a percentage of people who do not feel effects. We don't have an exact number, but it is much less than 10% who feel absolutely nothing.

When Listening within the first 10 minutes or so, what should one do about Itches. I meen literal itches.

Some doses can have physical effects like itching, changes in temp. etc. If it is causing you to be distracted, then remedy the problem and restart the dose.

Can dose have a permanent effect, if we listened to continuously?

In theory, if you kept the same dose in your ears non-stop then effects could be continuous. However, I-Doser doses are technically designed for one administration period, so this is not how they were designed or intended to be used.

There is a dose to stimulate the sixth sense? i noticed you have 5 sense stimulation, why don't you experimental on sixth sense?

Try Chakra or some of our spiritual doses.

Iv done shrooms iv smoked weed and drank are these doses even close to the real thing

Some would say very close. Try for yourself and see.

I play saxophone, and is there any dose that will make me play it more time than i usually do, because i get bored after 1 and a half hour (i should play at least 2)

try Brain+

And if i play music on your integrated mp3 player , does it matter how much times is music louder than binaural beats?

As long as the music doesn't completely make the tones inaudible. Think "constant comfortable volume" when using binaurals.
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