I made this on photoshop right after a dose with Anesthesia

Creativity inspired by dosing
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I made this on photoshop right after a dose with Anesthesia

Post by JaevL »


Well i made this right after a dose with Anesthesia - the weird thing is that i "painted" my last trip with Marijuana.

I tried to kinda express how my brain more and more became full of haze, as you can see i started with how it was at the start in the left area and then at the end it hit right into my brains...

This was no 2 minutes "painting", i tried to remember exactly how it was and it looks pretty close.
Mr Mucha
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Post by Mr Mucha »

pretty kewl. thats a smart idea. get high and see wut u paint. reminds me of isaac from the show "Heroes" 8)
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Post by Brad »

pretty good man i got to take a dose and then make a sig or something :lol:
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Post by petefic »

Nice you should do more
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Post by Dr.Insaneo »

ahahahahawhahaha hahaha hlololollololol
omg that is the funnyest thing ever
dude i know your trying to express how it felt or some shit but this is fucking funny
its like "why dont i eat paint then projectile shit all over a canvas to express how i felt during the shit" lol
no but seriously you idea is cool
i just find it uncontrolably funny
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Post by Vincspenc »

The above post is the most funny post on I-Doser
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Post by The_Lone_Watcher »

funny as it may be, you know he's still gonna get banned (or something), right? :evil:
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Post by Solyst »

Image is done, please re-upload.
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Post by giveaname »

umm it's ok i guess it looks like something a child could have done though (no offense) it looks like something you did when you were bored for 3 minutes tho
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Post by Solyst »

No offense, but that's not very creative. Just looks like a random scribbles.
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Post by jwbbphoenix »

Solyst wrote:No offense, but that's not very creative. Just looks like a random scribbles.
Not all art has to be meaningful to it's audience. If the creator sees it as something meaningful to himself, then it is a personal piece of art, and that's all that matters. You can question it's creativity, but ultimately you just don't see it's meaning, which is probably only seen by it's creator.
Beatle Girl
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Post by Beatle Girl »

Wow, that's nice. I felt like Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds :D By the way, my friend asked me something. If I bought one of the dosers, can I send it to her computer??
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Post by -steinz »

Beatle Girl wrote:Wow, that's nice. I felt like Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds :D By the way, my friend asked me something. If I bought one of the dosers, can I send it to her computer??
Thats called pirating, its the same as stealing.

Now you do the math, braniac.
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Post by Vesher »

-steinz wrote:
Beatle Girl wrote:If I bought one of the dosers, can I send it to her computer??
Thats called pirating, its the same as stealing.
It's not stealing if she paid for it ... However, it is still against the rules to do that.
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Post by ethan1134 »

Oh, bravo! This thread is 13 months old! Congrtuations! That may be a record- expect your medal in the mail soon.
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