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Dose Inspired Doodle !

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:58 am
by LucidGamer
I have always enjoyed BlackSunshine, and recently I have been dosing more then Usual music... I.E. When I am on the subway I would rather dose then listen to distracting lyrics. I normally listen to doses like CalmMe on the way home, or adder all or student if I am studying on the subway or school library, and I noticed recently my levels of creativity have Spiked, and I have been pushing my limits to draw more things, and with more styles, but my most recent Image was done in 3 Minutes, and was started as soon as my Dose of BlackSunshine ended. I decided to grab two ( yes two ) Pencils ... And with ONE in EACH hand I began to draw in a style known as Squirkling ( or as close to that style as I can get ) I have only seen it once, and that was recently. I assume thats why it was fresh in my mind and came out during my sketch, but again I must remind you I have not been drawing long ( or often enough as I would like ) and I have only ever done one portrait and have no experience with drawing the human face...
This link has my Ambidextrous drawing that flowed out so well in just under 3 minutes, that I left my girlfriend of 7 years speach-less, because she knows I normally never draw pictures that well never mind that quickly !

I feel this is kind of a self portrait because I had a connection with the Image as I drew the intensity in the eyes, and the entire time I was drawing it felt almost like automatic writing, and I didn't feel I had total control of my arms, but more like they were working together to show me something deep within my subconscious!

Re: Dose Inspired Doodle !

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:44 pm
by Legalize It
That's really cool, I would love to see more art coming from you!