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Post by skepsax »

hi there! i'm skepsax, i'm new here!!
sorry for my bad english...but it's not my first language....!!

btw i've just tried a dose...but i think i'm not having any effect....did i made some mistakes?? I've heard it whit headphone for 35 minutes while i was on my bed...!! what have i to do during dose?!?

what dose do u suggest me to start having some effects?!?!
i'm really interested in i-doser...it's so curious....i hope it will have more effects during the next doses...!!

i hope u will help me... ;)
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Post by RobDose »

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Post by RobDose »

i dunno which doses are good for starting... many people will say many things... i would say... French Roast because it is short and it prepars you for the 'hyper' type drugs, like coke... and you should also try Nitrous, because its short and it prepares you for the 'slow' type drugs, like Mary J and Anesthesia... :-D

but remember, the first times you try it, the doses may not work, so just keep trying again and again... :wink:
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Post by skepsax »

thanks for your reply i will try it as soon as possible.. ;)
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Post by skepsax »

wow....i've just tried Nitrous....i dunno if it had worked really.....at the end of the dose, the last 30 seconds, stated an higt sound and then a feel a kind of pleasure....i can't undestant what it was....!!

btw know what do u suggest me??? i'd like something with strange effetcts... :)
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Post by RobDose »

well, tell you truth, its good to start at these first, otherwise, if you start at the heavy ones, might not get any effects, and you might get pissed off, and quit...

but its all up to you, when you feel like you have done enough of the light doses, you can go to the heavy ones, suggested:

Cocaine and
Mary J

then you go to the heavier ones, like:

then when you feel these are good, go to the trippy ones, like:
then to the heavier trippy ones, like:
Bufo)Toad (which is the strongest)

trust me, i tried this progressive theory with my cousin and it worked better for her than with me, which i bought it all together and tried a more 'brute-force' type thing....
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Post by skepsax »

thanks for ad advice...what are the effects of cocaine dose?!?!?
i was looking for something strange which allow me to undestend that it's really working...something like vision or strange sensation... :? :-)
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Post by RobDose »

well, its like this: ----} means leads to

French roast ----} Cocaine ------} A-bomb

Nitrous ----} Mary J ------} Opium ------} Heroin-} Anesthesia

Trip ----} LSD ----} Peyote ----} Bufo)Toad

and i haven't tried those dream ones yet...

1st tier is for hyperactiveness, which usually give you increased alertness, wakefulness, elevates mood, euforia, increases concentration, etc...
2nd tier is for slowlyness, which usually give you a 'high' effect
3rd tier is for hallucinogenics, which make you hallucinate...
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Post by RobDose »

skepsax wrote:thanks for ad advice...what are the effects of cocaine dose?!?!?
i was looking for something strange which allow me to undestend that it's really working...something like vision or strange sensation... :? :-)
okay, cocaine is:
Cocaine / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Cocaine is a common stimulant derived from the Erythroxylum coca plant. It is best known for its massive popularity in powdered and freebase forms. Are you ready for it as it: Increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, and increases energy? Warning, this one comes close! We have marked it VERY STRONG for a reason, and you will soon find out why.

and all the hallucinates should give you visions...
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Post by skepsax »

:shock: :shock: i've just ended cocain dose... :eek:
it was stranger than nitrous....!!

this time i felt immobilized, as if my arms and legs were fixed to my bed or as if they were to heavy!!! i felt cold...and at the end i felt i a kind of pleasure during the last seconds due to the same high sound....!!

now i think i will go to bed....i think it's enought for this night.... :-)
tomorrow i hope i will try more experiences..... :D

the next?!?!? what do u suggest me after cocain?!!?!
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Post by RobDose »

wow, looking good....

you should try mary jane, or opium next, they should get you high :shock:
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Post by skepsax »

RobDose wrote:wow, looking good....

you should try mary jane, or opium next, they should get you high :shock:
thanks mate...this night i'will try opium... :)
i hope it will be so cool... ;)
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Post by skepsax »

i've just tried opium but i think it didn't work well....infact i didn't feel anything strange...i've just felt my arms heavy....!!

now i'm feeling so tired...i wanna try something else....what do u suggest me now??
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Post by RobDose »

try opium again, or even heroin, which is stronger... i myself didn't start with opium, i just went to heroin, because of the price...

heroin is much stronger, so have a few minutes extra for after the dose...
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Post by skepsax »

RobDose wrote:try opium again, or even heroin, which is stronger... i myself didn't start with opium, i just went to heroin, because of the price...

heroin is much stronger, so have a few minutes extra for after the dose...
i think yesterday the problem was that i was to tired and to asleep so i can't get concentration....!!! i will try something more tonight or tomorrow... thanks...i hope it will be better... ;)
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