Marijuana and Extacy - I got scared :>

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Marijuana and Extacy - I got scared :>

Post by Mopid »

I've never done any real drugs, so I didn't know what to expect when I used marijuana. In the start I didn't feel much, but after a while it started kicking. I got this great feeling and my heart started beating faster. Thats when I quited.

Then I tried extacy and I really got a good effect. But I didn't complete it either, because while listening to it, my eyes started blinking like crazy. It felt like it was me who controlled the blinking and like the eyes lived theyr own life.

So my question is: Faster and harder heart beating + eyes blinking are normal when listening to I-doser? Or should I stop using it? Anyone experienced the same thing?[/u]

Dangerous or not?
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Post by Against »

i-doser is not dangerous at ALL.
Just play it through!
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Post by konajinx »

For me, the Marijuana dose isn't nearly as good as the real thing. That said, I will say it did give me a dopey feeling, so there's not a zero effect with it. It's just not the same kind of high you get when you've had some primo bud that flattens you perfectly and makes you ramble on at length about completely inane crap that really seems interesting and deeply profound at the time. :)
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Post by Mercilly »

The eye thing you're experiencing is Rapid Eye Movement. Perfectly normal and common, don't worry about it. =)
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