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Hello Everyone

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:37 am
by spaceiphany
I'm spaceiphany. My actual name is Epiphany, but I'm a lover of daydreaming and space related stuff, hence my username. I've been semi experienced with MP3 Doses, but never got any real effects from it a couple of years ago, so I've decided that I was going to try the real doses and see if I really have improvements. This should prove to be extremely exciting and stimulating.

My interests are writing, music, and making new friends. I find that if you do/try I-Doser, you're going to be a little more likely to stay away from hard drugs/actual drugs. Re-exploring I-Doser should be intriguing, especially with I-Doser Premium. Here's to fun and new experiences!


Re: Hello Everyone

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:07 pm
by triplord
Happy dosing!