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scary i-doser experience [Revised]

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:06 am
by tiecoonracoon
Hello i am a 17 year old junior in high school and i have heard all of my friends talk about this thing called i-dosing, it sounded interesting so i decided to try it out. i waited till everyone in my house fell asleep and then proceeded to prepare myself. i had usedmy earbud that i bought for like 10 bucks, my laptop, a clean dish rag and of course my laptop and i dosing software. i was a bit skeptic that just some music would get me high or simulate the effects of being either. i looked through the options via prime music and found one for opium i had done as the instructions said put something over my eyes to blindfold myself, played the music, and just relaxed. boy was i wrong! after those 15 surprisingly short minutes my body was on fire and i felt like i was inflating like a balloon. after just a couple of hours i was so hyped to do that again i jumped right back on right after the effects wore off and i saw i track called astral projection which i thought sounded cool and like the dumbass i am i went straight in with no prior knowledge, well it was certainly an experience. i did it for 3 hours and i assumed the time in which these events occured because i only had the looped music to keep track.

hour 1: my body went numb the first time around, but when it replayed my feet and legs felt like they were being covered/coated over by something warm, then near the end of the second loop i felt something on my back. it felt as if a child was hugging me or spooning with me, i say child because the feeling only went to my lower back as well as my right shoulder and left shoulder blade. it began to caress me in a rather pleasantly soothing manner

hour 2: i felt like i was floating on a cloud and my body non-existant, my cat came to cuddle with me but it felt like someone was barely touching me with there finger tips. i began to focus and see if i could get the feeling to move up and i fell into a sub-consious state and would only be able to hear the music occassionally. i would then see flashes that were quite appealing visually

hour 3: i had a vibrating feeling all the way to my upper chest stronger than ever. my tounge was slightly puffed out and i couldn't pull it back in. my fingers and toes would twitch slightly on there own but my arms were paralyzed. then i had a wierd sensation from my feet to my behind area. it was plesantly cold which was strange because i was using an electric blanket that night.
i had a feeling of what i can only describe as some sort of aurora being slowly pulled out of me like yarn as my fingers and toes twitched in the same direction and curled up, over time my heart began to race as i said earlier my body felt like it was non-existant, but i still felt the weak pulse of my pounding heart going at a rapid pace. i felt like i was floating inbetween worlds, as if i was in this abyss of zero-gravity and couldn't escape. i then felt a sense of great dread like i was in some sort of serious danger, and then i remembered my family and how they would miss me if i was gone, but i didn't have any feelings of sadness, i assume those feelings of dread had just been a rush of adreneline. i passed out a couple of more times to only wake up each time to the single beep in the astral projection mp3. it was like it was the only thing keeping me... i don't know if this is the right word but alive. as if it was some sort of life support machine. but strangly enough it personally felt like i was listening to a harmonious melody by some beautiful goddess.
i could feel my fatigue from lack of sleep fading away, but then the pulling became a hard yank as i felt the rest of my body being pulled like i was stuck between 2 firm walls. i saw the world itself distort splitting in half. and as i felt the last yank i told myself either "i don't have enough time!" or "i need to wake up!" it's so fuzzy in my mind i can't recall. i woke up abruptly, scaring my cat and throwing off my blanket. i had never woken up so violently in my life. i then walked through my house, my legs were still vibrating. something felt wrong, as if something was near that wasn't supposed to be.
i let my dog outside and made some coffee as the sun had risen. and here i am now, the vibrations have gone but i get a little scared thinking about it. I tried to tell my mother the following morning. she kept on saying "you should write this down. that would make a great story", she obviously didn't believe me. i then proceeded to take i shower, with what happened finally dawning on me. i began to scrub my back and i found dead skin layered across my shoulders and down my back. the idea of some being that i can't even see leeching the life out of me caused me to go into a quick burst of panic. i then proceeded to violently scrub my back and then resorted to using my own finger nails. this might have been a over reaction considering i left my back bleeding. and then when i left the shower i again felt that same dread earlier as i laid in my bed. as i'm writing this i have trouble staying calm. if anyone could help me with this it would be very nice. thank you

Re: scary i-doser experience

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:09 am
by exangel
:shock: its not good to listen same dose for hours :retard:
try different doses if you can get effect
improve your method

Re: scary i-doser experience [Revised]

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:43 pm
by jombotski
get some idoser approved headphones i dont even know how are you getting effects with earbuds
and btw isnt opium 30 minutes long ? and the most important think how can you even not get bored/sleep or go crazy to listen the same thing for 3 hours thats insane

Re: scary i-doser experience [Revised]

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:27 am
by exangel
jombotski wrote:get some idoser approved headphones i dont even know how are you getting effects with earbuds
and btw isnt opium 30 minutes long ? and the most important think how can you even not get bored/sleep or go crazy to listen the same thing for 3 hours thats insane

i get effects from ear buds on iphone.

Re: scary i-doser experience [Revised]

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:16 pm
by Kay9965
Honestly I have no idea what to make of this. I can't exactly say whether or not it was the most tripiest hullicination unless you felt that it was real. Cause your mind really can take you places you know. Imagination is an adventure that takes you where you want to go, and other times where you don't need to.

I'm thinking that you had that dead skin on your back because you were severely dehydrated. Just think about. All these things happening to your body, the buzzing, the vibrating, why not dry skin in the mix? You Were lying on your back weren't you?
This is just me looking at it from an unreligious point of view. If it was a religious point of view, it wouldn't be a good sign for any of this to happen. But really you should just take a serious break from I dosing or any other unprescribed drugs because they'll screw with your kind in horrible ways. It's up to you to take the risk, that's up to you.

But I just want to know. How is your back? And did you finally calm down and clarify a bit of your experience? If so, please please share.

Re: scary i-doser experience [Revised]

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:05 pm
by Rastabonder
Hi! I really feel in touch witj your post,and i think i could have some anwers for you!

I take 400 mcrograms of acid in new year and even 2 weeks later i've been very very sensitive. So probably you been having these crazy feelings cause you left your chakras open be aware of this, bad energies may enter your body and getting you sick
I try the astral projection dose and in about 5 min stop listening the "waves in my head" i just did 12 of the 15 min of the dosis cause i think if i go,my body will stop breathing.
Read a book about astral trips and you will find the answer
Trust me,i consider my self a psiconauta with lot of experience and sorry if this is not good redacted,i dont talk english very well and write it worst.

Saludos from mexico ✌️