Introduce yourself

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Introduce yourself

Post by jsjboy2 »

I am 16 and in England. I'd never heard of anything like this till I talked to a friend in USA!! I think it's amazing and am spreading the word hear in England. At a party I'm throwing this weekend we're all going to drink et cetera but most of us are gunna try this. It's going to be great!! Well done to whoever created this it's an inspired idea. I really want to try hand of God and am going to save up my money to buy it!! Can't wait!! Well thats me in a nut shell (well not really I am a lot more interesting with controversial views as I'm sure you'll find out). So hi everyone and look for my posts!!

I thought it would be great if new comers just wrote a bit about themselves to begin with!!
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Post by -steinz »

Hey :evil:

Im not at all a newcomer, but i decided to post a little about myself here...
Well, im 14 years old, 15 in november, and i play guitar and make art in photoshop cs2. Ive got Bipolar Depression Disorder and i sometimes see random little round clear-ish colored shape, but that might just be my eyes fucking up...
I'm a guy, and im mentally and physically immature and i download movies and music from the internet.

EDIT: I also dont drink or do "real" drugs :)
Big Butcha
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Post by Big Butcha »

I'm 13, 14 in August. I'm pretty cool, not just my opinion. Others say I'm mature for 13.

Well, I am a rapper. I do gory, grimy, horror movie, hardcore type rap.

I like Insane Clown Posse, and other horrorcore bands. I like comedy, GFX on photoshop, I-Doser (DUH!!), smoking, and mostly eating. Because I'm fat.

I download and stuff like that. I enjoy a good laugh.
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Introduce Yourself

Post by bobholm »

I'm 64 and likely the oldest guy on here. I have been into spirituality (theosophy, meditation, etc.) for more than 30 years. While there is a firm here in Canada putting out similar CDs to what I-Doser has, I-Doser is the first on-line site I've seen providing non-pharmaceutical means to altered states of consciousness, and I'm glad finally to see that.
I'm also glad to see all the teenagers on here. Keep experimenting and deepening your experience and awareness. That's what spirituality is all about, the right-wingers notwithstanding.
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Post by shaken »

Well I'm 14 and live here right near the U.S. Capitol... I like all types of rock, from Coldplay to Metallica. Comedy and horror movies are good too. Havn't tried I-Doser out yet, but i am tonight. Hope it works. I'll see y'all around. (You'll probably also find out soon enough that I'm a former Texan, but definetely not the fat, dumass, hick kind...)

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